
Chapter 392: Subjective Righteousness

Chapter 392: Subjective Righteousness

Dumbledore was in his office, reading the report about the construction of the new Hogwarts and also the management of the school. Thanks to Magnus, who had built such an efficient system to catch and punish dark and evil wizards that he found himself with much more free time. The time that he did not waste, as he too wanted to do something for the world.

“Fawkes, will you bring me that ledger from the wall?” He called his friend. Fawkes was a responsible father now, he was berated by Chad for being useless and not doing anything productive, since then he made Dumbledore ask him to help him in the office in return for a salary. It was not really needed, as Dumbledore would even give him all his wealth if Fawkes asked.


Out of nowhere, a blue light entered his office from the window, illuminating the whole room. “A Patronus?”

“Professor Dumbledore, it’s Magnus, please come to the opening of Forbidden Forrest 300 metres away from Hagrid’s hut. A heinous crime has been committed by a Hogwarts student against a girl,” Magnus’s voice briefed the old man.

As soon as Dumbeldore heard the last words, he frowned, if Magnus was calling him, instead of taking care of it himself, and even saying it was heinous, then it was something really bad. “Fawkes, follow me, boy.”

He apparated away.


Professor McGonagall was in her office room, preparing to head to teach the fifth years, as they had classes on Saturday too. Magnus Patronus reached her and informed her of the situation, the same happened with Slughorn who was in the Potions lab. All of them rushed to where Magnus called them.

By now, Emma was able to calm Mary Macdonald, the girl realised that it was Magnus and felt much calmer, at least the Hogwarts students were confident in Magnus.

“I… I was here to get some herbs for my Potions experiment, I need to practice to get a N.E.W.T in it. But… he followed me and…” She told them everything that happened, luckily, they arrived in time and Mulciber II was not able to violate her.

Speaking of the devil, he was still on the ground, injured and weak, Magnus had only stopped his bleeding, he was still injured and in pain. His fate was to be decided now.

Soon enough, the three professors arrived in a rush, when they saw the scene of Mary Macdonald being covered with a white sheet and hugging Emma, while Mulciber II was on the ground, it all became clear to them. Still, Magnus explained everything.

Slughorn was so angry that he nearly stomped on Mulciber II’s neck, no one had ever seen him this angry. There was somewhat of a racist reason why he was so angry, it was common knowledge that Slughorn favoured the purebloods as he saw them more cultured. But, what Mulciber II did was totally uncultured, it was the worst thing a pureblood could do in his eyes.

McGonagall instead went to help the girl, Dumbledore stayed standing there thinking about what to do now, this was the first time he had such a case occur.

Magnus gave an idea, “Umm, let’s end all this mess right here, we will tell the students that she was assaulted by Mulciber II in the forest, but the Centaurs punished him.”

“You mean to kill him?” Dumbledore asked, totally not in favour.

“Come on, Professor, his entire family is either dead or in Azkaban, his family’s entire wealth has been seized by the bank and the ministry. Look at him, he is as evil as they get, don’t you have the regret of not killing that boy when you had the chance? Well, I feel the same about him. I am a true believer in second chances, but, I gave him many already, any more chances are just us being dumb.” Magnus rested his case.

Dumbledore looked at him with a conflicted gaze, but there was a hint of a decision there, “I as the headmaster of this school can not and will not accept killing one of my students. I shall take Miss McDonald to the infirmary and make sure she gets the best treatment.”

As soon as he said that, not even wasting a second or second glance, Dumbledore apparated away with teachers and the girl. Ragnar, confused, asked, “Why did they leave so suddenly?”

Magnus smiled, “Well, they are teachers, of course, they can not see me killing a student. They are just trying to turn a blind eye to whatever is going to happen to this fool.”

He walked to Mulciber II and crouched beside his body, the boy was truly scared, “You little piece of shit, despite so many chances, you just had to mess up and give me a chance to destroy you. Okay, what should we do to you? Give you to the Acromantulas or Centaurs? Death is imminent in both cases.”


“Should have thought about it before, rest in pieces.” Ragnar mocked him.

Then, Magnus grabbed his hair and dragged him into the forest. His choice was Acromantulas because of how terrifying they look and their love for the human brain.

“Mulciber, most of the wizarding world has already accepted my power, they have accepted that Voldemort is nothing against me, then why did you cling onto it? What gave you the confidence?” he asked him.

“Lucius… he will get to you, mark my words,”

Ragnar burst into laughter, “Pfft… damn, you guys are so easy to brainwash and manipulate. Do you really think this? Did you become his bitch or something?”

“What a loyal bunch, even united in death. Rag, I say, we should take notes from them on how to be loyal.” Magnus said.

*Grrr… crunch*

Just then, Magnus mistakenly stepped on a small spider, one of the millions of children of Aragog. “If you all don’t want to die or get burnt, move away and let me meet your boss.”

Remembering the last time Magnus was in the forest, they stepped aside, they could not take on him in a thousand years. Magnus soon enough arrived in the cave of Aragog.

The giant elephant-sized spider with milky white eyes knew of his arrival. It was blind so it rarely left the place. “Why have you come now, Merlin’s spawn, why torment us more?”

“Come on, you attacked me the last time, it was a fair fight. And I am not here to torment you today, I want you to eat this boy up while inflicting as much pain as possible.” He requested.

“Why do you want your own kind dead?” Aragog questioned.

“Would you not kill a spider that keeps making mistakes and refuses to learn to fall in line? He’s the same,” Magnus replied.

“Reee… I am Lord Voldemort’s follower, do not kill me if you want to live, beast.” Mulciber screeched.


Aragog threw a log of wood on him to shut him up, “Then I shall eat you even slower. That vile creature is an enemy of us Acromantula.’

Magnus nodded, “Good good, this is what I expected from you. Fine, I will head back now, if I ever find out that you did not kill him, I will burn down your entire colony, remember this.”

“Hmph… we don’t let our food go,” Aragog snorted and munched on Mulciber’s leg.

“AAAAA… no… Magnus… please… save me, don’t leave me here… PLEASE!” Mulciber cried.

For a second, he did feel some pity, but it went away with the thought of ‘What if he was late today?’.

“You deserve all of this, Mulciber,” Magnus said before leaving.

“How is she now?” Magnus arrived at the infirmary.

“As good as normal, Mr Oroborus’ potions were top class, they did their job exceedingly well.” Madam Pomfrey exclaimed.

But then Mary Macdonald sat up in the bed, “T-Thank you, Magnus, Ragnar and Severus… and Emma.”

“Hey, Hogwarts is a big one family, of course, not including the ones like that pig. We watch each other back. Now relax and rest.” He went with Dumbledore to his office, Ragnar and Severus were too.

“What happened to him?” Dumbledore asked.

“I did not kill him, professor, the Acromentulas took him. Right, my brothers?” Magnus smartly answered.


“That’s true,” Severus and Ragnar vouched. This made Dumbeldore take a sigh of relief.

“I will file an official report then, the Ministry needs to be informed about this incident. I leave controlling the media to you. You can return now,” he dismissed.

As soon as he was left alone, the portraits started to talk to him. Asking him if he thinks what he did was right. To them, Dumbledore had only one answer, “We live in unprecedented times, I have been lenient and we see what it caused. This may be wrong, but right and wrong can be subjective.”

[A/N: The last mini-arc of Hogwarts Volume is starting next. It will be pretty fun and important, a few answers and questions will come Magnus’ way. The story will be fast-paced after Hogwarts, stopping for major mini-arcs between the years until the end of the Story in the Year 2021.]

[You can see Aragog on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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