
Chapter 251 Golem Creation Part 3

--An) 1 more on the way!--

Blake couldn\'t help but feel a little defeated when he realized that creating a solid metal golem was really not going to work since metal did not bend well. But after thinking about it and thinking about the robots he used to see in anime, he decided on another approach. With a wave of his hand, Blake made forty two pieces of metal float in the air. These were all the parts he would need to make and join together at joints. This time he planned to make a humanoid robot looking golem. He split the torso up into the lower and upper, so they could twist without issue.

Picturing each piece in his mind, Blake injected his image into his modified golem spell. In seconds the metal pieces crunched together and began to slowly take shape. First, it was the individual fingers, then the hands, the two sections on the arm, the three sections for the legs and feet and the head, and then the two sections of the torso. Each one was in a basic rough shape. While they did not look like much, they were created to work together. The joints for no were rounded off so they could easily roll back and forth against the other parts. Once the shapes were together, he finally merged them into one.

A clunking sound was heard, and Blake stared at his creation that stood there. He pointed to the side of him and said: "Walk here!" Blake gave an order causing the golem to slowly walk to the side. While the golem did move and could easily walk, it seemed quite slow. But this was progress in Blake\'s custom golem creation spell.

Just this alone gave him the confidence he needed to continue with his work. He began slowly modifying the spell to create smoother metal golems that could move better. Slowly but surely, he got lost in his golem creation and had not noticed his surroundings were now full of metal golems he had made.

As the days passed, the golems Blake was making began to even look more life like. They no longer look just like metal dolls with no faces but with more human like features. If it was not for the metal skin, you would think they were real. If you gave them some hair and clothes, they could be mistaken for a new race.

In fact, Blake had gotten the idea to give his golems sentience. But he was still trying to figure out how to incorporate this into the golems spell. How to give them a kind of will of their own instead of just a few commands. Before he knew it, this had become an obsession. He had completely become obsessed with creating a golem with a will of their own.

This entire time Lillia sat at the side. Sometimes his other wives would come and take a peak but did not stay due to the children. Only Lillia stayed and looked on. She was enamored by Blake\'s obsession. She felt his continuous hard work was truly paying off and at an incredible speed.

Two weeks passed, and Blake got his golems moving very life like. They still did not have a will of their own, but their ability to run and jump and fight was very life like. His latest creation which he called Infinity, looked similar to Lillia. He used her image as it was her spell that he was modifying. When he got this far and even got it so he could attach hair to his creations, he was very satisfied with his progress. "Now then. What if I were to inject inscriptions into the metal to create barriers and make them stronger? It would be easier than just casting a spell on them if they already have the additional buff magic on them. But now I need to also figure out how to store them away so I can summon them at will. Sadly they can not go into a space pouch."

Blake wanted to make a bunch of golems and then summon them in some way. So that he did not need to create them from scratch each time, he could just have them out and about walking around, but he felt that if he wanted an army of them, it would not be so easy to really bring them around and summon them when needed. "If I could just hide them away…."

Blake sat back and leaned his head against his newest golem that looked like Lillia, and pondered about how he was going to do this. Lillia, who saw Blake using a metal her as a pillow, pursed her lips. "Why is he using a fake me!? He can just call me over!" She could just go over there, but then she felt a bit embarrassed for peeping on him.

After a long thought process, Blake thought back to the reglios. They were able to hide in the shadows. If he could grasp how this worked, he might be able to do the same for his own shadow.  A metal golem army of thousands, if not millions, all fortified with magic spells to boost their abilities. This kind of army would be very hard to destroy. He had tested it, and even if you were to knock out their limbs, the parts would just come back together as if nothing had happened. If he had some stronger metal, he could easily make something that was impossible to destroy. But sadly, they had yet to find a mine for metal created from mana.

"But the shadow. In my memories, there are many spells that deal with dark magic. I guess, for now, I can dig through those memories and see if there is anything of use." With this thought in mind, Blake closed his eyes and began sifting through the ancient memories in his mind. If he was lucky, he could easily find the spell he was looking for and then create a kind of shadow gate to store his golem army.

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