
Chapter 252 - Trust

Chapter 252: Chapter 252 Trust

Translator: Doggotranslation

The whole body searching and humiliation process took nearly an hour. During this period, the police outside had been attempting to establish a conversation, but this stupid attempt was naturally ignored by the costume masked man.

Because of excessive blood loss, Long Yifan’s groans gradually weakened, and his mind gradually became blurred. It seemed like he could fall into a coma at any time, but the gunmen turned a blind eye to it. The woman hiding behind me was so lucky that no one searched her. In addition, I wondered if the costume masked man deliberately wanted to keep Man Zi away from me, he actually guarded me personally. Because of this, no one also came to search my body as well. Of course, my hands were also tied up. But because I was holding champagne glasses, so my hands were tied before my body instead of behind my back. Fortunately, they didn’t search me, otherwise, they would definitely find out that I had a gun. And then, I probably would not be able to sit on a chair anymore.

“Not bad.” The costume masked man said after seeing Man Zi lifted up a bulging bag the size of a football. Man Zi smiled and asked, “Brother Heng, how much do you think these jewelry and watches are worth? Green Snake, how much cash did we find?”

The man with a face mask who shot and wounded the police kicked the backpack near his feet, and said lightly, “Over half a million. . .”

The other tall guy whistled and laughed, “As expected of rich people. Not to mention that there are many credit cards, everyone has at least ten thousand cash in their wallets.”

“There is more,” said the thin man who had just brought Long Xiaotian’s fourth wife down from upstairs. He signaled to the extremely charming woman to put two black suitcases in front of the costume masked man and said excitedly, “There are more than one million in cash in Long Xiaotian’s safe, 300,000 US dollars, ten gold bars, and a small bag of diamonds, Brother Heng, we are rich!”

Long Xiaotian had a small treasury of his own? I couldn’t help but dazed.

“Gold bars? diamonds? Fuck yeah!” The guy who had been guarding by the window and paying attention to the situation outside cheered, causing all his companions to cheer with him.

The costume masked man was still calm. He raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and then smiled softly, “It’s still too early to celebrate. It is almost two hours now, we are about to make real money.”

While his words made all the gunmen cheered even more loudly, the gunmen by the window suddenly turned around and said, “There is a car coming in! Brothers, get ready. Heng, it seems that the ransom is here!”

“Mhm.” The costume masked man responded, but his voice was no longer as relaxed as before. Obviously, he understood what it meant—since the police would let the vehicle into the courtyard, it proved that all the necessary arrangement was ready.

No one would be naive to think that the police would honestly let the gunmen collect money easily. They would definitely have some actions.

Yes, the police were not fools. As long as they got the information from Mo Fei and Dong Xiaoye, they should be aware that they did not intend to release all the hostages from the beginning. The reason was very simple. They would not wait for all the ransoms to be delivered and then run away. The reason why they gave the police two hours to collect money was to deceive the police. It was just a lie to lower the police’s guard down.

If they released all the hostages after getting the money, they would no longer have anything that would keep them safe. . . In addition, how would they be able to take all the cash away? That was not a small amount of money at all. . .

Moreover, they asked specifically for cash. According to my rough estimate, there were sixty or seventy hostages. Even if it was calculated based on fifty people, the ransom would be fifty million. Fifty million! How heavy would that be? A new one-hundred-yuan note was about 1.15 grams, 10,000 yuan would 115 grams, one million would 11.5 kilograms, ten million would be 115 kilograms, and 50 million would be. . . 575 kilograms! And if it was an old banknote, it would be even heavier!

There were six gunmen here. If they wanted to take all the cash away, it would mean that everyone would have to carry at least 100 kilograms of cash each. How would they be able to run away secretly and quickly while carrying that amount of weight with them? Even if they had some kind of transportation tools, it would be very difficult to move those cash into the car from the mansion. Therefore, they did not intend to collect everyone’s ransom from the beginning. That was to say, from the beginning, they did not have the sincerity to release all the hostages!

The woman behind me whispered to herself, “Those who send the money first will be saved, and those who send the money late will die. It is just a matter of everyone’s luck now. . .”

It seemed that I was not the only one who could see through this. Perhaps some people had never truly believed in this group of gunmen from the beginning. Fear began to emerge in everyone’s heart. Everyone knew that when the gunmen started to collect money, their own lives may also enter the countdown.

This was now a race against time, and a competition between the hostages. The gunmen were like bystanders watching them competing with each other leisurely.

“This is the police! The money you asked for is ready! Please release the hostage now!” The police outside shouted. I could recognize the voice, it was the police captain, Lin Zhi, who I had met before.

The costume masked man said to the gunman by the window. “Ask them who they want us to release first.”

“Wan Chendong.”

Hearing this name and seeing an old man standing up tremblingly, everyone was stunned. Unexpectedly, his family was the first one to get here. It must be said that this Wan Chendong was not a business tycoon, not even a millionaire, but the famous director of the Bei Tian City Land Resources Bureau!

Wasn’t this guy just a civil servant? Where did his family get this much amount of money in the middle of the night so quickly?

Bah! Where else! I glanced at Long Yifan, who was lying on the ground in a coma, and couldn’t help but spit on the ground, “Corrupt official, scum!”

The costume masked man showed off his credibility once again and asked Wan Chendong’s wife to send in the money alone. However, after Director Wan was released, he did not show any sign of joy. The argument between his old wife and his young and coquettish lover was so loud that it could even be heard inside the manor. They even exposed the size and the durability of little Director Wan. I could imagine how red this old director’s face was. I could even imagine that he must have regretted being saved. . .

The costume masked man also couldn’t stand this kind of drama. He just asked Man Zi to tell the police to send in the next person. . . . .”

Soon, several more people were released from the hall. Amongst them, there were, The deputy director of the Medicine Administration, the lawyer of the Long Family, and the president of some bank. . .

None of the first few people rescued was a business tycoon. This was somewhat unexpected, but it was not difficult to understand if one thought about it carefully. Since these people could take out such a large sum of money so quickly, it meant that they probably already had cash at home. As for why they would have so much cash at home, the answer was very obvious. The money was illegitimate. . .

The gunmen put the bundles of ransom money into the canvas bag they brought with them. Soon, the bag was filled with cash. At this moment, the costume masked man suddenly said to the steady gunman called Green Snake, “Green Snake, I’ll go and pick up the car. I will leave this place to you.”

Pick up the car? ! What did this mean? ! They had only collected a few million, but they were already planning to escape!?

After thinking about it carefully, I figured out why. This was the time when there would be more cars moving on the mountain road. They could pretend to be one of those cars and escape from the mansion. . . But what would happen to the hostages who had not been released?

The man called Green Snake nodded, his eyes suddenly became very sharp, and suddenly asked, “Xu Heng, you won’t betray us, will you?”

When the other four people heard the words, they also looked at the costume masked man in unison. The change of atmosphere made me very confused.

“Betray?” The costume mask man was silent for a moment, and then asked indifferently, “We are on the same boat. We will either get rich together or get caught together. Don’t forget that it was me who killed Long Xiaotian. If I got caught, I would also get a death sentence. Green Snake, I am tired of your suspiciousness a long time ago, and I don’t want to prove anything to you anymore. But there is one thing I have to tell you. Don’t provoke me at this time. Even if you want to suspect me, wait after we escape from here.”

For a while, there was a sense of tension between the costume masked man and Green Snake. What happened? They didn’t trust each other?

It was at this time Man Zi also said, “Yes, Green Snake, if it weren’t for Brother Heng, how could your backpack be filled with money? Swordsman, Chopper, Brother Ba, am I right? ”

Facts speak for themselves. The other three agreed with the words of Man Zi, and more or less expressed their dissatisfaction with the question of Green Snake.

“I was just kidding. If I didn’t believe you, I wouldn’t have been here now. . .” Green Snake smiled and said.

The costume masked man seemed to disdain to argue with him. He simply said, “Although the police are unlikely to come in, just in case, I need to take a hostage out, Mr. Chu, do you mind going with me?”

Me? I couldn’t help being stunned. There were so many hostages he could choose from, but why did he want to choose me? I suddenly remembered what he whispered to me before, “there is only one chance left. . .”

Regarding his choice, not only Green Snake but Man Zi who trusted him also showed a faint of displeasure. Probably because I had hit him, he thought I was not the most suitable person to be a hostage, “Brother Heng, this punk will definitely cause trouble. You can take the woman next to him as a hostage. She seems to be a very important guest of Long Xiaotian. So probably she also has a very important background.” . .”

The woman hiding behind me heard the words and subconsciously grabbed the corner of my clothes. However, her frightened gaze moving between me and the costume masked man always showed a hint of confusion. Indeed, it did not make any sense that the costume masked man would choose me. While everyone was waiting for the costume masked man’s decision, I noticed that the costume masked man’s hand had already clenched into fists, and it was shaking slightly.

Why was he nervous all of sudden?

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