
Chapter 317 - The Night Continues

Let\'s kidnap the orphans first before helping the others with the capital. Since the king is already in a safe place, we can take our time. At least I don\'t think there will be anyone else here that can threat us.

"Sonia, inform the others that I won\'t join them in the fight yet. I\'ll be kidnapping all the orphans. I hope the orphanages haven\'t been destroyed yet."

I asked Sonia to relay a message to the others who are fighting.


"Sure. Where are you taking them?" Sonia asked.

"Russell\'s village." I replied.

"That\'s King Henry\'s friend, right? The one who will erase the children\'s memory about the explosive devices? I suppose everyone will agree then." Sonia said and then she disappeared.

Just erasing their memories? Is that what old man Henry told her? I guess he doesn\'t want the fact that Russell is brainwashing the orphans to leak.

It will also cause more problem if the truth is known. I should be quick then.

First, I need to get some help. Let\'s open a portal to Albert\'s place.

When I opened the portal, I can see that the people with explosive devices that I delivered to that side are being restrained. Albert must have conducting interrogation at the moment. But what about the guards without explosive devices?

"What is it, Roy?" Albert asked.

"I want to use this chance to kidnap the orphans and bring them to Russell. I\'ll have Russell cooperate with me and tell the orphans that they are being taken to a safe place since the capital is in chaos. I need old man\'s help." I said.

"How\'s the capital?" This time, old man Henry is the one asking.

"It\'s going well. At least from my view. I don\'t think there are other strong people left in the capital. I can leave the rest to the girls, the Werewolves, and the hunters here." I said.

"Hmm? What Werewolves?" Old man asked.

"Old man, he\'s a summoner. And unlike other summoner, he entered Monsters World and made a contract with the monster there. The monster he made a contract with after he fulfilled their condition is a Werewolf. Which ended up turning him into the Werewolf King." Albert explained.

"…seems like there are many other things that you haven\'t explained, huh?" Old man looked at me.

"Do I really need to tell everything? It\'s not like it was important at the time I was explaining." I said.

"Fine. Have you talked to Russell about this?"

"Not yet."

"…then I will go. Albert, take care of my children here. Put them into the dungeon and make sure none of them escape." Old man said to Albert.

…that\'s not taking care at all. that\'s imprisoning them. Taking care, and putting them into the dungeon, has different meaning.

Hmm… maybe it\'s the same. Well, whatever.

"And also, I will bring two guards that I brought with me here. As for the other three, let them return to the capital and help with the others." Old man said.

"Are they clean?" I asked.

"Yes. They will be by my side along with some of my trusted people from the past." Old man said.

"What about those people? Why weren\'t they there in the castle with you before?"

"…there are monsters appearing in the capital. How would I know what kind of problem they are facing? I believe they must be worried about me since I disappeared. I\'ll be with these two going to the castle while you go and find those orphans."

Old man said as he entered the portal. Followed by the five guards.

I also said goodbye again to Albert. Though I might meet him again later.

"What about Julia?" Old man asked. That\'s the first thing he\'s worried as soon as he returns back here.

"I told them to grab her siblings and bring them to the safe house. She was quite angry that you made the house she bought secretly as your safe house." I said.

"I\'m the king. It\'s obvious that I know a lot of secrets." Old man said proudly.

"But you never realized that the person who was closest to you is betraying the kingdom…"

"Enough of that. As soon as you found the orphans, what will you do?"

"I\'ll gather them in one location and put them to sleep. Then I will grab you as well to go to Russell\'s village. I didn\'t give him Sonia\'s soil before since I wanted to keep it as secret. We can\'t contact him through her, so I\'m thinking of sending Victoria first. How about it, Victoria?" I asked Victoria.

"Sure. I will inform Russell, and then you can open a portal to me to return. Or if you need me, just summon me back her." Victoria said.

Now that she has agreed, I open another portal connected to Russell\'s village and send her there.

As for old man Henry and the guards, he told three guards to help the civilians, and the other two to follow him back to the castle. I think he\'s going to ask for help from his trusted men.

"Now, where should we go?" Spot asked.

…that\'s the biggest problem I have right now. I don\'t know what Spot need to do that is very safe.

Should I ask him to get rid of the monsters? He might not hold back and destroy everything. Even that attack from the castle must have made everyone to be wary.

"…aren\'t you hungry?"

"Not really."

I asked just in case he wanted to leave for a while to fill his stomach. But I was wrong.

"Hmm… I don\'t think there\'s much you can do. You are a big help, but I want human problem to be solved by humans." I said.

"Then, what should I do? I\'m fine with just wrapping myself around you without doing anything, you know?" Spot said.

Tell that to me from the start!

"Then, you can do that. I will ask for your help when we\'re in deep trouble, or when we need to travel somewhere very fast." I said.

"Just call me if you need help." Spot said as he turns small and wrapped himself around my waist like a belt.

…just in case, I need to get even stronger than Spot. Let\'s set that as my goal.

Then I run toward the orphanages where the orphans have explosive device in their mouth. Even those that I just kidnapped this afternoon.

They are panicked, but seems like the orphanages are still safe. That\'s obvious knowing that there\'s no benefit in attacking an orphanage. Unless the caretaker is a corrupt person who saved all their money in the orphanage.

I put them all to sleep. Even the caretaker. Then, I gather everyone in one orphanage so I can bring them with old man Henry later.

As for the caretaker… maybe it\'s best to kill them. Let\'s throw them to the street and hope that a stray monster killed them. Like a stray Werewolf or something. Of course, no one would know that the Werewolf was under my order, right?

Let\'s go to the other orphanage. I think it\'s fine to not go to the orphanages without any orphans who have explosive device in their mouth. The three orphanages are the worst orphanages in the capital. That\'s what I\'ve seen so far. Maybe other people will just think that the three orphanages are destroyed terribly and the orphans escaped to the slum or somewhere else.

There are more than fifty orphans that I need to transfer. They are all sleeping in one big room in one of the three orphanages. Now, let\'s get old man Henry.

I have been using portals too many times today. Let\'s find old man normally now. Who knows if I need to use portal again after sending him to Russell\'s village?

Right now, old man is at princess Julia\'s mansion with his children. He must have finished talking to his men and is waiting for me.

"Old man! Princess! It\'s me! Let me in!"

The door to the mansion is locked, so I knocked on the door and shouted loudly to call old man Henry.

"Don\'t shout! What would happen if someone heard!?" Princess Julia said.

"No one heard it. Old man, it\'s time. I have gathered all the orphans. Let\'s go." I said.

"That was quick. As expected of you."

"And princess, do you have any accessories with you?" I asked princess Julia.

"What accessories?" She asked back.

Instead of replying, I look all over her body and find a bracelet with Sonia\'s soil in it. Kayla must have given it to her before. She\'s quick to notice things that I forget.

"That bracelet. Tap on it."

"Like this?"

Just as she did as I said, Sonia appears in front of her.

"You called?"

Sonia noticed that the one calling for her is princess Julia, and realizes that it was just a test.

"You can call her and told her a message that you need to deliver to other people. She will relay it for you." I said.

"…this is just like the children story I read. You rub the magic glass shoe, and a genie appears to grant you one thousand and one wishes." Princess Julia said.

What is that? Children story exclusive only in Varadis Kingdom?

"Julia, we\'ll be leaving now. As for you, my other children. Stop disappointing me. I don\'t want to have my children get killed by him again." Old man said as he pointed at me.

It was Spot\'s fault though.

In any case, he and two guards, along with some people I don\'t recognize but they seem to be the people old man trusted, entered the portal. He will ask for Russell\'s help himself although Victoria has told him the story.

As old man entered, Victoria also returned. Now, I can\'t use portal much anymore. But the fight is almost over. Most of the cult members are killed, and the monsters are easily defeated when the hunters cooperate together. Although there were some casualties, at least none of them are among my friends and lovers.

Let\'s just aim for the cult member now. It\'s cleaning up time.

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