
Chapter 112: Skill Page

Chapter 112: Skill Page

The next day, Ji-woo went about his routine as usual. The situation now was much better than yesterday. But, still not quite in good condition. At least he wasn’t pale and tired so that his body did not feel heavy anymore, just a little sore in some parts of it.

Ji-woo sat across from his mother’s food stall, watching her tidy up the sales. The debt problem already had been resolved, even though his mother still didn’t know about it. Now, the tricky thing was to get her mother to rest.

Ji-woo’s stubbornness came from his mother. So, he knew how hard it was to change his mother’s mind.

Previously, Ji-woo intended to buy a new house if the money had reached billions. However, he changed his strategy. He planned to make the home a solid fortress by setting up several defense mechanisms if the Red Gate outbreak occurred. His knowledge of the Spheres could get used for that. However, in order to ensure its durability was as desired, the requirement of a blacksmith expert was remarkably significant.

He didn’t know if humans on earth already had the same abilities as blacksmiths in other wizarding worlds. Of course, if the items and weapons that the Hunter Association had been the best made by a blacksmith here, then there was no hope for Ji-woo could maximize the use of the Spheres.

If he only relied on himself, there would be only one or two defenses he could make to protect his mother and sister.

Despite all that, Ji-woo relaxed a bit about his family matters. It wouldn’t be long before his peak strength would return. And when that happened, as long as he was by his family’s side, then nothing in this world could make him worry.

Ji-woo looked at his mother and felt that the life he was living now was much better than before. At least, moments of calm and peace like now were frequent, even though the world was in chaos.

Meanwhile, Ji-woo was in his thoughts, Dong-hyun and Yu-jin came over.

The two hunters were on break from training for the tier-4 Portal Gate. So, Ji-woo asked them to come and continue the training. He wanted to finish the practice with them as soon as possible. And that practice was the last he could teach. He didn’t understand much about Mana, and what he taught was all the knowledge he had.

In this aspect, Stormrage had better skills as a teacher. He was the one who taught Ji-woo to fight and use the Nullifier well. On top of that, he was a combat mage whose level was at the pinnacle. That meant his Mana understanding was equivalent to that of a Sage. A spiritual person who had dedicated to magic spells and a pinnacle Mage.

Ji-woo had thought that if Stormrage were in his position, he would want to take as many students as possible and teach them to become the best warrior mages. Deep down, he thought that only a person with the qualities of a leader could lead Dong-hyun and Yu-jin to get more powerful than they were.

“Hyung, what are you thinking here?”

Dong-hyun asked, while Yu-jin on the side looked at Ji-woo with a disinterested expression on her face and chimed in.

“Right. Shouldn’t we go to the training ground instead of here?”

Ji-woo chuckled, watching the two hunters showing such interest in the training.

“We’ll be leaving in a moment.”

Ji-woo wanted to see his mother a little longer. He felt that lately, he had been busy with Portal Gate and money matters, spending a little time with his family.

Dong-hyun sat next to Ji-woo, keeping him company, while Yu-jin walked to the food stall and talked to Elijah.

Ji-woo sighed when he saw the action of the two people. People couldn’t get judged by their appearance, nor could they get judged by first impressions.

Look at Dong-hyun and Yu-jin. When they met Ji-woo for the first time, the two of them had different impressions than now.

Dong-hyun, in the past, acted know-it-all and a little arrogant, in contrast to current him, who was timid and had no confidence.

On the other hand, Yu-jin, who had always got obsessed with strength. And looked down on those weaker than her, now spoke cheerfully and softly to Elijah.

Life was full of surprises, and no one knew what the future held.

Ji-woo got up from his seat and took the two kids to the training ground after excusing themselves to Elijah.

Dong-hyun opened his mouth, raving about Ji-woo’s clothes before the practice began at the training ground. Ji-woo looked too casual. And on top of that with a ragged bag, making it even worse to look at it. He couldn’t understand why Ji-woo was so happy to wear that shabby bag.

Of course, that blabbering mouth of Dong-hyun wouldn’t get off the hook and get the lovely hit on the head by Ji-woo.

Ji-woo then took out a Skill Page from the Spatial Bag. He understood why not many could recognize the Spatial Bag since it was rare in this world.

The action made Dong-hyun and Yu-jin drop their jaws. They were both shocked and realized the shabby bag was a Spatial Bag. A rare item that was highly coveted and sought after by wealthy hunters around the world.

Rumors circulated on the streets that the price of the Spatial Bag was 5,999 billion won. But, all hunters knew that it was only the starting price. If there were items, the price could sometimes go up to double the initial price. Some have even offered up to five times that figure. (note: 5,999 billion won = around 5,1 million USD)

Both Dong-hyun and Yu-jin reevaluate their opinion of Ji-woo being poor and desperate for money. They think that if Ji-woo wanted to sell the magic item. There might be a hunter willing to offer up to 50 billion won for it.

It was enough to make Ji-woo and his family live well.

Dong-hyun and Yu-jin had the same thought. ‘No wonder he has no interest in going to the tier-4 Portal Gate. The money made from hunting in the dungeon is nothing but speck dust compared to the money that he would get earned from the Spatial Bag.’

“What are you two staring at!? Here. Take a look at this, see if any of you are compatible with it. Then, you can have it.”

Ji-woo tossed the Skill Page, and Dong-hyun caught it unconsciously.

Yu-jin snapped out of her shock and looked at the Skill Page in Dong-hyun’s hand. She didn’t know how Ji-woo got to have all that stuff out of nowhere. She thought Ji-woo was strong and only knew how to fight without being interested in magic items.

“Ah, right! Did you ask about Spatial items earlier because of Ji-woo?”

Dong-hyun woke up from his engrossment after hearing Yu-jin’s question. He also wondered if the Spatial Bag got bought by Ji-woo because of his information. Suddenly, he complained to Ji-woo.

“Hyung, where did you get the money to buy stuff like that? Aren’t you, poor?

“Ouch! My head!”

“Stop spewing nonsense. I didn’t buy it. I just picked it up on the street.”

Dong-hyun and Yu-jin couldn’t believe what they heard. Nonsense like that, no one wanted to believe it. Did Ji-woo think the Spatial Bag was a leaf that could get picked up on the street?

Ji-woo smiled wryly at the two disbelieving expressions. What he said was true and not made up. He got the Spatial Bag while assisting in exterminating the creatures from the Red Gate that roamed the city of Busan long ago.

Wouldn’t that be considered the same as picking up things on the road?

“It’s up to you what you think. It’s definitely not like that.”

“What’s not like that!?” Dong-hyun speaks while holding his head which hurts from being hit earlier.

“Who can believe that?! You have to do better if you want to lie. At least a little believable story.” Yu-jin voiced her disbelief.

“Okay. Focus on the item. That’s a Skill Page. Isn’t it? Can you use it?”

Dong-hyun and Yu-jin sneer and turn their attention toward the Skill Page instead of the Spatial Bag. Surprisingly, they were able to find out what the Skill Page was about just by channeling a small amount of their Mana. It was a magic spell related to the lightning element.

“But Hyung, I don’t know which class this Skill Page is in.”

Yu-jin nodded. “Right, only an appraiser knows which class this item belongs to.”

Ji-woo narrowed his eyes. “What are you two talking about?”

“Basically, Skill Pages can be used by all hunters of all ranks. The only problem is whether a hunter’s Mana is sufficient to execute his magic spell or not. If Mana is not enough, then the Skill Page is useless, and money gets wasted.”

Dong-hyun nodded in agreement with Yu-jin’s statement. He also added another information with it. “That’s why the Skill Pages get separated by class by the appraiser. From class-1 to class-7. Depending on how much Mana gets required for the magic spell of the Skill Page.”

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