
Chapter 214 - 214. Magic Book

Greed was a very good motivator to work hard. Even more so when your dream was to snatch a literal giant asteroid from space.

Magnus and Ragnar worked so hard that Nicolas had to work harder to teach them because the two boys were like sponges, who were soaking in all the knowledge he provided them. The amount of progress they showed in alchemy in just a week was beyond what he could expect from a wizard studying the subject for a year. ​​

However, both Ragnar and Magnus had a difference. Magnus excelled in the alchemy that only involved the use of other charms and which were more inclined towards fighting. Ragnar excelled in alchemy that used the potions and was more inclined towards supportive alchemy, which helps the wizard in doing many things.

For example, Magnus was making Alchemical bombs, while Ragnar was making Alchemical stones, objects that could help a wizard do things they otherwise couldn\'t without knowing certain magic. He had also started learning Spagyric.

"Professor, what is this?" Magnus inquired. They were all in Nicolas\' office. Magnus was looking at an old phoenix-embossed book.

Nicolas ran to stop Magnus from opening it but he was too late, "Ah, what have you done! Now I will have to talk to her."

Magnus confusedly asked him, "Who? And how?"


"This is a book that can be used to talk to people, no matter how far they are. I have photos of those people\'s offices here, when you open a page, it sends a notification to the other side, so they also talk back through the page I provided them." Nicolas explained.

"And who did I just call?" Magnus asked.

"Not good news, she\'s the headmaster of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She talks a lot." Nicolas revealed.

Magnus with interest looked at the page. In the photograph was an office. "Well, then you should hide, professor, I will talk to her and hang up soon."

Nicolas was absolutely in favour, "Good, then I am going down to see my wife now. Come later for dinner."

Ragnar and Magnus sat in front of the book and waited for the other side to respond.

Soon, a woman, probably in her middle ages, stepped in front of the book. She was of black descent. Magnus read the name on the page, it was Alicia Jackson.

"Hello," he and Ragnar waved hands.

But the other side seemed shocked as she was expecting Nicolas there.

"Hello, who are you?" She asked them.

"I\'m Magnus and this is Ragnar, we\'re brothers," Magnus replied innocently.

"Thank you for this valuable information. Why did you contact me with Nicolas\' book? Where is he?" She asked them.

"Well, he went to the kitchen. We\'re here to learn from him." Magnus said.

~Study? Since when did he start teaching again? And these two? Magnus?... Wait!~

"Are you Magnus Emrys Pendragon?" She hastily asked.

Magnus shook his head, "No, I am Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon."

"Yes yes, same thing. So you\'re learning from him, pretty explainable. Professor Harrison had only praises about you." She said.

Professor Harrison was Magnus\' DADA professor in 1st year, he went back to the States after that year since he could not teach more due to the DADA curse.

"How is the professor? I enjoyed his lessons a lot."

She sighed, "He stopped teaching and joined the ministry again. He became the head of the Auror department."

This was a strange development. From what Magnus knew, Professor Harrison was already a retired person of the MACUSA. Why would he join it again?

"Well, say my thanks to the professor then. Okay, bye-bye..."

"WAIT!" Alicia stopped him.

Magnus waited, "Yes?"

"Can you visit Ilvermorny School sometime in the future? You don\'t know, but there are many fans of you here. They are so keen that they are planning on going to Britain to see you." she revealed.

Magnus\' mind thought of something different, ~Hehe, I wonder if I can poach some talents from that school.~

"I will come there maybe in a year or two, for now, I want to focus on my studies. Okay bye." He closed the book.

He then turned to another page, "AHA! Found it, Dumbledore\'s office. Hehe, let\'s shock the old man."

Magnus looked through the picture. But sadly, the office was empty, there was only Fawkes, sitting on the perch and grooming himself.

"OY! FAWKES!" Magnus called him.

"!!!" Fawkes looked around himself in alertness, his battle senses picked up.

"KWAAAAA?" He screamed.

"Stop with this fake aggression, I know you do this to impress your girl. Look here, it\'s me." Magnus scolded him. It seemed that Dumbledore had framed the page and put it on the wall.

Fawkes finally noticed Magnus on the wall. To Fawkes, Magnus was his best bro, because he got him his sweet Nina. His love, his life.

"RAAA...." Fawkes cheered seeing him.

"Where is Dumbledore?" Ragnar asked him.

Fawkes looked around confusedly, scratching his head with his claw. He was clueless about it.



Magnus and Ragnar moved closer to the picture, anticipating who it was that was whistling in the headmaster\'s office.

"Oh, you woke up, Fawkes? You really seem too tired these days." It was Dumbledore\'s voice.

Magnus and Ragnar tried to guess what the old man was doing. Nobody knew what he did anyway, even less so in the holiday time.

"All right, I feel refreshed. Let\'s get over with the documents." Dumbledore went to his table and took a seat.

Magnus and Ragnar though were in shock. They just dumbly stared at the old man, humming and working.

"It seems he just..." Magnus muttered.

"Took a bath," Ragnar finished.

"PROFESSOR!" Magnus called him a little louder.

Dumbledore was alerted. He stood up, his wand in his hand. "Magnus?"

"Here, professor."

Dumbledore finally saw them, inside the photo on the wall. "What are you d... AH!"

He just realised, he had taken a bath, and there was still a towel on his head and beard. He waved his wand and both of them disappeared.

"Hehe, it\'s fine, professor, we\'re all humans. Ragnar here sometimes sleeps naked. I like to sing while bathing. Nothing to feel ashamed of here." Magnus tried to ease the old man. He did not want to intrude in his personal life.

Dumbledore smiled and took his seat again, but he changed the topic, "So, how is your training going?"

"Good, but the old man won\'t let us use the philosopher\'s stone yet. He said we are not ready to handle its power. But we\'ve achieved a lot. Our study will end here in another week and then we\'ll return home. Got too much work on the muggle side too. Okay, bye-bye now," He once again abruptly closed the book.

Dumbledore looked at Fawkes with a sense of betrayal, "Why didn\'t you tell me about them when I got out?"

"CHEEE... RAAA...."

"Really? You forgot? I am feeling a disturbance in your magic, Fawkes, I hope you have not joined the other side." Dumbledore jokingly said and got back to work.


Magnus left the book aside, the last thing he wanted to do was get in contact with some unknown head of state and go through the awkward talk.

"Let\'s go, Rag, I need your help in creating a new alchemical formula. It can generate electricity like a battery, but much stronger." Magnus once again got to work.

He spent the rest of his days studying. Alchemy was good, but he also studied his runes book. There was something to gain from it for sure. After all, Merlin was also a decent alchemist.

Ragnar threw himself into the research of modifying plants with magic, mainly alchemy. He was trying to see if he could change a plant\'s genetic function so that he can create a single tree that can grow a wide variety of fruits at the same time.

If he was successful, this would be a crazy discovery for sure.


At the same time,

Lord Mountbatten was very grateful for the rejuvenation potion. Since he had taken it he was feeling so much better. Before, he felt like he didn\'t have much energy in his body to do anything other than leisurely activities, but now, he felt like he could command an army and go through another war or something.

But, his current mission was also very important. He was supposed to get oil from Saudi Arabia. He had already sent the word that he would be coming as the herald of King Magnus.

However, his journey took a lot of time since he had to bring 5 container ships with him. Though thankfully the route was not long. They went through the Mediterranean sea, passed the Suez Canal and reached the Saudi Port.

When Mountbatten arrived there, he was surprised to see that the Saudi authorities had already kept reserved locations for them to anchor their large ships. ~It seems the Saudi King really values His Majesty.~

Reaching the country was one part, now was where his main job started

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You can read 14 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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