
Chapter 364 Blake’s True Evolution Part 1

"Husband!" It has already been two days since Gemini joined the family, and she was fitting right in. The girls loved to tease her at night, causing her to go crazy but she seems to like it when she gets so much attention. But besides the nighttime activities, she had become a hit with the kids who loved to ride on her tail. She also loved playing with them and often mentioned how she couldn\'t wait to have her own child.

The soldiers that came with them were now stationed in their own barracks. This was not because Blake wanted to keep them away from the others but because the fog of death around them sapped the life force of those near them.

Because of this, Blake asked Gemini, Noa, Mina, and Lillia to work on a possible way to lift the curse so that they could have their own lives back and did not need to be alone all the time. Blake also found out that these soldiers were all female as well, which meant his female population had grown once more.

But today was the day Blake had been waiting for. He was going to learn how to form a proper mana crystal within his body and then learn how to evolve. He did not know what his evolution would be like, but he hoped that it would not change him too much. He just wanted to grow stronger.

"Gemini, thank you." Blake hugged the Naga girl in his arms.

"Husband, you do not need to thank me. I am doing this for our family and for our city. No matter what, I am now your wife and have already come to love this city and wish to protect it." Gemini replied while nuzzling her nose into Blake\'s chest. She lived his scent the most! "Now come, all the girls are here."

Currently, they were in a large room that was created especially for this, deep within the palace. Blake did not want to let this information out yet until he and his wives had undergone the evolution process first, which is why he had not left the palace for the past few days since he was preparing for this. Once he did do a true evolution, he would then spread the correct way of forming a mana crystal in the body to the people of Destiny City.

Gemini had Blake sit down and then slithered in front of everyone. "Now then. Currently, you all should have evolved at least once. I have checked all of your bodies, and you all have more than enough mana in your condensed mana cores. But the trick is to actually form a mana crystal with that core to gain the most out of it. Only then can you start to form a secondary mana crystal.

"In fact, this process will be easier because your mana pools do not get used up right away but accumulate into a pool of mana as if you were just born. This is helpful in being able to strengthen both your mana crystal and forming new condensed mana cores to then be used for more mana crystals.

"I am actually slightly jealous because I have to take each strand of mana I take in and condense it on the spot and can not accumulate it and store it like you can. This means you all can easily grow stronger faster and catch up to me in no time at all. But you can not have a mana crystal smaller than the previous one. So you must make sure you condense your mana into cores the same size as the previous one before turning it into a mana crystal.

"Now then… Getting to the main topic." Gemini waved her hand, causing a bunch of images to appear in the air. "The books that were picked up by those who entered in my magic realm only detail how to form magic crystals and nothing beyond that. But we will need to start with magic crystal formation.

"I should also mention that by forming a magic crystal, sometimes it will take on a specific element which will cause your magic attacks with that element to become much stronger. This does not mean you can not cast other elemental magic. It just boosts your current magic damage with a specific element. If you are lucky, you will get multiple magic crystals with different elements. This alone is enough to boost your strength tenfold.

"Now, to form a magic crystal, you will need to…." An image of many different magic circles appeared in the air. "You will need to carve these magic circles into the condensed core you have created. But this is tricky because if you do it wrong, you might break your condensed core and will need to start all over. And I am sure it will not be easy to regain all that condensed mana in a short time."

Gemini waved her hand, and a bunch of round orbs shot out to each of Blake\'s wives and Blake. "We will first practice on this. In the Naga clan, when children are old enough, they will spend a few years learning how to carve these magic circles into condensed mana orbs. They are perfect for practicing the engraving process. After all, to have someone who has no idea what they are doing to engrave anything on their condensed mana core in their body is just asking them to suffer. Don\'t worry if you fail, either. I have many more. I also have created these based on how condensed each of your mana cores are.

"While all of you sisters are here, those who are with child can not evolve. You will need to wait three months after giving birth, no matter which race you are. I will not allow it. I may be on the low end of the family hierarchy here, but I do not wish for any of you to make any mistakes that you will regret later on." Gemini truly took each of Blake\'s wives as her sisters and cared for them deeply. She did not want any of them to come to harm.

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