
Chapter 263 - Teaching The Air Mages For Real This Time

The next day, everyone returned to training. With me teaching the two air mages again. This time for real.

The two air mages already know the limit of their air magic yesterday. After the volleyball match.

Yeah, everyone became so motivated after that final between my team and Albert\'s. It was amazing the effect of trying to smack his face to everyone here.

I just wanted to smack his face with the ball. After that, I just made up reasons Why I did that. Valid excuses which only truths were spoken. Albert understand that, and he made me play along with him. Good thing it worked.

Now, I am teaching the two air mages who has prepared to learn. I think even if I told them to go dive underwater again, they will comply this time and not making excuse like not wanting their clothes wet again.

We still train on the beach, but this time, it\'s crowded with kids who played volleyball. It has become popular activity for everyone. Other than the kids, there are some people who played it when they are not training.

"Now, the first thing I want to teach is Air Shot. I\'ll give you each a rifle. I made this from the scale of a monster. Don\'t complain about how it looks. I did my best."

I gave the two air mages one rifle each. I just need for it to has a barrel with one open end, a bigger place for the compressed air, and a place for the projectiles. I made it so it can fire a stone or pebble.

"This look terrible."

"Not cute at all."

"You two are going to make me cry! If you want the real thing, it will look like this! I asked Marie to build some of these, but she has other things to create first. Just make do with those two!"

I said while transforming Victoria into a better shaped rifle to show them. Once Marie prepared new rifles for them, those ugly rifles will be exchanged.

"Sigh… anyway, here\'s how you do it. First, compress some air in this area, then aim for the target, and burst the compressed air. That\'s simple."

I demonstrate how to use it, and aim at the target practice I made. The shot went right through the middle of the target. I did it again one more time and hit different target perfectly.

"It\'s simple. Just compress air, aim, and shoot. And it didn\'t take much mana. I think you two can at least shoot about one hundred times at this stage. Today, your goal is to hit the target from twenty meters distance. That\'s about the same distance that mages would cast their magic to attack their opponent. By the way, the recoil is pretty strong. It might affect the aim. So, hold the rifle as steady as you can."

The girls already excited to try it. So, I asked Oleg\'s wife to do it first.

She aimed at the closest target, which is just five meters ahead. She fires the bullet, but the recoil is too strong for her. She stepped back just from one shot. As for her shot…

"I hit it!"

"No, you don\'t! Your target is the five meters ahead, but you hit the one thirty meters away!"

"Isn\'t it good that I can hit from that distance?"

"It\'s good if you actually hit the one you targeted! If it\'s the real thing, I will be the one who get shot when the war happens!"

The one she hits was thirty meters away from us. And the practice targets weren\'t set in one row. But some are on the right of the five meters one, or on the left side. As for the one she hits, it\'s the furthest to the right.

I\'m worried that our ally will be the one who will get shot.

"The recoil is too strong. I\'m not strong enough for this." Oleg\'s wife complained.

"Then you need to compress less air. That way, the shot will be weaker and you can\'t shoot long distance. But at least you can handle the recoil. You don\'t have to put the same strength on every shot. You can alter it between weak or strong. If you can\'t defeat your enemy with the strength that you put, at least you can annoy them. Now, try again! This time, hit the one you aimed!"

This time, Oleg\'s wife put smaller amount of air compressed into the rifle, and shot the target. She hits it! Although unlike my shot, her bullet doesn\'t pierce it. And it just grazed the side of the target. But at least it\'s an improvement.

"Good. Now, get used to it little by little. Practice until you know how much amount of air that you can stand, and the distance you can reach. Don\'t bother much about the power. That can be taken care of once you get stronger. For today, your target is the one in twenty meters. Try to aim closer to the middle. Next, you!" I asked the agent to do it this time.

"By the way, you haven\'t said any of our names since the start of the lesson. Don\'t tell me that you don\'t remember our names?" The agent asked.

"…my memory sucks. I won\'t be able to memorize too many names." I said.

"…fine. I\'ll forgive you for that at least. His majesty already warned me about this."

The agent forgives me, then she started to aim at the target practice.

And what did she mean about Albert warned her? Don\'t tell me that he\'s actually making fun of me?

I\'m fine as long as I know your face, okay? As long as I know that you\'re our allies, it will be fine.

The agent tried to do it with according to my instructions, and after witnessing Oleg\'s wife\'s practice.

Her first shot missed by only a few centimeters. I guess that\'s what I can expect from an experienced agent.

Then her next shot was close to the middle of the target. And the bullet almost pierce through the target.

"Well, that\'s good. You both managed to do it after two tries. You can also put some other magic later. For example, wind magic to alter the direction, or fire magic to burn the bullet, and hit the enemy while it\'s hot. I think that will give more damage to the enemy if the level of your fire element is low. Now, continue until you hit the target!"

I ordered the two to continue shooting. I made another target so both of them can practice together.

After one hour, the agent managed to hit the twenty meters distance target slightly on the edge, and Oleg\'s wife just scratch the target. That\'s good enough for me. They can practice on their own later.

"Alright, good job. Now we will practice other thing. We will need someone to practice this on, but I\'ll teach you what you can do on your own for now. Does any one of you is a fire mage?"

The agent raised her hand.

"I see. Have you trained your fire magic yesterday? Or two days ago?"

"Yes, I have."

"Good. Create a fire on your fingertip. Concentrate while making it as big as you can."

The agent did as I said. The fire is about the size of a human\'s head. Which is pretty good since fire is difficult to control. At least that\'s what I heard.

"Alright. Keep concentrating and make it last as long as possible."

Then put my hands close to the fire, and use air magic. I made non-flammable gas around it. just enough to make the fire smaller.

"What!? How did this happen? I\'m sure I\'m giving my all in this!" The agent was shocked.

"Actually. There are many types of air. Or should I say gases. I used air magic, to create non-flammable gas around your fire. Next is flammable gas."

This time, the fire above her fingertip got bigger. So big that she can\'t handle it anymore, so she has to stop her magic so it won\'t go wild.

"That one just now is flammable gas. Don\'t think that air magic is useless. It can change the properties of air around you. What I can do is not much at the moment. Flammable gas, non-flammable gas, sleeping gas, and some others. Since you have a fire element, the flammable gas is good to make your fire bigger. And if your enemy is a fire mage, you can make your enemy\'s fire magic disappear into nothing. Air magic is awesome, right? By the way, I\'m also a doctor. I can use air magic to relieve pain during surgery, and create anesthetic gas. For other types of gases, please ask Victoria. She knows much more than me."

I said that as I let Victoria turns into her human form. She will be the one teaching them from now.

I guess that mean I have nothing else to teach.

While no one is looking, I opened a portal back to Cassau. I wanted to eat some sweets today. No one can bake a cake in that island since there\'s no ingredients for it. I\'ll just make sure that no one knows about it.

Oh, right! I\'ll buy some sweets to bribe those who realize it. That should be good enough, right?

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