
Chapter 551 Fein's Eagerness

As the group stood within the teleportation circle, Fein couldn\'t help but feel his heart racing with anticipation. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. But the memories of Gregory, his master, flooded his mind.

"I can\'t believe she killed Gregory," Fein muttered to himself, clenching his fists. "She deserves to pay for what she\'s done. And I won\'t stop until I get my revenge."

Fein opened his eyes and glanced over at the rest of the group. Sofia gave him a sympathetic smile, knowing the pain he was feeling. Aoi and Voli stood by his side, ready to fight by his side.

Fein took another deep breath, trying to clear his mind. He knew that revenge couldn\'t be his only motive. They had a mission to complete, and Erica was only a small part of it. He couldn\'t let his emotions get the best of him.

"I\'ll make her pay, but we have to stay focused," Fein said, his voice filled with determination. "We have to get to the fifteenth floor and stop the true threat to this world. Erica\'s time is limited..."

With that, the group disappeared from the teleportation circle, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them on the eleventh floor and beyond. Fein knew that he had to keep his mind sharp and his emotions in check, but the thought of facing Erica and avenging Gregory\'s death fueled his every move.

"Guys, I think the 11th floor and above doesn\'t really mean a stronger challenge. There are also puzzles and different challenges. Though it is possible that there would be stronger creatures than the SS-rank golden creature that we killed." Sofia sighed.

"That\'s why we need to be more careful and increase our synergy." Fein knew that Sofia was right. A higher floor doesn\'t mean a stronger monster. Just like on the tenth floor, where it\'s more on difficult challenges that require wits.


Fein stepped onto the 11th floor, his sharp eyes scanning the environment. It was more like a modern room than a floor in the tower. Huge difference from the previous floors. The modern room is sleek and minimalist, with clean lines and a neutral color scheme. The walls are painted a soft shade of gray, and the floor is covered in polished concrete. Large windows let in plenty of natural light, and the curtains are made of sheer white fabric that billows gently in the breeze. The room is sparsely furnished, with a low-slung sofa in gray leather and a pair of matching armchairs arranged in a conversational grouping. A coffee table made of clear glass sits in the center of the arrangement, and a plush white rug anchors the seating area. On one wall, there is a large flat-screen television mounted above a low console table that holds a few decorative objects. The overall effect is one of understated elegance and modern sophistication.

The modern room was filled with ancient texts and murals, which were bizarre and contradictory, and the air was thick with the scent of dust and decay. He took a deep breath and surveyed the area, looking for any clues that could lead them to the information they needed.

Fein approached one of the murals and examined it closely. The images depicted a group of ancient warriors fighting against a powerful demon, and he couldn\'t help but wonder if it was a representation of the demon they were trying to prevent from being summoned. As he continued to look around the room, he noticed a few loose pages lying on a table.

Curious, Fein picked up the pages and began to read through them. They contained information about the history of the 11th floor and its connection to the higher floors. Fein\'s eyes widened as he realized that this information could be the key to understanding Erica\'s plan.

He quickly scanned through the rest of the pages, searching for any information about Erica\'s stronghold. But to his disappointment, he found nothing. Fein sighed and placed the pages back on the table, realizing that they would have to continue their search elsewhere.

Fein turned to his companions and spoke up. "This room holds valuable information about the history of this tower and the floors above, but we still need more intel on Erica\'s stronghold. We should continue our search and stay alert for any signs of danger."

Fein spent hours poring over the ancient texts and murals in the room, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the puzzle before him. The intricate patterns and symbols were like nothing he had ever seen before, and yet he felt a strange familiarity with them as if they were somehow linked to his past.

As he worked, his friends waited anxiously outside the room, wondering what he could be uncovering. They trusted Fein, of course, but they couldn\'t help but feel a little uneasy about his secrecy.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Fein emerged from the room, a look of satisfaction on his face.

"I\'ve deciphered the texts and murals," he said, his voice low and measured. "But I\'m not ready to share the information just yet."

Sofia stepped forward, concern etched on her face. "Fein, what did you find? Is there something we need to know?"

Fein held up a hand to silence her. "Not yet. There are still some pieces of the puzzle that need to fall into place. But rest assured, when the time comes, I will share everything with you."

His friends exchanged worried glances, but they trusted Fein\'s judgment. They knew that he was a brilliant strategist and that whatever he had discovered could mean the difference between success and failure in their quest.

For the rest of the day, Fein remained silent, lost in thought as he processed the information he had uncovered. His friends watched him closely, trying to read the emotions that flickered across his face, but he gave nothing away.

As night fell, they retired to their rooms to rest and recover, hoping that tomorrow would bring them one step closer to their goal. But Fein stayed up late, pouring over the texts and murals once more, determined to unravel their secrets and find the key to their victory.

Erica didn\'t know that someone would be able to piece together and understand the murals and texts that only Niki was capable of understanding.

Fein sat alone in a corner of the room, deep in thought. The information he had gathered from the mural texts was overwhelming. He had discovered the number of witches on the fifteenth floor and Erica\'s S-rank curse techniques. But he didn\'t want to disclose this information to his friends just yet. He needed to come up with a plan before he could reveal everything.

As he sat there, he couldn\'t help but ponder over the implications of what he had learned. The number of witches on the fifteenth floor was much larger than he had anticipated. It would make their mission even more difficult. And Erica\'s S-rank curse techniques were something to be feared.

Fein knew that his friends would be worried if he told them everything. But he also knew that they trusted him and his judgment. He needed to come up with a plan that would ensure their success without putting them in too much danger.

After a few moments of deep contemplation, Fein finally stood up and walked over to his friends. He knew what he had to do. It was time to put his plan into action.

Just like that, they solved the preceding floors with great team works and Fein\'s powerful strength. The enemies didn\'t grow stronger, but the numbers of golden grade SS rank just increase a little on every floor. In the end, they stepped on the space teleportation of the 14th that leads to the final floor.

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