
Chapter 234 - 234. Rex

"Sir, that man\'s son was a captain in the army. He was working for Military Intelligence. But, a month ago he was arrested for selling secrets to the Soviets. He\'s being kept in an unknown location. That man has been trying to find his son, he was standing in front of the police station, then Buckingham Palace, and now he came here." Abe informed him.

"Didn\'t he go to a lawyer? At least the location of his son should be revealed to him. I can understand keeping him locked if he did commit treason." Magnus asked. ​​

"No sir, he\'s crying that the police or court won\'t hear him no matter what petition he files in court," Abe informed him.

"Hmm... this is troublesome. Call that man over here." He instructed and took out a small wallet from his pocket.

Soon the man stood in front of the window. His eyes were darkened due to not sleeping and his face seemed devoid of any vitality. "Take this card and go to the company. Tell them Magnus sent you. If there is any law firm that can help you, then it is this. However, if your son really committed treason and sold information to the soviets, then you won\'t get much help, however, you will know what he did and the evidence against him.

"If he is innocent then he will be set free soon. Don\'t worry."

The man\'s face bloomed in an instant. Finally, he saw a glimmer of hope, he held the card as if it was the biggest treasure in the world. "T-Thank you, Your Highness. Thank you..."

"Take a bath and eat something, you can only see your son if you\'re alive. And don\'t worry about the lawyer\'s fee. If your son is really wronged then it won\'t cost you a cent." Magnus assured him and signalled Abe to move the car in.

The man thanked him a few more times and left soon after. Magnus also put this matter at the back of his mind and went to find his family. Emma also followed behind.

Adam didn\'t have the luxury to not go to his office every day so today it was just Grace and his grandparents at home. The dinner was being prepared and Ragnar was seen messing around with Chad. Chad in return gave annoyed meowing.

"Don\'t tease him too much, Rag. He can\'t speak yet. Who knows what\'s going on in his head." Magnus said.


Chad immediately ran to him and climbed up to his shoulder, then he started dramatically meowing and pointing his fluffy paws at Ragnar. Magnus understood, he was complaining about him.

"See, he can clearly make complex thoughts but he just can\'t speak yet." He rested his case and walked over to the kitchen with Chad still sitting on his shoulder.

Despite how Magnus treated Chad, despite how much he made the fat cat run to stay healthy, he loved him as a part of the family. Same with Summer, Duck, Cuddles, Pebble, Martha and all the living beings in Camelot. Who said he didn\'t have a big family, it just spanned different species.

Hell, he had officially given everyone \'Grant\' Surname. Though a few phoenixes of Camelot were a bit angry with him.

Speaking of Phoenix, ~What\'s going on with Fawkes? Did he show his son to Dumbledore?~


Magnus\' question was being answered a few hundred kilometres away from London in the castle of Hogwarts.

Old man Dumbledore was sitting on his chair, he was tired from all the work. Recently he had been trying to increase his influence in the Wizengamot. Though he knew it wasn\'t possible unless he somehow found a way to remove the existing members who were against him.

"Ah, Magnus is jolly as always it seems." he read the newspaper and commented. News about Magnus had become far too common now. And after seeing him fight and also testing his abilities himself, he was not afraid for his safety. Also, Magnus had the guidance of Merlin, so what was he? A small wizard.

He leisurely smoked something he found in the muggle world a few days back. It was called a lemon flavoured cigarette. And he quite liked it. This gave him the inspiration to make a non-harmful cigar or pipe with lemon flavour.

It was his pet project so he worked on it every night after work hours. He was doing exactly that.

However, he felt alone. So he looked towards Fawkes\' perch. "Where did that boy go now? He\'s been acting strange these days... puberty maybe?"


All of a sudden Fawkes\' iconic, ear-deafening screech came. And along with it, Fawkes flew in from the window.

Dumbledore was about to get up to pet him when he noticed Fawkes looking out the window. Then the next moment, to Dumbledore\'s shock, another phoenix entered. And besides that was a very small Phoenix.

"Fawkes... This... Is this your family?" Dumbledore asked in shock.

Fawkes nodded and landed on his table. Then he dragged forward a small cute fluffy phoenix, who was looking left and right in curiosity. The whole family was red.

Dumbledore fawned over the little Phoenix. His fatherly instincts arose. "Who is this little boy?"

Fawkes pointed his claw at the small collar on the small phoenix\'s neck. Dumbledore checked it, it had a name on it. "Rex,"


"What a cute name. Hello, Rex. I am Dumbledore, your papa\'s friend." He introduced himself.

Little phoenix chirped happily and enjoyed the pats. His only experience of being patted was from Martha and Magnus.

"And this must be your wife. Where did you find her? I thought there was no phoenix left in the world." Dumbledore muttered.

"KREEE..." Fawkes screeched and called over his wife. He was a big boy now, with his own family. He was trying to be responsible.

Nina also greeted Dumbledore. She was the most beautiful phoenix in Camelot. Dumbledore also felt it, "I haven\'t seen many phoenixes in my life but I can tell you must be one of the most beautiful."

"HAHA... today is a happy day. Let\'s have a small feast." He cheered in happiness. If it was anybody else, they would think the old man had gone senile, talking to birds. But, only Dumbledore knew how close he was to Fawkes.

He called some elfs and asked them to bring a lot of shredded meat. That night, they were going to celebrate.


South Africa,

Maximum Security Robben Island Prison,

The maximum-security prison located on the island, almost 6 miles from the mainland, is where thousands of political prisoners, including Nelson Mandela, were held captive, tortured or killed.

Inmates endured regular beatings and extreme torture at the hands of sadistic guards whose tactics went largely unchecked. The coloured prisoners were treated the worst, as that was the fashion of that era.

Conditions inside the prison were tough. Inmates weren\'t given shoes or sufficient clothing. Many were forced every day to do hard labour in a limestone quarry under the glare of the searing African sun. At night they slept on the stone floor of their tiny cells or on rickety spring beds in larger, overcrowded dorms.

But those hardships all paled in comparison with solitary confinement, the punishment inmates feared most. It didn\'t take much to end up there: being caught reading a newspaper or political literature, singing songs about freedom, organising card games or working too slowly were just some of the punishable \'offences\'

The mental torture was often just as severe as physical. Nelson could write and receive a letter once every six months, and once a year he was allowed to meet with a visitor for 30 minutes.

Due to this, he didn\'t have much hope of getting out and he had accepted his life. But, he didn\'t want to give up.

*GRRR...* All of a sudden the door of the small solitary confinement opened. He was thrown in here for trying to stop a guard from beating his friend. The small cell had no window so when the sharp light fell on Nelson\'s eyes, he couldn\'t see anything.

The guards just caught his arms and dragged him along. "You\'re lucky. Didn\'t know you had friends at such high places."

Nelson was confused. For all he knew, the highest his reach could go was the Governor, the rest of the government was already against him.

They dragged him and threw him inside an empty room with a table and two chairs. He blinked his eyes in quick repetitions to get accustomed to the lights.

"W-who is it?" Nelson questioned.

Roger Burgess, the man selected by Magnus for the job, was already sitting in the room. He had done all the preparation work with the help of Adrian. Roger himself had lots of connections due to his work so it wasn\'t very hard. The only hard part was to add himself to a few people\'s memories. This was done by Adrian himself.

Roger went and helped Nelson get up to their seat. The man was 55 at the time, so the life of jail was taking a toll on his body. "Haha, you\'ve grown old, my friend."

Soon Nelson clearly saw Roger\'s face. He was taken aback, the man was white, why would a white man help him? He thought, as most prison guards hated him to the core. But then he recognised him.

"Ah... Roger?" he exclaimed.

[You can see the Rex and Nina on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20(Currently 15) advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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