
Chapter 254 True Face

Mansoor\'s heart raced as he stood in front of the commanfaultsder of the empire army with his hands tied. But there was something off about the way the commander was looking at him. His eyes were lifeless as if he was already dead and it really gave him an eerie feeling.

"What is the meaning of this, commander?" Mansoor demanded, trying to back away from the commander\'s grasp, but he couldn\'t as the commander tightly held him.

But before he could get any further, Empress Andriya stepped forward, her presence oozing with a dark presence.

"Silence, Mansoor," she hissed.

"You have no right to question me or my puppets."

Mansoor clenched his fists, fury burning in his chest.

"I have every right. What have you done to the commander? Who are you?"

Andriya sneered.

"I have done what was necessary to ensure my rule over this empire and this world. You would do well to remember your place, Mansoor."

Mansoor gritted his teeth.

"I will not be cowed by your threats, bitch."

"You did something to our troops and now commander, you won\'t get away with this, If I kill you here, our empire won\'t have to go down the history as a mankind enemy,"

Andriya\'s eyes flashed with anger.

"You have some balls to insult me and tell me what I should do? Even after seeing what I did to your commander,"

"Very well. Commander, kill him, he will be more useful dead than now," Andriya muttered and gave the orders.

"Since you\'re going to die anyway, I will tell you what happened to your commander," Andriya said with her hands going around her face, and suddenly her face changed into that of a really young woman.

" I have embraced the darkness because darkness will give me what I want and all of your lives are stepping stones in my goals, anyone who rebels against my dream is my enemy, and that means you and your commander, who wanted to kill me," Andriya said.

\'I turned all of them into my puppets, more specifically my under soldiers, I was surprised because your commander is one of the highest ranking undead under my orders, so I think you will have the chance to be just like him," As soon as she said those words, Andriya waved her hand giving the signal to kill Mansoor.

Mansoor lunged forward, his fingers curling into his sword. Mansoor barely had time to draw his sword, but he parried the attack of the undead commander with ease because of how predictable the attack was.

"You will not defeat me so easily," Mansoor growled, his eyes burning with determination.

But the commander was relentless, his attacks fueled by Andriya\'s magic. Mansoor knew he was outmatched, but he refused to give up. He wanted to teach this arrogant own a lesson and stop his empire from embracing darkness.

As the battle raged on, Andriya watched with a cruel smile on her face. She revelled in the chaos and destruction, knowing that she was one step closer to ultimate power and her dreams.

"It\'s none of your fault, but you have to die, I won\'t forget any of you, I will bear this sin for my whole life, but still you have to die," Andriya muttered and used her own sword to pierce the back of Mansoor, who was defending the attacks of the commander.

"Kuhhh~ bitch," Feeling the pain, Mandoor held his wound, but Andriya wasn\'t going to settle down with one attack, so she took her other dagger and sent it into Mansoor\'s chest causing him to cough blood on the spot.

"Don\'t run away, I will make your death painless, so please die and become my puppet," Andriya bad tears in her eyes with a crazy smile.

Mansoor who witnessed this couldn\'t help but wonder what happened to this woman to make such a face.

"Ughh~ Andriya, Don\'t-"

"Don\'t kill my family, let them live," Mansoor muttered with his life flashing before his eyes remembering his old man and mother, who is waiting for him to return so they can have dinner together.

pαпdα`noνɐ1`сoМ "I won\'t promise, if they get in my way, I will kill them, but don\'t worry, I will kill them as gently as possible when the time comes," Andriya muttered, while Mansoor coughed more blood.

"You won\'t succeed," Mansoor managed to choke out, despite the pain wracking his body.

"Our people will rise up against you, humanity will rise up against you"

Andriya smirked down at him, her hand resting casually on the hilt of her dagger.

"Your people are weak and divided. They won\'t be able to stop me. They are greedy, humans are greedy, every living being is greedy, they just need something to obsess on,"

Mansoor coughed again, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps.

"You underestimate them. They will fight for their freedom."

Andriya shook her head.

"Freedom is an illusion, Mansoor. The strong will always rule over the weak. And I am the strongest of them all and my goals will be everyone\'s goal."

Mansoor gritted his teeth, his fists clenched in fury.

"You\'re a monster, Andriya. A ruthless, heartless monster."

Andriya chuckled darkly.

"Perhaps. But it is better to be feared than loved. And I will make sure that everyone fears me, and when the time comes only I will win,"

Mansoor closed his eyes, his breathing slowing. He knew he was dying, but he took comfort in the knowledge that he had stood up to Andriya, that he had fought for what was right. He was relieved to know that he wasn\'t wrong.

Andriya watched him silently for a moment, then touched his head as soon as he died with his last breath coming out of his lungs.

(Undead Rise)

"Mansoor, come and serve me for my greater purpose," Andriya muttered her hand showing signs of something happening, as Mansoor\'s body started vibrating and soon his eyes opened but instead of his normal eyes balls, they looked completely black with no signs of life.

"Yes! Another high-ranking undead," Andriya exclaimed happily and looked at the sky.

"I don\'t know who you are, but don\'t think you will live a good life after massacring my puppets like that, I will turn you into the finest piece of art, mysterious magic user," Andriya muttered and gathered her most elite undead.

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