
Chapter 251 The Worst From The Past


Without a doubt, the person they were both looking at was Jade. Zain and Skittle knew her well, and there were many reasons for that. One of them was the fact that she had come from their university, and not only that, but she was treated as a type of goddess among the boys.

For whatever reason that was, it was hard to imagine her being seen so well in their eyes because both of them still had clear memories of what she had done when the whole zombie outbreak had begun.

At the time, she was on the same dormitory floor as the others. On the reception floor, she was with Buke and Skittle, trying to wait for Zain to find a way for them to escape. However, it didn\'t take long for them to see Jade\'s dark side. She had tripped the fire alarm, causing all of the zombies in the area to head towards their building. Using that as a distraction, she was able to escape while leaving the other two for dead.

In the end, Zain had managed to save both of them, but the memories of what happened were fresh in their heads. For Zain, he also had another concern back then: Jade had a friend with her who had suddenly been turned. From his inspection, it seemed like a forced turning, most likely due to Jade\'s doing.

"As much as I want to go over there now and give her a clean hit, it\'s dangerous even for us," Skittle said. "We still don\'t know all their powers. The group seems to be split between those who are taking action and those who aren\'t."

Zain had analyzed the same thing. There was a group of attackers, showing their powers quite easily, for example, the man with the axe seemed to have great strength and stamina beyond that of a human. One could see this just by how easily he sliced through the bones of the zombies, but the others in the back weren\'t doing anything apart from telling them where zombies were coming from.

"I have a plan that might be able to draw out their powers," Zain smiled.

With where they were, Zain placed his hand on the ground and summoned five more zombies. While the hunters were distracted fighting the zombies, the summoned zombies started to move where he had asked them to and eventually went behind the barn.

The hunters were doing well, and Cleve could see that the number of zombies attacking them had lessened. However, they weren\'t directly charging forward towards them either.

"I thought that if we came outside, we might be able to see who\'s leading these guys," Cleve thought. "None of these guys look like an advanced zombie, though. Are they in hiding somewhere? If that\'s the case, they would have to be nearby, right?"

At the back of the group, there was a smaller bald-headed hunter who had yet to do anything. Truth was, it was one of his first missions, which was why he stayed at the back. But that\'s when he noticed something. There were growling sounds and moans of pain that the zombies made, but they weren\'t coming from the front.

Turning around, he tried to see if they were coming from inside the barn, but they weren\'t there either. It wasn\'t until he eventually looked up that he found the source.

"Above!" The Bald-headed man shouted.

In doing so, Jade and Terry looked up, and they could see zombies having jumped up from the top of the barn. These were the zombies that Zain had sent out before. Although he could order them and move them about as he wished, he was unable to stop them from making noise.

Still, even though they had been noticed, the plan worked as the ones in the back had to take action, and the person who went first was Jade. She leaned back a bit while opening her mouth wide. In doing so, her belly grew larger, letting more air in, until she blew out.

Flames came out from her mouth and hit the zombie, catching two of them on fire. Terry and the bald man moved out of the way of the other two, letting them land on the floor. When they crashed into the ground, some of their bones had broken, but it didn\'t stop the zombies as they crawled and stood up toward their target.

One of the zombies wasn\'t moving as Terry kept his eyes open as long as he could, and the others subdued them. There was no need for the frontal attack team to act because Jade had it all sorted.

Taking in short breaths, she was still able to produce fire from her mouth, although much smaller than her original attack, and had lit each one of them in flames. The only thing was, even if the zombies were being burned, they still were able to walk for a few moments before their brains were affected.

Still, it meant the job was dealt with, and they didn\'t have to worry about the zombies anymore. The thing was, after nearly being hit, and making her heart race so fast, Jade was furious.

She started to walk to the front, and walked past those that were fighting.

"I told you, we should have just done this from the beginning." Jade said.

"No, she\'s not is she?" Cleve said to himself, as he kicked a zombie in the stomach, sending it tumbling to the ground. "Wait, Jade, we can use these crops to feed everyone. It\'s a good resource!"

His words weren\'t getting through, and she was already in the middle of her actions. Blowing out flames were released from her mouth, and she moved her head to the left and to the right, burning all of the crops.

A fire had started, and it was beginning to spread.



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