
Chapter 223 Back To Zer0

Tyra looked like she was going to burst into tears any minute. She looked at them with pleading eyes, hoping for them to go away, but the queen didn\'t budge. The king\'s beta and queen\'s brother were still looking at her, waiting for her to speak.

As if things were not already too intense for her, the door flung open and Ivan entered. Instead of looking relieved that his sister was awake, he frowned at the others.

"Why didn\'t anyone send for me?" He asked his mother, who gave him an unpleasant look before returning her gaze to Tyra.

"We do not have all day. We were in the middle of an execution, so you have to speak now!" The queen\'s brother said impatiently.

A tear escaped Tyra\'s lips before she shook her head slowly in fear, "I... don\'t... remember a-anything."

Frowns formed on the faces of the four people who had been expecting a different answer.

"I don\'t... know what happened." She repeated it and began to cry.

"You must be joking!" Ivan said angrily before anyone else could say a thing. They had all been waiting for her to give them an answer, and this was it? This was all his stupid omega of a sister could say?

If she knew she was going to be so useless to not remember anything, why did she wake up? She should have remained unconscious until Harold\'s wife was executed! Why did she have to wake up now and ruin everything?

"What do you mean by that? Are you saying you do not remember the person who stabbed you?" Damon asked, frowning.

"You have to remember!" The queen yelled, causing Tyra to jump.

"What is wrong with all of you? Why is no one remembering anything?" Tyra\'s uncle asked, but by this time, Tyra was already sobbing.

"What about the maid that served you on the night of the banquet? Do you remember her?" Damon asked quietly.

Tyra sniffed and looked like she was thinking about it before she nodded slowly.

"Who is she and why was she serving you that night? Why were you outside? And did you really see Princess Amber stab Beth? Did she also stab you?" The queen asked, trying to force an answer out of her.

"Easy. She needs to—"

"Do not tell me what to do about my daughter!" The queen snapped at Damon angrily when he tried to step in. She glared at him before facing Tyra.

"She... approached me on that night of the banquet," Tyra said in a shaky voice. "She... begged to stay with me and serve me that night. I... couldn\'t say no to her, so I agreed."

"Why did she do that? And why did you agree without seeking permission from me first?" The queen asked.

"Does that even make sense? Everyone looks forward to the hunt. Why would she ask to serve you on that night?" Ivan asked suspiciously and got even more suspicious when he noticed how Tyra was avoiding eye contact and holding the quilt to her body tightly.

"What are you hiding?!" Her uncle bellowed at her angrily, making her body jump again, and she sobbed.

"I am sorry!" She cried out. "She told me her secret and felt I was the only one that would understand her."

"What secret is that?" The queen asked suspiciously.

"She... didn\'t want to join the hunt. Because... everyone would know..."

"Know what?" Damon asked.

"That she... is an Omega," Tyra said with her eyes shut as she began to cry again.

The others exchanged a look amongst themselves. How was an Omega working in the royal palace? That was impossible. She couldn\'t have deceived them.

"That is impossible. An Omega cannot work in the palace."

"But she is one. I know it!" Tyra said seriously.

Omegas could easily smell their kind if they were very close, so if Tyra said she was, then she was.

"Are you not the person in charge of inspecting royal servants?" The queen\'s brother asked the dumbfounded queen.

The queen looked at Ivan and Damon, who were both giving her suspicious looks. For some reason, she felt her brother was also beginning to feel the same way.

"Are you suspecting me of this?" She asked them in disbelief, but neither of them responded.

"What else do you remember? How long have you known about her real identity? Did she say anything to you? Do you remember what else happened that night?" Damon asked Tyra, who shook her head while looking at him in fear.

"I\'m sorry... but I... I can\'t remember what happened. I don\'t know. Why are you asking me this? Did something happen?"

"Are you so useless that you cannot even remember that you were stabbed? How can you lie there and ask us if something happened?" Ivan bellowed at her, and she broke into a sob.

"Stop shouting at her. She just regained consciousness," Damon said irritably, not liking either the queen\'s or Ivan\'s attitude.

"You really can\'t remember who stabbed you and made you like this for the past few days?" The Queen asked in disappointment and sighed when Tyra shook her head.

Just when she thought she was finally going to get answers, she was back to square zero.

Damon sighed. Although he was as frustrated as the others about the issue, there was nothing they could do. "We should leave her to rest, and let the royal physician attend to her. Maybe she would remember everything after getting some rest," Damon suggested.

"What work has she done that she needs to rest from? She has been lying here uselessly and sleeping for the past..."

"Enough! Let\'s leave," the Queen snapped at Ivan before turning to walk away, but she paused when she got to the door and turned to look at Tyra one more time.

"Do your best to remember who did this to you. It is very important that you do," she said before walking away.

As they left the chamber, Susan\'s father excused himself and headed straight to find his rebellious children, while the Queen turned to Ivan. "Leave us," she told him, but Ivan frowned.

"Why? Shouldn\'t we all talk about what to do to Harold\'s bride..."

"Shut your mouth and leave!" The Queen snapped at him, and he shut his mouth.

He tried to hide his displeasure as he walked away, not sure if he was angrier at Tyra or the Queen, who seemed to be looking down on him.

"What can we do now?" The Queen asked.

"Now that Princess Tyra is awake, there is nothing we can do, unless we find more evidence. We can only keep them locked up in the dungeon until Princess Tyra can tell us what happened."

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