
Chapter 347 Unfamiliar Familar Smell

"Why do you look angry, father?" Williams asked his father weakly. It wasn\'t unusual for his father to always be upset about something, but today, it seemed like he was so pissed that he could feel it all over the room. It was so strong that Williams could not continue sleeping and had to open his eyes to ask.

His father turned to look at him, and when he heard his voice sounding better than last night, he looked relieved.

"When did you wake up? How do you feel?" He asked as he walked to the bedside and stood beside him, looking down at Williams.

Williams tried to sit up, but his father stopped him and held him back on the bed. "You need to rest more. The physician said you should not move too much." Even though his voice sounded stern, Williams could hear the concern.

"I cannot keep staying in this position. I am tired." Williams complained.

"You do not have any choice. You should be lucky I am not berating you for leaving the palace without permission and getting yourself into trouble."

Well, he didn\'t want to argue that with his father because his father would surely win the argument. He was indeed lucky that the man was not asking him too many questions or getting angry at him.

Williams\' brows furrowed as he began to remember some things from the previous day, and he asked, "Princess Luciana... how is she?"

He shook his head. "She has not woken up yet. The physician does not know if she will be able to survive it."

Williams sighed heavily as he remembered how Princess Luciana had risked her life for Ivan.

"I should have helped her more." He said with regret.

"It is not your fault. You did your best to keep her alive while you were also ill. It is all Prince Ivan\'s fault." His jaw tightened as he said that name.

He didn\'t want to imagine what would befall the palace and the entire Moon Kingdom if his nephew became the king.

Williams wanted to ask about Alvin, but he could not ask his father that. Only one person would know.

"Where is Susan?" He asked. Now that he was thinking about it, he realized that he hadn\'t seen her for a long time, which was unusual for the busybody girl.

Sir Evan almost sighed when he was reminded of her and the trouble she had caused. If not for the fact that the Queen had been restricted to her chambers, Susan would have been severely punished for what she did to Ivan. He wasn\'t just anybody. There was still a chance he was going to be king, even though no one wanted that. But many of them do not also want Prince Harold, so it was a dilemma. If only Prince Harry was still alive.

When Sir Evan realized Williams was still waiting for an answer about Susan\'s whereabouts, he wanted to inform him that she was still deep asleep the last time he sent a maid to check, but he paused and looked at the door when he smelled the presence of someone familiar.

"What is it?" Williams asked him.

Since he was too weak, his senses were also weak. It was a miracle he could tell when Paulina was around the area. He still wasn\'t sure how it happened.

"His father quietly stood up just as the door opened without even a knock, and to his surprise, the person who walked in was Susan, who looked very exhausted even though she had been sleeping for a long time.

"Susan?" Her father called in confusion.

Susan looked at him, wondering why he looked confused. She looked behind her, but she was the only one there, so she turned to look back at him.

"Is something wrong, father?" She asked before her eyes went to Williams, who was also confused about her father\'s action. Seeing Williams awake, Susan\'s eyes lit up, and she quickly hurried to his bedside.

"You are alive!" She said excitedly as she sat down on the bed beside him.

"Unfortunately so." He replied sarcastically and scrunched his nose. "Why do you smell different?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked him absentmindedly as she focused on feeling his forehead.

"You smell like Princess Amber. What did you do?" Her father, who had been watching her, asked.

Williams suddenly understood why her father reacted that way earlier. Because she indeed smelled like Princess Amber.

However, Susan didn\'t see it as a serious thing, as she simply shrugged.

"Maybe because I am wearing her dress and I slept in her chamber?"

The two men looked at each other and then at Susan, who also stared at them in confusion, wondering what the big deal was about this.

"Have you washed yourself this morning?" Her father asked.

She shook her head. "I just woke up. But I did last night."

"Then go wash yourself before you come back. It\'s not comfortable." Her father said in a serious tone that made her smell her arm, wondering if it was really bad. But of course, werewolves didn\'t know what they smelled like. Others knew it.

However, it was not unusual for Susan to brush it off, as she asked instead, "I heard there was an assembly this morning. What happened?" She asked curiously since she had yet to meet anyone else.

"There was an assembly this morning?" Williams was surprised.

As soon as Susan woke up, she hurried here to check on her brother and family. In fact, she was surprised she had slept well after all she did last night. But she had been skeptical about meeting her father because she thought he must have heard about what happened between her and Alvin, but thankfully, he seemed to be unaware. Neither was he asking her why she had lied and sent the physician with an antidote for Alvin instead of Harvey like she had claimed.

"I already told you to stay out of it." Her father scolded as he eyed her with displeasure. He hadn\'t caused his parents this much stress, so he had no idea why he was being punished with stubborn children that wouldn\'t listen to him or heed his warning.

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