
Chapter 367 Blake’s True Evolution Part 4

--AN) running on 2 hours of sleep inn 48 hours. But will still try to get 2 more chapters done tonight then sleep ten hours and then right the 6 chapters I promised.---

The two Blakes circled around each other with big grins on their faces. This kind of trial had one flaw. It was perfect for those who were a bit of a battle maniac. After a few rounds, both Blakes charged forward and throughout a punch. Both caught the other\'s punches and were grinning like mad men at each other as they began to throw punch after punch at each other. "Hahaha! This is fun!" Blake let out a laugh as he blocked another punch. The other him also let out a laugh while blocking Blake\'s punch.

While this was going on in a space where no one could see, Lillia, after hearing what the trial normally consists of, held her head. "We will be here for a while…."

"Huh, why?" Gemini asked. She did not know why they would be sitting around for a while. Normally passing the trial needed to even evolve would be an easy task, but then again, when it came to Blake being older, it might take a bit longer.

Lillia smiled as she answered: "Even if the trial was easy, it would still take a while. Since you have to fight a doppelganger of yourself, this means the traits that you would have the same personality."

"Ah!" Tina suddenly got what Lillia was talking about. "Yeah, we will be here for a while. Since that is the case, I am taking a nap! Yui!" Tina immediately made her way over to Yui, who had a big warm fluffy tail. She did not dare touch Little White. Blake might yell at her.

At this point, the still confused Gemini watched as the girls all began doing their own things. "Can someone explain things to me!?"

"Ah, sorry!" Lillia realized she was leaving Gemini out of the loop and apologized: \'It is because the man in question has a bit of a quirk when it comes to fighting. He loves it a bit too much. I can guess right now that he and his doppelganger are busy smashing each other in the face with their fists."

"Ah! I did not know this!" Gemini chuckled as she slithered over and sat down next to Lillia and asked: "Sister Lillia, can you tell me about Husband?"

"Of course!" Lillia smiled and began telling Gemini all about Blake, starting from when she first met him. This caught the attention of the other girls, and they all gathered around.


While their parents were doing their thing, Destiny and Joy were slowly making their way down the hall. "Big Sister Destiny, are you sure we should be doing this?"

"Hehe! As long as no one finds out!" Destiny grinned as she pulled Joy along with her. Out of all her sisters. While still young per se, Joy was the second oldest looking. She also wanted to bring joy out for a bit of fun in the city.

What they did not know was that Blake already had quite a few people watching over them in the shadows. So even as they were sneaking their way out of the base to head into the city, they were under the care of a few elves, orcs, and dragonic.

Both girls had hats on their heads and masks on their faces as they exited the base and began sneaking their way toward the city. Well, if you can call it sneaking, the people who they passed all giggled and covered their mouths. The two girls looked too cute as they ran between bushes, rocks, and poles to hide.

It took them almost twenty minutes to get to the entrance of the city. When they arrived, they were greeted by the tall buildings that they were used to seeing but this time, they were on their own.

Destiny and Joy held hands as they made their way toward the city center. The hustle and bustle of the streets did not bother them, as everyone was very careful not to bump into them. You could say that in all of Destiny City, anyone could walk down the street without issue. But only Blake\'s kids could walk down it without a single person coming even close to stepping on them.

By the time the two girls reached the city center, they had two arms full of things that people gave them for free. Of course, Destiny did not bring joy here for the treats and snacks they were getting but for one thing. "There it is!"

Standing taller than any building was a huge stone statue. It was of a man with wings and a pointed tail. He had a sword stabbed to the ground next to him with a flag attached to it. Under his feet was a pile of corpses. There was a slab with words on it describing what this statue depicted. "The Lord Of Destiny City, the man who created the city of destiny. A place where all can be free. In dedication to the man, who fights and protects us with everything he has."

"Papa!" Joy immediately cried out as she looked at the massive Papa in front of her. "Hehe, Big Sister Destiny, look, Papa!"

"Yep!" Destiny\'s lips curled up into a big smile as she looked at the massive statue. Her Papa was amazing! He even had a statue made of him! This was the reason she came here after hearing about it. She wanted to see this with her own eyes, this statue thing. She was really glad she came. "One day, I will be just as great as Papa! Hmm? Joy!?"

Destiny panicked for a moment when she turned to see Joy missing. But she soon spotted her hugging the leg of the statue. Seeing this, Destiny giggled as she jumped up onto the statue and hugged the leg as well. Her Papa was busy, so this was the next best thing.

Many citizens of Destiny City recorded the two girls hugging the statue. It was a moment that brightened the day of all those who saw. The daughters of their Lord hugging the statue that they built in his honor. Destiny and Joy later on in life will remember this day fondly as they looked on to an unknown future.

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