
Chapter 304 Nora's Answer

George desperately wanted to run away just hearing that phrase but his legs moved forward when she gestured for them to sit on the sofa. His heart was beating wildly, does he really have to go through this? He could guess her answer comprised of two letters.

"So, I wanted to get this out of the way. Will you please listen to everything I have to say?" She asked.

Everything? He groaned internally but nodded instead.

"Earlier, what you said to me, I feel that it was a bit too sudden, practically out of the blue. I tried to find reasons why you could have asked that of me but only came up with one. Now, don\'t take this the wrong way or be offended but it\'s how I see things: I think your time spent with Sister Harper may have influenced that decision. "

"You think I made that decision having the mindset of \'life is too short\' because of her?" He confirmed.

She nodded. "So my answer is no."

He also nodded. Silence ensued between them, it was so heavy, almost suffocating. She watched him closely, something clearly brewing in his mind. Was she too cold with her rejection? Can she take what he would say next in response to her rejection?

Nora\'s heart thumped harder when he stood up. Expecting him to say his piece, he left the living room with not so much as a word.

Her jaw dropped, not believing him at all She stood up and followed after him. Without knocking, she let herself into his room to find clothes on his bed and him rummaging through his wardrobe. George was a tidy person so this only meant: he\'s leaving!

"Are you serious right now?" She charged on, angry with him.

"What?" He glanced in her direction seeing that she was walking towards him and continued with what he was doing.

"That\'s it?" She stopped, glaring at his side profile.

"What are you going on about?" He glanced at her, clearly confused by her being upset. Shouldn\'t it be him who should be upset? He was the one who got rejected.

"I just rejected you and then you do.... this?" She gestured at his actions with both her hands.

"I need to."

"Ha!" She scoffed and folded her arms against her chest. "You\'re the type to run away from your problems instead of facing them."

"What are you talking about? I came to freshen up."

"So you\'re not leaving?" She tried not to hide her relief but failed.

"The only person that\'s leaving right now is you because I need to shower", he soun her around, showing her the door before he started going to the bathroom.

"You didn\'t answer my question", she moved around and blocked his path. The clothes on his bed were undeniable evidence that he\'s leaving.

"Why does it matter to you whether I leave or not? You just rejected me", he pointed out leaving her tongue tied. He maneuvered around her and disappeared into the bathroom.


"Damn it Nora!" He quickly took a towel to cover his lower body that only had boxers on.

"Well you should\'ve tried to convince me otherwise", she marched in, still upset and stood at a good distance.

George let out a tired sigh, what will he do with this woman? But seeing the mist in her eyes, he could not help but explain himself. "Listen, I only hoped that whatever this is between us could develop into something more. That\'s all I wanted for the both of us but the timing is against me right now, so seeing that\'s how you felt although it feels like it isn\'t anymore, I don\'t know, I couldn\'t convince you otherwise. I don\'t know what it is but I don\'t want to have just meaningless sex with you. I think you\'re more special than that, crazy or not."

Silence. She was looking at him but did not know what her look meant? Did he upset her even more? What was he doing wrong again? Is she going to reject him again? Once was enough. Or is this about him leaving? She seemed more upset about that idea. Or is he wrong? Really, what\'s bothering her?

"And I\'m not leaving. I plan on doing laundry once I\'m out...." He added awkwardly.

That sentence brought her back to wherever her mind took her to. She marched towards him, bridging the gap. "Forget that laundry, you\'ll be doing something else tonight."

Before he could properly register her words, she grabbed his face and brought his lips to hers. Soft. Very soft. It took a second for George to realize she was kissing him.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer as he hungrily reciprocated the act. His arms moved to her thighs and she jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms locked around his neck. His towel fell in the process that they didn\'t even notice.

He moved around, trying to concentrate on the kiss and finding a spot to set her down. The counter, he moved till her bum rested on it. He grabbed her by the throat with enough pressure not to hurt her and broke the kiss.

"This...." He started in between breathing hard. "You know what this means?"

"Do you really want to have this talk right now?" She was getting agitated. She would rather do other things than talk.

"It\'s important for we do. Nora, I meant what I said. Every word."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, clearing her head. She opened her eyes, staring into his soul. "I know. And this is my answer."

George smiled in relief. Nora was so caught up with the gorgeous smile she had never seen before that she could not help but smile as well. "So are we doing this or what?"

"Someone\'s impatient", he shook his head.

"Well, if my actions were not a hint enough for y-"

He shut her up with his lips, taking advantage of the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. She moaned against his mouth and shuddered when she felt his hands slip under her blouse, glazing against her skin then give her breasts a good squeeze.

"Mmm!" She moaned, trying to squeeze her legs shut but failed with him standing between her.

In between the kiss, he helped her out of the blouse, tossing it to the floor and she didn\'t waste a second to undo her bra where it joined the blouse, setting her mounds free. He watched in awe, mesmerized by their beauty, with nipples erect.

"Wow", he whispered.

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