
Chapter 821 Second Trial

As Fein pushed deeper into the damn Forbidden Forest, his eyes narrowed with freakin\' determination. The freakin\' forest was dense as hell, the damn trees reaching out like creepy fingers to grab him. But Fein, cool as a cucumber, sauntered through the twisted pathways with a lazy swagger, as if he was just taking a leisurely stroll in the park.

The forest seemed to have a mind of its own, trying to trip him up with gnarled roots and low-hanging branches. But Fein, that sly son of a gun, effortlessly sidestepped every obstacle with a casual grace. His body language screamed confidence, like he was saying, "Hey, forest, you think you can mess with me? Think again."

After what felt like forever, a friggin\' clearing opened up before him, bathed in a haunting glow. In the center of the damn clearing stood three mysterious figures, radiating power and wisdom. Fein couldn\'t help but roll his eyes. Seriously, more mystical guardians? Just his luck.

Fein strolled up to the Three Stooges, a cheeky grin playing on his lips. He shot them a cocky glance and said, "Alright, you mythical guardians, I\'ve heard all about your legendary powers and all that jazz. But I\'m here for some information. I need to find the damn entrance to the Abyss Dimension. So, spill the beans, will ya?"

The guardians exchanged puzzled looks, clearly taken aback by Fein\'s audacity. But Fein couldn\'t care less. He leaned against a nearby tree, hands casually shoved into his pockets, as if he had all the time in the world. Inside, though, his mind was buzzing with excitement. He knew this was his chance to prove himself.

The guardians whispered among themselves, their voices as mysterious as their damn robes. Fein\'s eyes sparkled mischievously, his laid-back demeanor a mask for the fire burning within him. He was ready to take on whatever crazy tests they had in store.

When the guardians finally turned their attention back to him, Fein straightened up, ready for the challenge. "Follow us..."

"Okay," Fein braved the treacherous depths of the Forbidden Forest. His laid-back attitude remained intact, even as the shadows grew darker and the air thickened with an aura of danger. The sound of rustling leaves and distant growls echoed through the trees, setting the stage for his first trial—the Trial of Courage.

The Mysterious Three Guardians led Fein deeper into the heart of the forest, their steps swift and purposeful. Fein followed suit, his hands casually resting in his pockets, an amused smirk playing on his lips. They arrived at a clearing, the atmosphere thick with anticipation.

Suddenly, the silence shattered as ferocious creatures emerged from the depths of the forest. With feral eyes and bared fangs, they lunged towards Fein, hunger for his defeat radiating from their very beings. But Fein, oh so casually, brought his hands out of his pockets and assumed a fighting stance.

The first creature charged, its claws slashing through the air with lethal intent. Fein\'s eyes gleamed with amusement as he effortlessly sidestepped the attack. With lightning reflexes, he unleashed a single punch, and the creature exploded into a mist of crimson. The shockwave of power rippled through the clearing, leaving Fein standing amidst the aftermath, his expression unchanged.

One by one, the savage opponents met their demise at Fein\'s hands. Each confrontation played out in a swift and brutal dance of violence. Fein\'s movements were calculated and efficient, his body language exuding a nonchalant mastery of combat. His strikes were precise, landing with unerring accuracy, sending shockwaves of force that reduced his adversaries to nothing more than mere red mist.

His face, adorned with a perpetual smirk, showed no signs of strain or exertion. It was as if he was engaging in a playful game, toying with his prey, showcasing his prowess without breaking a sweat. The creatures, no matter their size or strength, were no match for Fein\'s combination of agility, speed, and raw power.

Throughout the battles, Fein\'s sarcastic banter peppered the air, a sardonic commentary on the simplicity of the challenges before him. "Is that all you got? I was expecting something a little more challenging," he quipped, his voice dripping with mockery.

As the final adversary succumbed to Fein\'s devastating blows, the Forbidden Forest fell into an eerie calm. Fein stood amidst the fading remnants of his opponents, a testament to his unrivaled skill. The Guardians regarded him with a mix of surprise and respect, their expressions hinting at a newfound appreciation for his abilities.

Fein\'s relaxed posture remained unchanged, his eyes glinting with amusement as he turned to the Mysterious Three Guardians. "Well, that was a piece of cake. Is that the best the forest has to offer? I expected more of a challenge."

The Guardians exchanged glances, their faces revealing a newfound understanding of Fein\'s true power. They nodded in approval, acknowledging his success in the Trial of Courage. The forest seemed to respond to their decision, the oppressive atmosphere lifting ever so slightly.

Fein, his sarcasm still intact, awaited the next trial with a cool confidence. Little did he know, the trials ahead would test not only his physical prowess but the depths of his wit and cunning


As Fein emerged victorious from the Trial of Courage, the Mysterious Three Guardians wasted no time in leading him deeper into the heart of the Forbidden Forest. The air crackled with an air of anticipation, for now, Fein would face the Test of Wisdom—a trial that would challenge his intellect and ability to unravel the secrets of a treacherous maze.

The Guardians, their eyes gleaming with an enigmatic wisdom, presented Fein with their first riddle. "In the morning, I walk on four legs. In the afternoon, I walk on two legs. In the evening, I walk on three legs. What am I?"

\'That\'s it? It\'s not a challenge with my SS-rank brain.\' Fein\'s lips curled into a smirk as he let out a chuckle. "Well, that\'s an easy one. It\'s a human, of course," he retorted, his voice laced with arrogance.

The Guardians nodded in approval, acknowledging Fein\'s correct answer. With each riddle posed, Fein\'s super brain whirred into action, analyzing the clues and solving the puzzles with ease. The intricate pathways of the maze seemed to unfold before his mind\'s eye, his intellect slicing through the labyrinthine complexity like a laser.

The second riddle followed, the Guardians\' voices taking on an ethereal quality. "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?"

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