
Chapter 276 - 276. Bring Back Honour

[A/N: Hello, bros. I am starting the major climax of this arc. After this climax is over, consider the fic 60% complete. After this, the development will be slightly faster, there will be another climax in the year 1978, then in the year 2020. 2020 will be the end of the fic. After the year 1978, there will be some time skips until the Harry Potter era starts. But I will reserve some chapters to show the fluff between Magnus and his little sibling. There will also be romance.]


30th October, A day before Halloween,

"Mag, Rag and Sev, here you go. These are your nun dresses. You should try it and tell me if you want any fitting correction." Emma came to Magnus\' room with no care at all. It was known to all now that girls could enter boy\'s dorms. Though thankfully there were charms placed on the school that stopped students from making love.

"Where is yours?" Magnus asked her.

"I\'m still working on mine, I will show you that tomorrow. For now, I need you three to try these out and check them. Oh, I\'ve also added places to keep your wands and a few pockets." She explained her creation.

Ragnar patted her shoulder, "Good job, Emma. No need to try them, we can just use magic to fix them up tomorrow."

Emma seemed dejected, it seems she just wanted to see them in the costume. But how could they let themselves be laughed at by her?

"Anyway, I\'m off to meet the boss of this school." Magnus set off.

Ragnar chuckled, "Hehe... yeah, Dumbledore is the boss. I\'m off to my new lab. Gonna prepare some firecrackers for tomorrow."

In the past few days, he had requested Slughorn and Dumbledore to get his own small potions lab where he can research and work. He didn\'t ask for money, he just needed the room. The castle was already huge and there were enough empty places. So he was granted it. He was already a world-famous potioneer anyway.

Severus stayed in his room though, as he was turning anxious. By now, he had already guessed that Halloween was when the attack on Magnus\' life was going to take place.

It was the perfect opportunity as he will be going to Hogsmeade before the dinner party. Voldemort can\'t attack inside, but outside, he\'d have enough space to do many things.

He could not tell Magnus not to go, as Voldemort would see that as an attempt by him to betray. He can only make sure he stays by Magnus\' side and saves him.

~Dying would be better than betraying a brother.~

His head was clear. There was no guarantee that the Dark Lord will let his mother go. If Magnus died, even if he is able to save her, the whole magical world will be after his life like a hound. The only thing he could do now was die honourably and hope that Magnus can save his mother from the torture.

Headstrong and firm will, he was not scared anymore. But in his heart, he hoped that Magnus can overpower the enemies, so he can also save his mother. He was planning to tell Magnus everything as the fight will start, because at that time Voldemort would be there, not watching his memories.


Headmaster\'s Office,

Magnus sat down on the visitor\'s seat and poured himself a glass of lemon tea. Dumbledore didn\'t even offer it, but this was okay. Both of them were pretty cool with each other. Dumbledore saw him as his grandson anyway.

Meanwhile, the old man was smoking his lemon tobacco-less cigar. And honestly, Dumbledore looked very badass while smocking. The man had style, Magnus had to agree.

"So, how much have you planned to spend on the party?" Dumbledore asked. He had already gotten permission from the board of governors. All of them agreed since they won\'t be spending a penny, and they were also invited, along with many world wizards from ministry and foreign countries.

"How much will the food cost me?" Magnus inquired, talking out his small diary on which he writes stuff or ideas he gets often.

"Well, according to the menu you have submitted, the food will cost at least 1236 Galleons." Dumbledore read from his own diary.

Magnus nodded and wrote, "Cool, let\'s make it 2000, this will include wages of the elfs. They are going to be doing extra work to prepare the food after all. Just tell them this money is so they can keep their 10 puppies happy."

Yes, Magnus had gifted the elfs 10 puppies as they had requested. Now they looked much happier and even washed regularly to keep the area clean for the pups.

"Fine, the next is the special decorations on top of what we do every year anyway. They will cost 500 galleons." Dumbledore added.

Magnus made the total, "Cool, it\'ll just cost us about 2500 galleons. I will put 500 in reserve in case we need to spend it on something. Now, how many people are we going to invite? I hope no party poopers come because I am going to put giant speakers in the hall for music."

"Why would they make you angry by doing that? Most of them will be coming to get in your good books anyway." Dumbledore said and hushed his concerns.

"What about the security? Such parties will always have some unruly people starting fights." Magnus asked.

"Don\'t worry, the minister will be coming with a few Aurors, Moody is here too, nothing to worry about. I will get to work now, you should go and take your classes, Magnus. I know you already know everything but at least show your face every once in a while. It cheers up the students... and the teachers." Dumbledore advised.

It was true, Magnus\' presence gets most people cheered up. Some students try to do better so they can be as good as him while some teachers feel good knowing Magnus also comes to learn from them.

"I will, professor. See you later." He waved and went out.

On his way, he looked out of the open hallway, which overlooked the outside on one side and had rooms on one side. It was morning but clouds covered the sky.

"Hmm, I guess I will go back to the dorms and listen to some music. Today\'s weather is very gloomy," he muttered.


Unknown location, Ireland.

"I have gathered you all here today because tomorrow we are going to go on a hunt to kill the biggest enemy of our goals. The goal is to make a just world where we, the pureblood and better wizards, are given their rightful place at the top. A world that we rule.

Enough with the muggle governments thinking they are the most powerful organisations. Those who still have not realised. Tomorrow, we shall kill the mudblood-prince, the so-called descendant of Merlin.

His filthy blood taints our magic. The more he lives the more he will damage our world with his schemes and evil. People think he is some kind of a messiah, but WE SHALL SHOW THEM THE TRUTH. THE REALITY!

And once they see it, they shall accept us, bow to us. We shall rule, and they will SERVE US. So arm yourself, for tomorrow, we shall change the world."

Voldemort stood in front of a large number of wizards, numbering more than a hundred. The 20 standing in the front were Death Eaters, the rest were other Dark Wizards, who wanted to become a death eater or just wanted to serve the Dark Lord.

The people cheered and chanted the glorious name of their lord. Voldemort meanwhile stood still while smiling with ecstasy. To his left stood Rodolphus and to his right stood Lucius.

Lucius looked dreamy, his goal was coming very close now. ~Just one more day. I will avenge you, father. I will bring back honour to the Malfoy family.~

[You can see Voldemort and his Death Eaters on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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