
Chapter 333 Book Club Reunion

The next day

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Excited squeals were heard from the conference room of the library.

Stella was surrounded by her friends and they all engulfed her in warm hugs and happy smiles. Adrianne tried not to tear up seeing her good friend back in town and walking on her two feet.

"Feels like it\'s been forever!" Anastasia complained.

"I know", Stella drawled with tears glistening in her eyes. "How has the book club been? Did you guys make progress? How far are you into the book?"

"We couldn\'t get anything done without Dorothy bringing you up", Adrianne replied earning a shocked gasp from the said person.

"What do you mean by that?" Dorothy looked more embarrassed than offended.

"Don\'t even deny it! You grew more gray hair from stressing about her", Adrianne added shamelessly causing the older woman\'s face to grow ugly while the rest of the group broke into snickers.

"Yup, that officially replaced gossip time, and speaking of which, I have a loooooooot to tell you guys now that we\'re all together", Emma announced excitedly, practically itching to spill the tea.

"Before that!" Meredith held up her hand. "How\'s Emily? And how\'s the baby?"

"That reminds me", Stella held up her finger and took out her phone and face timed the girl. Everyone watched in anticipation as Stella placed the phone on the table. Emma quickly went to stand beside Stella and everyone followed.

"Stella?" Amy answered after the third ring and her face came into view before surprise etched onto her features.

"Emily!!!!" Emma shouted along with everyone.

"Oh my gosh!" Amy cupped her face and tears fell from her eyes earning a bunch of \'Aw\'s from the ladies. "I\'ve missed you ladies."

"We\'ve missed you too!"

"How are you?"

"How\'s the baby?!"

"Where is she?"

"You don\'t look too well!"

"Is someone there to help you?"

"Where\'s your man?"

"Is he good to you?"

So many questions at once, Amy chuckled through a sob and wiped away her tears with her hands. "I\'m fine and the baby is fine. She\'s gone for a walk with her Dad."

"Isn\'t she a month old?" Anastasia asked, looking puzzled.

"She doesn\'t mean a literal walk, and it\'s the Dad doing the walking", Dorothy shook her head.

Amy smiled, "Yes, Zachery made it a thing to take her outside for some fresh air and sunlight."


"And what a story you guys have going on!" Emma cut in with a shake of her head. "Sounds like something from a novel really! How could you run away from a rich man after your heart? Did you not think you were good enough? Look at you! Where\'s your confidence girl?!"

Amy\'s lips twitched, it being the first time she heard the story Stella spun on the ladies and the older woman grew red realizing she had forgotten to let her in on it.

Amy only smiled, "Thank you Emma." She the remembered something important, "And I know you got my messages through Stella but I still wanted to thank you for the amazing baby shower gifts. Zachery and I love them, they\'re so cute on Roserie! Thank you!"

"You\'re welcome", they chorused while giving her smiles.

"Roserie Frost! It has a nice ring to it", Dorothy commented earning approving hums.

"Thank you. And I would have loved to have you ladies over-"

"Don\'t sweat it Amy", Adrianne cut in. "We\'re just glad you and the baby are okay."

"I can never get used to that name", Emma grumbled quietly but everyone heard her making most of them laugh.

Another story that Stella made up, that Amy was too sick during her last trimester hence she didn\'t hold a baby shower. In truth, it was because of the situation then especially having a bounty on her head that Zach chose to take Stella.

As risky as that was, it was easier to bring her along with the excuse of treating her hip injury at a better hospital plus he knew what the woman meant to Amy. Thus they could not risk anyone else or Amy\'s saftey even if she was the master at hiding.

She gave them a grateful smile. "But, I doubt Stella has had the chance to tell you yet, I\'m getting married-"

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Emma and Anastasia squealed in excitement earning laughs from the rest.

"And I\'d love for you all to be there", Amy concluded with a chuckle.

"And speaking of getting married, did you guys hear what happened to Aaron Frankfurt and Tracy Hellman?" Emma suddenly cut the excitement short earning everyone\'s attention. Amy could not contain her smile, it was just like Emma to have a story for everything but she listened still, also curious.

"The highschool sweethearts? Weren\'t they planning their wedding when I left?" Stella probbed.

"They were and oh my gosh! You should have seen how beautiful the town hall looked on their day and gosh! Her dress! I want to have a vow renewal in that dress!" Emma beamed.

"The story Emma!" Adrianne nudged in annoyance.

"Right, so everything was perfect until the priest asked if there was anyone you know, to object. Guess who raised their hand?"

"Aaron? I never thought he would have the heart to cheat, he looked so in love with her", Dorothy shook her head.

"Nope! Tracy did and eloped with his mother, leaving the poor man at the alter!" She concluded.

"WHAT?" Their jaws dropped in utter shock.

"Yup. He was so convinced she was in love with him but who knew she had a steamy affair going on with his mother of all people?" Emma shook her head.

"When did they find time to develop such a relationship? As far as I know, Aaron and Tracy were joined to the hip", Stella mused.

"Maybe it was when Aaron\'s mom was helping her with the wedding!" Anastasia chirped in.

"They must have realized their feelings then and grew closer", Meredith said with an amused smile playing on her lips.

"Stealing kisses and getting naughty when he wasn\'t looking", Emma said with a chuckle.

"Oooh! I can picture them using cake tasting or dress hunting as an excuse only to....", Adrianne gasped and shook her head at the image she created in her head. "That is both hot and disturbing."


The sound of something metallic clunking against the floor caught their attention and they saw Amy look away from the camera. But the girl had an uneasy expression directed at whoever was in the room.

"Y-you-you\'re back", she stuttered while looking at him and swallowed a hard lump. "From your walk."

"Mm-hm", Zach replied, the lack of amusement in his deep voice caused a deafening silence on both sides.

"Oops!" Emma abruptly terminated the connection.

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