
Chapter 294 - 294. Suffering From Quidditch Success

It was November, meaning quidditch season. This year in particular the hype was much more. The reason being what these matches would mean. Supporters of each house came in great numbers to watch each match.

Quidditch Inter-House Cup. It was not simple as it was also a qualifier tournament that would decide which house\'s team goes to France. Currently, all four teams had finished playing their practice matches. Slytherin was nearly guaranteed to be one of the teams that would go to France due to great players like Magnus and Emma. Meanwhile, the other teams didn\'t have super-wizards like Magnus.

But most were interested in knowing who would be the second team to represent Hogwarts. Hence, the competition between Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff was fierce.

The first rounds were fierce, and Hufflepuff was soon out of the tournament. Slytherin was the first to reach the finals, the second one was Gryffindor. Initially, they had a weak team due to the new seeker, now, after one year of experience and training their seeker was much better as well as coordinated.

But their winning streak ended as soon as the match started with Slytherin. Magnus devastated them by catching the golden snitch in a record time of 20 seconds.

It was right to say that even before Gryffindor mustered their courage and hope the match was over. The crowd had just started cheering for their respective favourite teams and the match was already finished. Even Madam Hooch was left shocked and confused and forgot to whistle.

Heck, it wasn\'t just the Gryffindor team that was shocked, even Slytherin folks were left in shock as they tried to understand what this even meant. Emma, who was beside Magnus, felt speechless, "Was this necessary?"

Magnus shrugged, "Some questions are better left unanswered."


"AND THE SLYTHERIN TEAM WON WITH 150 POINTS. This is a new record, a win in 20 seconds. It seems our win is all but guaranteed in France. Let\'s congratulate and wish both the teams good luck." The announcer kid shouted through the mic.

Magnus happily handed the golden snitch to Madam Hooch and walked towards the exit. Behind him, his dumbfounded team followed. They hadn\'t even broken a single drop of sweat and felt as good as they were before the match.


There was a weird eerie silence lingering. Magnus didn\'t like it. "Come on, people. We won, you all can cheer."


Reed, a chaser, dropped his broom, "Man, I feel like I was given a big Christmas present but only found a Knutt in the box. It\'s... it feels weird."

Emma agreed, "True, even though we won, it was too damn easy. I don\'t think I even blinked my eye and before I knew it, he had caught it. I HAVE A SUGGESTION!"

Everyone became alert. She was the captain after all, "From now on, Magnus should be sent to the second line as a replacement player. It\'s no fun if he finishes the game before we can even move a muscle, how will we become better like this? All those who agree, raise your hands."

Magnus on the side stared dumbly. He was being ignored like he had committed a grave sin. "Come on, I thought you would appreciate me finishing early."

"We would have if it was a game with the French, not here. Anyway, you will play only after we all have done something." Emma decided.

"What if their seeker gets the golden snitch? Don\'t be impulsive and overconfident. We\'re going there to represent our school. We need an absolute victory there, we\'re not going there to enjoy it. Even by mistake if we lose, we will become the laughing stock of the British wizarding community. Are you ready to take this chance?" He scolded them.

He felt that he should have let them lose a few matches in the prelims so they at least know what defeat tastes like. After all, ever since he joined the team from the first year, Slytherin has never lost a match.

Emma thought about it and realised she was being too dumb. Magnus was their strongest link, he not only catches the golden snitch but also makes sure the opponent seeker can\'t get to it.

"You\'re right, Magnus. We should just ask you not to complete the game so quickly." She apologetically said.

He shrugged, "I will not be participating in inter-house tournaments from next year. I will remain a reserve, only if you all can bring the team to the finals each year will I play, even then I will stay as a reserve."

He told them and left. The team felt disheartened that they just made him upset due to their stupidity. But at the same time, they felt that Magnus was just too good for school level games.

"I... think we pissed him off." One of them said.

Another one cursed, "Damn right, who would feel good to be blamed even after winning the whole game. Meh... I\'m going to eat something,"

Slowly the whole team dispersed. Emma also quickly changed her clothes and found Magnus in the Great hall chomping on some pancakes. The elfs in the kitchen now always keep some batter ready-made for Magnus. Whenever he asks, they just cook some and give him. It takes a few minutes anyway.

"Mag, I didn\'t mean to make you feel bad." Emma apologised.

Magnus turned to her with half the fork in his mouth and his cheeks puffed. "What? Ah... the game? Don\'t think about it, Emma. I\'m not angry, I had already decided to quit from next year. The game has become too easy. No team can stand against me."

*CHOMP* he ate his 12th pancake.

Emma didn\'t even care, it was normal to see him eat so much. "Well, my dad knows a lot of people in the English national team. What do you say, wanna play in the quidditch world cup?"

"The minimum age for quidditch World Cup players is 14. I\'m just 13 right now," he argued.

"However, you will be 14 on the 15th of January. The world cup will go on from the 25th of December to the 25th of January. You can play in a few matches if you want to feel challenged." She suggested.

Magnus thought about it, "Hmm... but, it all depends if the English team can even survive until then. If it gets out before I turn 14, it\'ll be a waste of time."

"You can just be the reserve, I will force the team manager to let you play after your birthday. What do you say?" She asked excitedly.

Magnus agreed, "Sure, tell me if you can get me in."

"YESSSS.... I\'ll be back." She ran away to write a letter to her father.


English National Quidditch team headquarters,

A few days later, the managing director of the English National Quidditch team, Jackson Whiston, got a letter from a very beautiful orange owl. He had no idea who sent it but he took it.

At a glance, he saw the seal of the owner of Nimbus Broom Company. He quickly opened it thinking they made some new brooms and wanted to give them to the team. But after reading the letter, his face became conflicted.

The World Cup was about to begin, and here he was, reading this strange request that he really wanted to deny but he also didn\'t want to.

"Why the hell should I let a kid play in the game? But... He\'s Magnus the Great. If I don\'t let him play, and then lose, people will blame me for the loss. But if we let him play, and then lose, people will blame the team for being too weak and not up to His Majesty\'s calibre." He realised.

He quickly went to his other managing people, like the coach, the team captain and many others. "So, what should we do?"

"Just let him be the reserve." The captain said.

Jackson shook his head, "It\'s specifically said that the moment he turns 14 and if our team is still in the game, he shall play as the seeker."

"Does he have prior experience? We know he plays quidditch, but how good is he?" The coach asked.

*Sigh* "We don\'t know. Do we have any new recruits from Hogwarts who can tell us about him?" Jackson asked.

Eventually, they found a third-liner newly scouted player from the Slytherin team from last year. He joined the team after finishing school.

"WHAT?! YOU MUST LET HIM PLAY. He\'s awesome, the best seeker I have ever seen in my life. He just won a game a few days ago, he caught the snitch in just 20 seconds. We should be happy his majesty is coming, with him, winning the cup is guaranteed." the boy enthusiastically said.

But others didn\'t share his level of confidence and dismissed him as a fanboy of Magnus.

*Sigh* "What can we even do? Stopping him from playing is like dropping an axe on our own foot. He\'s the richest, allegedly the strongest and the most influential wizard right now. He\'s also the king of muggles. Let\'s just endure it this season. I will go and try to talk to the minister of magic and see if she can do something about this." Jackson dismissed the meeting and went to the ministry.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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