
Chapter 600 The Reveal

The next day, after gathering some information and clues from the staff, they eventually stumbled upon the woman who was rumored to have a relationship with Lucian at the institution. The woman agreed to speak with them, but only on the condition of anonymity. They met her in a secluded area, away from the prying eyes of the public. Her name was Alexis

Alexis\'s voice was hoarse and shaky, revealing the toll of time and trauma. She shared with them the horrific events that took place during Lucian\'s stay at the institution, events that haunted her until this day. She revealed how Lucian had a magnetic charisma and a twisted sense of logic that had convinced the other patients to follow him blindly. They had done terrible things under his influence, things that she could not even bring herself to utter.

"I\'m not his girlfriend. That monster is incapable of love!" Alexis said with intense emotion.

Fein and Voli listened intently as the woman recounted the horrific events that occurred at the mental institution. She spoke with a mixture of fear and awe as she described the man who had orchestrated the entire rebellion.

"He was like a god to them," she said, shuddering at the memory. "He had this way of talking, of making them believe anything he said. He convinced them that they were being mistreated, that the doctors and staff were their enemies."

Voli exchanged a glance with Fein. It was clear that they were dealing with someone who was not only highly intelligent but also extremely manipulative. They asked the woman if she had any idea where this man was now, but she shook her head.

"He disappeared after the rebellion," she said. "No one knows where he went or what he\'s been doing since then."

Fein and Voli left the hospital, their thoughts consumed by the enigma of this mysterious man. They returned to their headquarters and began to pore over the case files, trying to find any clue that might lead them to him.

Days turned into weeks, and still, they had no luck. The suicides and murders continued, each one more brutal and senseless than the last. Fein grew increasingly frustrated, while Voli became more and more obsessed with finding the man behind it all.

Then, one day, they received a call from a small town in the countryside. A man matching the description of the suspect had been spotted there, and the locals were growing increasingly uneasy.

Fein and Voli rushed to the town, their hearts pounding with anticipation. As they arrived, they saw a small group of people gathered in the town square, staring at a figure who stood at the center.

He was tall and lean, with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He wore a white suit that seemed to glow in the sunlight, and his face was calm and expressionless.

Fein and Voli exchanged a look. This had to be him.

They approached the man, who regarded them coolly.

"Are you Lucian?" Voli asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

The man smiled, and Voli felt a shiver run down her spine.

"Yes," he said softly. "I\'ve been expecting you."

Lucian removed his wig, revealing a head of shiny black hair. As soon as Fein saw it, he finally understood. He couldn\'t believe it at first, but the evidence was clear. This was the same man he had played chess with in the park.

The reason why he decided to confront Fein because of his confidence to make him join his cause. If he could control Fein with his words, then he would be able to easily realize his goal. Lucian was well aware he needs powerful people. He has wits but he doesn\'t have the strength to execute his plans.

In this world where monster and degu users roam around, Lucian knew that solely relying in his wits wasn\'t enough. Now it was do or die. Lucian wasn\'t afraid of death, he wasn\'t afraid of anything. For him, death is liberation. If he succeeds controlling Fein it would mean instant success, but if he failed, he\'ll just die.

"Lucian, it\'s really you. My suspicion is right all along!" Fein said, his voice shaking with disbelief. "You\'re the one behind all of this?"

Lucian slowly turned his head to face Fein, his eyes boring into Fein\'s with an intense gaze. "I am the one you played chess with," he said in a low voice. Fein felt a chill run down his spine at the coldness in Lucian\'s tone.

Lucian smiled wryly. "I prefer the term \'orchestrator\'," he replied. "But yes, it was me. All of it."

Fein couldn\'t wrap his head around it. How could someone so young and seemingly harmless be capable of such atrocities? He looked over at Voli, who had a similar expression of shock on her face.

"But why?" Fein asked. "Why did you do all of this?"

Lucian\'s expression turned serious. "I\'ve always been fascinated by the power of persuasion," he said. "The way that a few well-placed words can turn someone\'s world upside down. And when I was in that hospital, I saw an opportunity. I saw a group of people who were vulnerable and desperate for someone to believe in, and I knew that I could be that person."

Fein shook his head in disbelief. "But why kill them?" he asked. "Why make them turn on each other?"

Lucian shrugged. "Sometimes, the greatest lessons are learned through pain," he said. "And besides, death is just another form of release. A way to escape the pain and suffering of this world."

Fein felt a chill run down his spine. He had never heard anyone speak like this before. It was as if Lucian was living in a completely different reality, one where death was a solution instead of a tragedy.

Voli spoke up, his voice cold and hard. "You\'re sick," she said. "You need help."

Lucian just smiled again. "I don\'t need help," he said. "I am the help. And now that you two have found me, I can finally put my plan into action."

Fein and Voli exchanged a worried glance. They had no idea what Lucian had planned, but they knew it couldn\'t be good. They had to stop him, before it was too late.

Voli, who had been scanning the surroundings, turned to look at Fein and Lucian. "What are you talking about?" he asked, confusion etched on her face.

Lucian ignored Voli and continued speaking to Fein. "Do you remember how you felt when you played that game with me?" he asked. "The thrill of the competition, the rush of adrenaline as you thought of your next move?"

Fein nodded slowly, still unsure of where Lucian was going with this.

"I felt it too," Lucian said, his voice softening slightly. "That\'s why I enjoy these games we play. It\'s a way to feel alive."

Fein\'s eyes widened as he realized the true nature of their chess games. "You mean to say that you orchestrated all of this, the suicides and killings, just for the thrill of it?" he asked, horrified.

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