
Chapter 183 - 183. Love Letter

"I was just kidding. Well, my suggestion is simple. Hogwarts Merchandise. Do you have any idea how many Wizards in this country are graduates of Hogwarts? Nearly all of them.

"They love the school, they are proud of it. They are proud of their house. ​​

"We should start selling Hogwarts and its house-related T-Shirts, hoodies, cushions, hats, robes, glasses and anything else. This can earn the school a fortune, and ex-students will get to wear their house merchandise and feel proud again." He suggested.

There was silence around them now. A small number of people who were listening to Magnus felt how good he was in business. They agreed that if there were Hogwarts Merchandise they would buy it.

Dumbledore finally gave this serious consideration.

~Hmm, it will certainly be successful. Students of Hogwarts love and take pride in being a student from there.~ he thought to himself.

"What\'s in it for you?" Dumbledore asked.

Magnus shrugged, "Nothing. It was just an idea when I was wearing this green sweater. This is a small business, not enough money for me to jump in. I\'ve got other big stuff to care about."

As they talked, Molly brought the cake she cooked herself. She was very active for a woman who gave birth just 3 days ago. Maybe magical women were just different.

"Here is the cake, it might not look amazing, it\'ll taste good that I can assure you." She said.

"Ma ma..." Suddenly a little boy came out of the kitchen, walking, stumbling around.

"This is Bill Weasley, my elder son. He\'s just two years old." Arthur picked up the boy and introduced him.

Magnus went to the boy and gave him a bar of chocolate. That\'s what kids like the most.

"Thank you." The boy replied in one word. He needed to develop his vocabulary more, it seemed.

"Aw... But don\'t forget to brush your teeth later. Too much chocolate is bad for your health." Molly warned her son.

Just then an idea struck Magnus. ~Hmm... The chocolate market is so big. And people love them, but they can\'t eat a lot due to fear of getting fat or tooth decay, especially females. Ragnar should be able to develop healthy chocolate.~

Then finally, the tiny baby was brought from the cradle. A three-day-old baby was like a mouse. Magnus was for the first time seeing such a small one.

~I wish I had a little sibling.~ he wished.

It was not a birthday but a simple celebration. The Gryffindors were party lovers for sure. They drank and joked around with each other.

Meanwhile, Magnus sat with Dumbledore, Ted, Edgar and Arthur.

"How\'s the construction going?" Magnus asked Edgar.

"It\'s very good. We\'re nearly done. Just another week and we\'ll start packing our bags there for Muggles to start working. Oh, and we have a few more projects we were thinking of starting. One of them is a big one and we want to bid for it. It\'s for a tunnel between Britain and France through the English Channel." Edgar briefed him.

~Wait... Isn\'t the corruption case that Prosecutor investigating related to this?~ he remembered.

"Umm... Its earlier bidding was cancelled due to corruption charges. I met the prosecutor in charge of it. I can delay the new bidding for about a year. In the meantime, Emrys Construction will take over other big projects around the world. We need to build a reputation for ourselves, as the tunnel project is going to be worth billions." Magnus gave instructions.

As Magnus spoke to all, Dumbledore kept quiet, he was more of a listener than a talker. But Arthur was feeling out of place right now. From listening to Magnus talking about big money he felt his head was going to explode. He wondered exactly how rich Magnus was.

But, too bad for him, Magnus himself didn\'t know this.

"What about you, Mr Weasley? How is your work at the ministry?" Magnus asked him.

Arthur felt slightly embarrassed. "It\'s all fine, I Work at the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. We just confiscate muggle items that have been bewitched to keep them away from Muggles."

"Must be interesting work. You get to see the innovative things Wizards do to muggle items. I personally think the Ministry should start funding research on muggle technology, to see what we can also use to make our lives easier." Magnus commented.

This was by far the only time Arthur heard someone appreciating his work. Otherwise, all call it boring and useless.

But he was confused by Magnus\' statement, "What can muggle artefacts do that magic cannot?"

Magnus answered, "Can you talk to someone sitting in France right now? You can\'t. You will send a letter, which will take about a day. But with the muggle technology of the Telephone, I can call anyone anywhere around the world. I really wish there was a Telephone at Hogwarts, then students who feel homesick could talk with their parents."

"We tried, but they don\'t work in the school." Dumbledore clarified.

Magnus scratched his chin and thought, "Maybe I can ask the goblins to try, they are very good at runes. Anyway, Mr Weasely, do tell me if someday you come upon any fascinating artefacts."

"Absolutely, Mr Pendragon. But I\'m afraid I am not high enough in the organisation to decide where the item would go." Arthur said.

"Hmm, then let\'s make you the department head." Magnus blurted.


Arthur choked on the butterbeer he was drinking. How could someone not even directly working in the ministry decide his promotion? "Can you do that?"

"Minster owes me a favour so why not," Magnus replied.

~I guess I have another follower now.~ Magnus thought, seeing the happy face of Arthur.

The party went on, but many different things were happening around the same time.


Ministry of Magic,

Eugenia Jenkins sat on her chair, looking at the various reports. They were recent public views about the ministry and especially her.

For the first time since she took the office, she saw the muggle-borns supporting her in such a large number. All because she supported Magnus and he said some good words about her.

The population of Muggle-borns and Halfbloods was far greater than the pureblood. But what made the Purebloods more powerful and scary was their family history, their powers and money. Now, there was Magnus, who probably had more money than all of them combined, and many big families had also come in support of him, the biggest one being Dumbledore himself.

Magnus indirectly now controls the Wizengamot by scaring the Pureblood who are against him. He was very kind for the most part, but all knew that with the addition of Magnus\' popular newspaper, tides were changing and Voldemort was losing momentum.

But, this also gave her another headache. She knew that a cornered animal is more dangerous than a free one. Now, because Voldemort won\'t have a choice, he will try to directly kill Magnus.

So she called Moody, the only person she could trust with Magnus\' matters. It was time to start providing some real security to the King of Britain.

"Moody put together a team of Wizards good at fighting, those who have a hatred towards Voldemort and Death Eaters. From now on they will be keeping Mr Pendragon secure." She ordered.

Moody chortled, "You have changed, never knew you had a strong spine."

She scoffed at his comments, "I always did. Now that I have chosen a side, I need to make sure the enemies are dead before they get to strike me."

"Good thinking. Constant vigilance is never bad. Fine, I will get to work now, someone needs to protect that brat it seems, I hope it\'s not the other way around." Moody muttered and started to leave.

"Enjoy calling him names while you can, when he takes the throne, even you will have to kneel." She reminded the proud cynical man.

Moody simply laughed while leaving, "HAHA... I will just give the excuse of my broken leg."

She sighed and shook her head. The man had a foul mouth and temper but showed results nobody else could.


At James Potter\'s house.

James was a very spoiled boy. His father, Fleamont Potter, had made a huge wealth with his invention of Sleekeazy\'s Hair Potion. He later sold the company and retired. But, he was troubled for years as he wasn\'t able to have a child. And when they had lost all hope, James was born. Hence, he was pampered and cherished a little too much.

Sirius was treated the same. Both of them just played and ate all they wanted these days.

But just then an owl flew in and dropped a letter near Sirius. It was in pink colour and the wax seal on it was in the shape of a heart.

James picked it up quickly, "Is this a letter for dad?"

"I hope aunty doesn\'t find out." Sirius felt pity for what was to come.

But James read the name on the letter, "Ah, this is for you, Sirius. Hehe, a love letter, ha? You bastard, why didn\'t you tell me you have a girl?"

"I got a girl? Since when?" Sirius wondered.


As soon as James opened the wax seal, the magic got activated and the letter flew in the air. The pink wax seal now acted as the lips.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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