
Chapter 163 Combat Exam (4)

Crunch... Crunch...

Step by step, I crept through the snowy spruce forest, the white powder crunching beneath my boots.

The branches reached out to me like skeletal fingers, their surfaces covered in a delicate layer of frost.


A gust of wind swept through the trees, causing the snow to swirl around me and making me shiver.

Despite the protection offered by my [ Coldness Band ], the relentless chill of the Ice Dungeon still managed to breach its defenses, sending a penetrating cold deep into my bones.

"I should\'ve bought a more expensive Artifact..."

Mumbling to myself, I wiped the frost off my brow and trudged on, following the single trail of blood that led me deeper into the forest.

I was following this crimson path for more than an hour now and there was still no sign of it ending.

\'How much did that wounded wolf have to bleed to leave such a long trail?\'

Observing my surroundings, I noticed that the trees were getting thinner and more twisted the further I went.


Suddenly, the sound of a bow string being drawn made me pause in my tracks.

Without hesitation, I summoned my Longsword, gripping it tightly with my steady hands.

My golden eyes darted around the area, searching for the source of the sound.

If I could determine from where the arrow was coming, I might have a chance to dodge it or deflect it with my sword.

\'Stay calm...\'

Steadying my nerves, I took another step forward, channeling Mana into my eyes and peering through the veil of trees to find my potential attacker.

"He\'s hidden..."

However, everywhere I looked, I couldn\'t quite see the Mana Signature of my hidden assailant.

Whoever it was, they knew how to conceal their presence fully, which even I couldn\'t do completely.


I heard the faint sound of an arrow being released from its bowstring, followed by the unmistakable whistling of it hurtling through the air.

My heart skipped a beat, but I quickly dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the arrow that grazed past my left shoulder.

Without missing a beat, I rolled back onto my feet, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Looking at the projectile, which was now stuck in the tree bark, I instantly determined from where the arrow had been shot based on its trajectory and the angle at which it protruded from the tree.

However, the most surprising thing was that the arrow was made out of entirely Mana, which was very destructive.


I watched as the massive Spruce that was hit by the arrow started to crack and split, its sturdy trunk unable to withstand the power of the Mana-infused projectile.


My eyes followed as it fell to the ground with a resounding crash, kicking up dust of snow and splintered wood into the air.

Being hit by such an arrow wouldn\'t necessarily be fatal, but it would certainly leave me severely injured.


Suddenly, the sound of another being released from a different direction caught my attention.

"There\'s more than one attacker?"

Cursing under my breath, I narrowed my focus, deflecting the arrow with a swift flick of my sword.

Unfortunately, this was a mistake...


Upon colliding with my sword, the arrow exploded in a burst of Mana, releasing a shockwave that sent me flying backward.


The impact knocked the air out of me, however, the most annoying thing was that some snow had entered my mouth and now I was struggling to get rid of the gritty taste.


Grumbling under my nose, I gathered myself and quickly assessed my surroundings.


Another arrow whizzed by, narrowly missing my ear.

This time it was shot from a different direction, indicating the presence of multiple hidden assailants.


A small smile made its way across my face as a thought occurred to me.

The sound of all the arrows being released was quite similar, in fact, almost identical.

\'There\'s only one person in the game I know is capable of such tricks...\'

Scratching my chin, I didn\'t even flinch, ignoring the arrow that zoomed past me, narrowly missing my shoulder.

Yep, my guess was correct...

"I want no trouble..."

I shouted into the forest, raising my hands in the air at the same time. It was a stupid move, since in this scenario I wouldn\'t be able to defend myself effectively.

However, I knew my attacker wouldn\'t shoot.

Katarina was a person that would either defeat quickly or spare me entirely.

Her last arrow proved to me that she didn\'t want to eliminate me, but rather keep me away.I think you should take a look at

If she was serious about this fight, that arrow would be stuck in my body, causing severe yet not deadly injury.


For a moment the vicinity went silent, as if the forest itself held its breath.

"Are you Aiden?"

Suddenly, a cold blade pressed against the back of my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.

It wasn\'t because of fear, but because of the icy touch of the blade as it made contact with my skin.

I knew that she wielded an SS Rank stealth skill, accounting for her sudden and undetected approach, but the unexpected feeling of the blade against my skin was a new experience.

For a second I had to resist the urge to break free, but quickly swallowing that thought, I sighed.

"Yes, I\'m Aiden."

My calm and composed response did not betray the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

However, Katarina\'s dagger didn\'t leave my neck just yet.

"How many monsters have you killed?"

Her question took me by surprise, however, a small smile appeared on my face.

She was determining whether I was worth sparing or not.

If I were to have 13 kills, then she wouldn\'t hesitate to eliminate me and reap those points for herself.

It seems that Katarina meant business...

"I\'ve killed a single wounded Winter Wolf and been following its blood trail for an hour now..."

Breathing out a sigh, I kept my voice steady and measured, which turned out to be the right approach, since Katarina\'s grip on the dagger loosened slightly.


In the tense moment, the silence grew thicker as Katarina considered my response, evaluating whether it was worth eliminating me.

Luckily, she seemed satisfied with my answer and withdrew the blade from my neck, stepping back cautiously.


Her Longbow appeared in her hands with a swift and fluid motion, but so did my Authority, as I summoned it into my grasp.

"Lower your weapon..."

Katarina calmly spoke, drawing her bow taunt with Mana gathering at the tips of her fingers.

She was preparing to shoot a Mana Arrow.

"No, you lower yours first."

We stood there, eyeing each other with intense caution, both unwilling to back down.

I have to hand it to Katarina, though, she wasn\'t stupid and understood that I posed a potential threat to her, otherwise, she would never have drawn her bow.

However, there was a difference...

I wouldn\'t hesitate to eliminate someone for even a fraction of a point, whereas Katarina seemed to be more selective in her kills.


Currently, I held a small advantage, since I was really close to her and being close to an archer typically put them at a disadvantage.

However, the problem was that being hit by one of Katarina\'s Mana Arrows would still be a significant threat, one that I couldn\'t afford to take lightly.

The closer I got to her the more chances of getting hit by her arrow.


A gust of cold wind brushed past us, causing the hair on my neck to stand on end.

"Do you want to call a truce?"

Locking my golden eyes with Katarina\'s emerald green ones, I spoke, lowering my Authority slightly as if trying to show a willingness to negotiate.

I had already wasted an hour tracking the crimson trail of blood across the snow-covered forest, and engaging in a confrontation with Katarina would only consume more time and energy.

I still wanted to get a high score and pass this exam with flying colors and probably Katarina did too, so it would be mutually beneficial for both of us to find a peaceful resolution and continue our respective journeys.


Katarina hesitated for a moment, her eyes narrowing as she weighed her options.

I could almost see the internal dialogue within her mind.

Finally, after a tense moment of silence, Katarina also slowly lowered her bow, indicating her acceptance of the truce.

With a nod, I also dismissed my Authority and stepped back, creating a safe distance between us.

Now, it was time to ask some questions.

"Now that we had agreed to a truce... Did you see a Yeti in this area by any chance?"

Sighing, I spoke, intending to at least gather some valuable information from Katarina and make our encounter worthwhile.

Maybe she\'d be willing to share her observations...


However, her answer was... something else. I couldn\'t help but feel my eye twitch.

"Information is expensive, you know?"

A small smile appeared on her doll-like face and her emerald eyes gleamed mischievously.

It seems that she wasn\'t a complete dumbass.

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