
Chapter 350 Ideas For The Future

"Not at all" Pointing to the sides of the drawing, Christian continued "The idea is that each Andras will be accompanied with 8 Stolas and a hive inside, with the estimated capacity of around 3 mini drones."

"Mmmm... It would certainly be fatal, but at the same time it would also be a very easy target to shoot down..."

"The idea is that the Stolas and the mini drones will be their squadron, but we should also assign a human squadron to go with it so that we avoid having our people carry the crude hives and this mini tank will serve as the AI brains."

"I see... a walking brain that can protect itself" Nodding with understanding, Envy thought for a few minutes and commented "You make it sound so easy... if so, why haven\'t others done it?"

"The truth is that humanity has already reached the stage where we can use weapons of this type and no doubt in the future nuclear weapons will be obsolete... but they are still going through a big problem and that problem is called power... their supercomputers still can\'t fully process a true functional AI, and unfortunately, for all these types of weapons so lethal and effective, you need a great AI behind them."

"So if the rest of the world can create a quantum computer and create an AI, creating weapons like this would be simple?"

"Yes, in fact, these types of drones I\'m creating now, would be no different than junk under the watchful eye of a team of highly specialized weapons scientists... you really have to think that right now I\'m working as a pioneer of military technology run entirely by an AI, I\'m literally in the dark while trying to create something that looks functional"

"I understand" Nodding, Envy looked at the blueprints for a few more seconds and smiled, then put the ipad down on the table and asked "How are you doing with the language? You haven\'t sent me anything yet"

"It really is complicated..." Pursing his lips, Christian continued "I already know more than 40 languages and I certainly wouldn\'t have problems creating one of my own, but I discovered interesting things I want to plan... you know that depending on the language you speak, your sense of perception, vision and even the shape of your face, are different?"

"You say that every language affects your face and senses?"

"Yes... in the face it\'s easier to explain... when you speak you engage certain muscles in your face, and each language handles certain muscles more than others... in fact it wouldn\'t be a crazy theory that Asians have those features because of their languages and that over time their genes changed."

Chuckling, Envy asked, "And what is it that complicates you?"

"Obviously I want to look out for the best for our citizens...if speaking a language makes you better looking, why not try?" Smiling at such an absurd idea, Christian continued "So I decided to research the different studies and at the same time I seek to create speech convolutions that are simple to learn and modulate but at the same time have desired effects on the face."

"You crazy bastard" Shaking her head, Envy smiled and continued "Then we will start with English on the children and then implement the language you have created, no pressure."


"Have you decided on a new country yet?"

"Although Korea is the most interesting country for now, no one knows what happens in the future... let\'s wait one more week and see if something more fun comes out" Thinking for a few seconds, Christian continued "For now prepare everything for South Korea, don\'t start the transportation yet, but leave everything planned just in case"

"What makes you hesitate? You know we have hundreds of thousands of reports in Korea, I doubt another country will surpass it..... well, maybe China, but we\'ve already taken them off the list."

"Well... it\'s really complicated" Frowning slightly, Christian continued "In Korea we won\'t be dealing with adults or the elderly, we will be dealing with children who have no conscience and certainly hundreds of them deserve to die based on my standards... but I worry that killing these youngsters might cause some moral problems in our ranks..."

Frowning slightly, Envy thought for a few seconds and nodded "It certainly could happen..."

"I\'ve been thinking a bit and I think that if we get to go to Korea, we\'ll drop the motto of just killing and we could use other tactics" Thinking for a few seconds, Christian continued "The most horrible criminals will get death, crimes like murder, rap3 and similar shit... now the criminals who were just harassing will end up with broken legs... their arms will be included if their harassment went to the extreme of causing suicides and if the cases are many, we\'ll make sure they never stand properly again for their whole life."

"It wouldn\'t be bad... even if they are \'kids\', it doesn\'t take away from the fact that they are just another mob... this option brings a little mercy to calm the nerves, it will certainly serve to not scare away the more righteous of the army."

Although Christian\'s army has literally committed horrible murders, many of the members have never forgotten their original purpose.

Although there are a large number who joined \'Lucifer\'s\' army for money, power and even to be able to murder in peace, a much larger number actually joined for revenge, sick justice and even some who seek peace.

So it would be inevitable that many in the military would be hesitant to have to kill school children for \'petty crimes\' like bullying.

"It\'s the idea" Looking down at his cup of tea in Envy\'s hand, Christian clicked his tongue and snorted "Damn bitch, you took advantage of me thinking to steal my damn tea."

Laughing, Envy looked down and stared at the cup in her hand, then looked back up at Christian and asked "Since when did you become like this?"

"Like what?"

"Just look at you" Looking sideways, Envy continued "Pond with koi fish, surrounded by trees , drinking tea like a sissy and smiling like a moron"


"What happened to that captain of ours who bathed in blood daily and always treated us coldly or seriously?"

"What, you miss that side of me?" Raising his eyebrows, Christian smiled slightly and continued "I wouldn\'t mind bathing in your blood right now."

"Heh" Snorting, Envy replied "You were nicer in the army, now you talk too much and really your daily messages stress me out"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian chuckled softly and commented "Little Envy is shy because a handsome man like me asks her every morning if she woke up okay?"

"Just that?" rolling her eyes, Envy continued "I get messages from you at lunchtime, messages at dinner and messages in the middle of the night, don\'t you get bored?"

"How can I get bored?" chuckling, Christian continued "Besides, it\'s all your fault."

"My fault?"

"Of course it is, after all you behave like a child" Smiling mockingly, Christian continued "If I don\'t tell you to eat lunch, you don\'t, if I don\'t make sure you eat dinner, you don\'t, if I don\'t make sure you sleep, you don\'t. I even have to make sure you bathe because you\'re so damn sloppy."


"Do you ever think about your fucking health and stop working" Instantly frowning, Christian continued "It\'s fine that you love your job and it\'s fine that you care about keeping the organization stable, but what good will it do if you\'ll end up dying in a couple of years from overtaxing yourself?"

Staring at Christian for a few seconds, Envy snorted and fell silent, completely ignoring the scolding she just received.

Shaking his head, Christian turned his gaze to the pond beside him and watched the beautiful fish swim in silence, only to turn back to Envy after a few minutes and comment, "What position do you plan to hold in the kingdom? Minister of Defense? General of the army? Minister of Intelligence or perhaps Concubine to the King?

Rolling her eyes, Envy replied "I don\'t know yet, but Minister of Intelligence doesn\'t sound so bad"

"Doesn\'t being the king\'s concubine sound much better?" smiling broadly, Christian asked.

"Of course it doesn\'t sound so bad, but only if you don\'t consider the king to be a crazy, irrational bastard."

"But that bastard king is very handsome" Rubbing his face with an arrogant smile, Christian replied.

"I knew getting together with Lust would make you more stupid" Rubbing her forehead while shaking her head, Envy looked at her watch and sighed "Well, I\'m off, I have work to do."

Pursing his lips, Christian nodded "Take care of yourself and take these damn heads... please remove the skin and all the insides, leave me the skull with the respective names... in fact do you think it would be possible to get every skull of the Chinese people I killed? I don\'t care what their bodies look like, I just want the skulls."

Raising her eyebrows, Envy laughed and nodded, then stood up and stretched her body "It will be a little difficult since many of those bodies have already been cremated and the remains taken out of the country, but we haven\'t gotten rid of the bones yet and I just have to give the orders before they are pulverized... but what do you want them for?"

"I plan to save every skull of whoever stands in my way from here until I build the kingdom... it wouldn\'t hurt to have a sea of skulls to show future descendants so they know the sacrifice it took to create the kingdom."

"Not a bad idea, we\'ll try to collect skulls as we dispose of bodies."

Looking at Envy\'s hip, Christian nodded with satisfaction and commented "You should think about that being the king\'s concubine, you would certainly give birth to very nice children."

"Fuck you" Sipping her remaining tea, Envy pulled out her cell phone and sent a few messages, then walked away as she commented "They\'re coming for the heads, we\'ll keep them on the island".

"Take care"

"Mn" Nodding, Envy paused for a few moments and commented "Lust bought a house near this one, it looked pretty boring."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian chuckled and nodded, then thought for a few seconds and commented "Keep an eye on Gluttony.... She\'s got me worried, her mental health is declining."

"That bitch is crazy, even crazier than you" Nodding, Envy continued "But if you get her out of her workshop, she\'ll go even crazier, let her be"

"Get her something gourmet from somewhere, maybe eating something new and exotic will cheer her up."

"I\'ll come get something" Nodding, Envy waved her hand and continued on her way, while Christian watched her slender back in silence.

Having lost Envy\'s silhouette, Christian turned his gaze to the lake beside him and murmured "So Lust can\'t take it anymore... she certainly must be frustrated enough to really suck me dry... it\'s been several days since our last sexual fix."

Turning his gaze to the table, Christian picked up the teapot and prepared to pour himself some tea, but feeling it completely empty, he clicked his tongue and stood up.

Staring at the heads for a few seconds, Christian chuckled and took the cup along with the teapot, walking happily home.

"I promised myself to see them dead and it\'s come true, you fucking bitches."


Edited By:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos

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