
Chapter 37: Bargain

Chapter 37: Bargain

The Red Gate abnormality got discussed by all the Hunter Association in the world. Because this past week, it occurs in their own country.

It happened suddenly, and the Association didn’t have much time to discuss or research the abnormality. Thus, all the Hunters Association in the world agree to put the Red Gate as a high-level threat above tier-6 Portal Gate.

Because of its irregular pattern, Red Gate was considered a headache for the Association. They didn’t know the creatures until it came out to decide which hunters needed to go first.

All of the Hunters Association couldn’t just throw high-rank hunters every time Red Gate appeared. They need high-rank hunters to close Portal Gate that already existed for a long time on their land too.

If the Hunter Association didn’t close the Portal Gates. A Red Gate would likely rise from the neglected ones.

It was the same as paying debt with another debt.

Again, the root of this problem pointed at the lack of hunters in each country had. Also, they suffered from the hunters that died on the hunt and the massive Portal Gate that kept appearing.

The world did not know about the news. Some people worried about the chaos and panic that citizens would cause if they knew the Red Gate threat was above tier-6 Portal Gate.

It only got shared within the Hunter Association’s personnel. And also, the report was being shared with all Guild headmasters from each country.

—- —-

In Seoul, South Korea. Hunters Association’s headquarter building.

Chairman Yu finally had a meeting with Shadow, Demigod, and Artates guild Headmasters after discussing the Red Gate abnormality with the other.

The meeting also happened officially since the situation was back to normal.

And the hunters could do their usual routine now.

Of course, that didn’t mean they’d reduced their alert against the Red Gate. Currently, most of the Portal Gate already had several hunters. Along with a gatekeeper standing guard around the place.

Chairman Yu sat at the end of the office meeting table near the building windows. The Chairman was also together with Chief Yoon, who stood beside him.

Inside the room, there were two other men. Both of the men were younger than Chairman Yu. But, only a bit older than Chief Yoon.

Calm atmosphere accompanied by the Chairman’s light knocking at the meeting table.

Creek, Ngee–

Suddenly, everyone in the room heard the door of the room open.

Chairman Yu frowned upon seeing the one that was coming was a woman.

Even Chief Yoon tilted her face in annoyance. “Tch!”

Meanwhile, the other two men showed expressions of dissatisfaction with that person’s presence.

“Where is Hyun-bin?!”

“Why are you here?!”

The woman stared at the two men in front of her.

“Please, address the Headmaster with formality.”

One of the men didn’t like the woman’s attitude. He burst out his Mana presence instantly.

“Oi, girl! Dare talk to me like that!? You don’t have the qualification to order me around.

“No! You even don’t have the privilege of asking a favor from us!”

The room began to tremble slightly due to the Mana presence of the high-ranking hunter.

However, the woman did not flinch at that. She just casually walked and sat at the chair.


The man that used his Mana presence seemed to want to jump at that woman. He likely wanted to teach her a lesson.

The room felt like it was going to collapse at any moment due to vibrations.

“Calm Down, all of you!!”

Chairman Yu raised his voice while lifting his left hand to stop Chief Yoon from joining in the middle of the quarrel.

The man quickly erased his Mana presence and sat down on the chair, grumbling.

“You too. We’re here not to fight.”

Chief Yoon bowed her head slightly and took a step back after getting reprimanded by Chairman Yu.

“I go straight to the point.”

Chairman Yu looked around the room with his focus on the three people sitting in front of him. He sighed and massaged his forehead. Gathering these three Guild representatives was very troublesome.

“First, can you make a final decision over your guild, Seo Ji-soo~si?” Chairman Yu asked the woman.

Ji-soo stared at Chairman Yu without answering, and the other two men looked at the Chairman too.

All three of them want to hear the context before giving their words. Chairman Yu understood the silence that they gave to him.

“This is a notice. It will work as of today.

“I will lower the selling price of the Portal Gate ownership rights. It only applies to tier-1 and tier-2. For these two-tier types of Portal Gates. We will no longer sell it to the Shadow, Demigod, and Artates guilds.

“Also, for tier-3 to tier-6 Portal Gate, they will have an auction system for ownership rights that will take place at Hunters Association.”


There was a sound of the table getting hit. The two men immediately disagreed with the regulations.

“Hyung~nim, are you crazy?!”

“What’s the meaning of this!?”

Both of the men showed their dissatisfaction over the matter.

At the same time, Ji-soo calmly reacted. “Shadow and Demigod Headmasters, let the Chairman finish his words. I’m sure there is more to it since Chairman Yu chose to invite us for a meeting rather than sending someone to tell us about it.”

Both of the Guild Headmasters sneered at Ji-soo even though they agreed to the latter part. They both stopped their objection.

Seeing the three of them want to listen and think in a cool-headed state, Chairman Yu decided to continue his talk.

“This arrangement can’t be undone, whether you want it or not. Even if you want to fight with the Hunters Association, I will still hold this order.”

Chairman Yu paused for a moment to see the reactions of the three people. He didn’t want to say more if they were still in anger. It would only make all the words spoken go to waste.

Ji-soo, Shadow, and Demigod Headmasters didn’t interrupt this time. Instead, watching Chairman Yu with a solemn face.

“I know it’s sudden, and this conclusion is definitive. Therefore, I would like to negotiate the condition with the three Headmasters to agree with the enforcement of this rule.”

Shadow and Demigod Headmasters shift their head to Ji-soo.

Because not only did they need to agree with the auction system. The guilds would also not have tier-1 and tier-2 Portal Gate anymore from here on. The discussion required the consent of the Guild headmaster.

Ji-soo didn’t rush to give them a response. She was calmly tapping fingers on the table.

“What’s the offer?”

Ji-soo threw another inquiry against Chairman Yu’s proposal rather than assuring them about the decision.

On the other side, The two headmasters from Demigod and Shadow guilds become spectators between Ji-soo and Chairman Yu. Although, they didn’t like the Artates vice headmaster. They need to admit how capable the woman was to handle the negotiation.

After all, there were no guilds that didn’t want to get more benefit in any circumstance.

It made Chairman Yu lose his ground to negotiate. And could only follow along with those three guilds headmasters and representative demand later if they weren’t happy with the exchange.

Chairman Yu could lower the Hunters Association loss if the three of them spoke their condition first. He sighed.

“The three guilds will take priority when the auction of Portal Gate takes place and have a 5% discount there.”

Of course, the three of them didn’t like the offer. It was a tremendous loss for the guilds. Even though low-rank hunters could go to the higher tier of Portal Gate, they still need tier-1 and tier-2 Portal Gate for new members.

“Hyung~nim, it’s bulls***!”

“It’s crazier than earlier!”

Chairman Yu knew it was not a good bargain for the three guilds. So, he gave another reason why that became a silly offer.

“Hunters Association. No. It’s me.

“I want to import Magic Crystals and Magic Stones to South Korea. I will use it to cultivate low-level hunters who have a talent for the future. Thus, I need a lot of money for that.

“It can get used to training some low-level hunters from your guilds as well. That’s if you’re willing.”

Shadow and Demigod Headmasters contemplating the condition, they still respect the Hunters Association. And didn’t want to force too much of it since it would be good for South Korea to have more high-ranked hunters.

However, the loss made the Headmasters feel sour about the term.

“Five tier-3, three tier-4, and one tier-5 for each of us. Also, the auction discount increased to 20%.

“We don’t need the priority. The other guilds can’t compete with us in terms of wealth.”

Both of the Headmaster’s faces glow up after hearing Ji-soo bargains. It was good for them, and at the same time, it seemed like it didn’t make the Hunters Association suffer too much.

That was what they thought.

But, it was different for Chairman Yu. This exchange made his heartache for the resource.





Chairman Yu had the urge to vomit blood. He quickly sealed the agreement, worried they might not accept it if he pressed any further.

“It’s a deal! Five tier-3, three tier-4, and one tier-5 Portal Gates and auction discount of 20%.

“Both of you don’t have anything to say, right!?”

Chairman Yu glared at Shadow and Demigod Headmasters that smiled happily and nodded about the deal.

—- —-

At the lobby, on the first floor of the Hunters Association building.

Chief Lee held a paper note that seemed written of an address. He hesitated whether to visit the address or not.

When Chief Lee heard the report about how the High-Grade creature dies, he thought of the young man he first met at the tier-2 Portal Gate before.

Both of the young men have the same characteristic. Both have long wavy hair and didn’t have Mana.

On the other hand, after being busy over these past few weeks. Chief Lee’s thinking if it was worth it to find the young man now.

“Should I meet him first?”

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