
Chapter 192 - Puton

When the WGP rose to power, it pursued several strategies in order to ensure that the world will never fall into the dire state it once had.

The creation of the WGP was backed up by several other factors. Among those factors was that it ushered in the Age of Geniuses. Many prominent scientists emerged during that era and were harbingers of significant technological advances. Some discovered new sciences, others developed and improved the existing sciences. Others combined the known sciences to give birth to newer ones.

These great and amazing scientists came from all around the world. They all presented the fullness of their technology to the WGP for a better tomorrow.

Using these technologies, the WGP was able to aid several countries around the world to provide exactly what these countries needed.

But along the line, it was then that the WGP had an epiphany.

When these groups started providing essential research materials, the WGP took note of it and even helped these scientists improve their sciences.

But instead of sharing it with the world, the WGP urged these nations to keep it for themselves. The dividing of technologies began then.

The inspirations that led to this specific plan of the WGP is in one particular tale on the bible.

After the days of Noah, when the world multiplied once more, sin became rampant, a certain city was built. And it that city was a rising tower that was initially purposed to go up to the high heavens as a challenge to God.

Seeing this arrogance, and the united efforts to go against God, it was then the God went down. He twisted the tounges of men and dispersed them that their sinful intentions may not succeed. He had already vowed to not rid the world in a mass genocide as He did during the flood. Yet even after the flood, mankind banded together to establish such an arrogant city.

The WGP liked the idea of this divide.

War occurred because of the unity of technologies.

Globalization gave the world access to the technologies that the superpowers had. And while certain techs never became public and were only reserved for war, the general theory behind the technology was published on paper and was accessed by most parts of the world.

When World War Three began, the weaker countries could easily create or obtain weapons of mass destruction, provided they pay the right sum to another superpower.

In an ironic twist, some who purchased these weapons ended up using these weapons on the country they bought it from.

Globalization brought unity and familiarity. And so the WGP sought to change this. Project Babel was made to resolve several issues that the world suffered from. And with the diverse technologies that rose, the WGP imposed the Technological Possibilities.

It was a global agreement that no countries can try to study or even develop technologies that are similar to another.

This brought a significant economic change in the world. Every country needed other countries because they had no access to these technologies.

The Great Technological Divide happened during Project Babel.

But a great secret happened behind the scenes.

The Dalisay clan met the Progenitor right after the establishment of the WGP.

It was there that the Progenitor revealed a strange science that dealt with the compression of energy.

The active volcanoes in the entire Pangean region aided as a constant source of the molten energy that they could harness.

And so, as the heat become compressed, new technology was born. It did not allow Pangea to create powerful bombs that could wipe out a city. But it did manage to develop weapons that could melt through even the hardest of Supra Steels.

This was one of Pangea\'s special sciences. Eradication technology. The technology of compressing energy.

However, not all the discoveries were given over to the WGP.

The strange technologies that the Progenitor left behind were in no way equal. But it didn\'t mean that the sciences left behind weren\'t useless.

The success of the Dalisay clan was attributed to their advanced knowledge of Eradication technology.

The family kept it a secret. They divided the technology into several parts and gave each piece to a faction of the family.

And so, only the Clan leader and the elected Inheritor would know the full extent of this technology.

Gardo Dalisay\'s body bore the fullness of the Eradication technology.

His temperature continued to rise as the bright lights quickly approached him.

Suddenly, the heat and energy that he was emitting transferred towards his right leg.

Gardo immediately moved towards one of the approaching lights and stomped the ground really hard in order to propel himself forward.


A small explosion resounded as Gardo kicked the ground, and the explosion allowed him to move faster. He kept his body as low as possible to evade the racing light.

The light energy ignored his body as it directly went to the location where Gardo stomped the heat signature in that area was the hottest.

Several explosions rang out as light struck the ground.

Cliff and Titan overlooked at the battle and took a mental note. Both were still a distance away from each other and remained hidden.

"That was close." Titan sighed.

Cliff immediately sensed where Titan was and moved towards him.

"It looks like those energy thingies that come from that Rule can only have simple commands. Did you see it?" Cliff asked the question.

Titan clearly saw it. His vision had long transformed from the regular eye-sight.

"Yes. Gardo moved all the temperature in his body to his foot. He\'s been doing that for a while now when we were still at the sky satellite."

"Yup. He was practicing for this. So this is what he meant by an Eradication body."

"How did he transfer the energy to the floor?" Titan pondered.

"Who knows? But Gardo gave us quite a gift, Titan. This is our advantage. Those holding vast technologies have ways to see and attack us. But our perception is the advantage. The guy riding the Rule didn\'t have time to attack, and Gardo\'s split-second actions couldn\'t be seen.

Indeed, it was true. The Emperor frowned. He couldn\'t see what happened in those short seconds.

Suddenly, the Rule automatically released several energy attacks.

Gardo had run from the highest structure nearby and jumped off it, aiming for the Rule. The speed of his jump and the sudden appearance of a high heat-signature alerted the Rule and shot off several lights.

Gardo spun around while on midair, and the energy blasts locked on to the arm that Gardo extended out.

The spinning heat caused the energy to curve and circled around to attack the heat signature.

Gardo reached the Rule and slapped on it. As he slapped on the Rule, he used the explosive impact to throw himself of the Rule.

The heat source remained embedded on the Rule and the energy that was circling around headed towards the Rule.

"Pretty smart." Cliff was amazed at Gardo\'s actions.

A significant impact resounded as Gardo\'s fists connected with the Rule.

The ray of lights rushed towards the Rule. However, upon impact, it did not explode, but a flashing light exploded abruptly, and none of the rays of lights could be seen.

"Impressive technology. The World Governing Powers sure is tough." Gardo gave a wild laugh.

"You\'re not bad yourself. Even now, I can\'t identify the technology you have. Who are you, and why are you here?"

"Gee… I don\'t know. I was trying to make you hit yourself and kill yourself. Maybe I\'m here to sell girl scout cookies?" Gardo laughed.

"Why have you decided to show yourself to us? Are you that confident in killing me in a Rule?"

"Please. I know that Pangean General betrayed us. Once we destroy this Kraken, Australia will begin its attack on Pangea. So I advise you... give us the designs of the weapon Plu- err... Puton! Or face our wrath! Hand over those Glyphs, and we will give your Kingdom and Pangea more time."

Cliff, who was hiding, was confused with what Gardo was saying.

"Damn. More One Piece jokes? That Gardo is a piece of work." Titan sighed.

"What? What\'s Puton?"

"He must be asking for the WGP to hand over the Phonyglyp for Pluton. Just what kind of a weeb is this guy?" Titan began to shake his head.

"Then why did he say Puton instead of Pluton?"

"He might have been afraid that the enemy would search what Pluton is on the web and discover the One Piece reference."

"Oh. I get it. I wonder what comes up on the search engine if you search for Puton?"

Titan shrugged.

"I\'ll try it when I get home."

"Puton? We don\'t know of such weapons." The Emperor frowned.

"Oh? Even someone like you have no access to that? How stingy. Oh well. I guess we\'ll have to destroy this entire base."

"All of that effort just for this, Puton?"

"Well, not really. It would have been a plus. But we needed this eyesore of the map."

"So this was all it was. You bombed New Great Britain, knowing that they would counter-attack by sending a storm to ravage Australia. And once the storm passes by this Kraken, you begin your infiltration. Impressive. It limits the techs we can use to search for you. Even sonar is acting all bugged up with the heavy rain and wind. I must say, this is genuinely ingenious."

"Ri-Right," Gardo answered as he continued to move around to hide from the Emperor.

It was then a distant lightning bolt erupted from a distance. Gardo noticed something in the sky and smiled.

"Anyways... It\'s been nice knowing you." The Emperor laughed and was about to launch an attack before...

"Hello? Mom! Geez! I\'m busy!"

"..." The Emperor stopped at those words.

"Can\'t you call later?! I\'m kinda in the middle of world domination here!"

"..." Cliff\'s mouth was wide open.

"NO! Don\'t remove those posters! And it\'s not cartoons, mom! It\'s anime! And yes! It\'s totally normal for grown men like me to watch it! Geez! Get off my back! I already gave you three islands! Stay away from my collectibles!"

"..." Cliff remained speechless.

"Wow. It\'s actually working." Titan was shocked.

"What\'s working?" Cliff asked in confusion, still unable to grasps what was happening.


A powerful tremor shook the ground as the alarms around the base grew intense.

Several explosive sounds could be heard echoing out from the deep parts of the Kraken.

The Emperor was surprised at the sudden sounds. He immediately made a quick scan over the remaining functioning cameras inside the Kraken.

Several Exoskeletons could be seen rushing towards the center of the platform.

"How?!" The Emperor was stunned.

He checked for the structure report of the Kraken, and it was confirmed that no other doors within their platforms have been detected to be opened by force.

"They went in through the launchpads. That attack they just did was a diversion. That\'s why they caused a ruckus first before using the EMP!" The Empress contacted the Emperor and gave her deduction.


"Our enemies must have that technology that only Sovereign\'s have. Skin Suits. Is your enemy using an Exoskeletal suit?"

"No..." The Emperor grit his teeth.

"Then it\'s a skin suit. He was delaying you. Kill him. Don\'t waste time. If things go bad, I\'ll have to invoke it."

"Alright." Immediately, the Emperor activated a powerful attack.

Powerful energy gathered around the Rule. Cliff and Titan, who had eyes that could see temperatures, immediately knew what was going to happen.

They immediately ran to look for covers.

As the energy gathered, the entire area was illuminated, and the heavy rain could no longer hide the shady figures.

Gardo stood still and laughed.

"You think that was the reason why I delayed? That\'s not it… I\'ll show it to you now! Hisatsu!" Gardo then assumed a strange pose.

"Idiot." the Emperor sneered.


An alert could be heard as the Rule automatically moved on its own to avoid an incoming attack.

From the dark sky, a large long, and thick metal spear, was piercing the sky.

But even as the Rule moved, a powerful burst suddenly appeared as the large metal rod adjusted the direction of its attack and smashed the Rule.


"ARG!" The pained cry was heard as the Emperor was stunned by the impact.

Due to the sudden attack of the large pillar hitting behind the Rule, the explosion occurred prematurely, and because of the force of the explosion, the Rule was thrown off into the sea. The Emperor didn\'t have time to react as the impact stunned him.

The Rule was sent flying and off to the distance and crashed somewhere on the other platforms before falling off into the sea.

The large metal pillar was fell on the other side. The original sharp point of this large metal was no longer present. Nearly a third of the metal was gone as if it was melted off.

At the far end of the large pillar, a door opened.

Several men emerged from the door and were still trying to recover from the crash.

"Finally! You guys arrived just in time!" Gardo laughed.

"Presid-" One of the passengers of this large metal called out as he heard the voice of Gardo, but his companion covered his mouth.

"Relax, Jane. This area was attacked with a special kind of EMP bomb. You can talk freely." Gardo laughed as he drew closer enough for the people to see them.

"Archie, Brent… Oh, Efren! you don\'t look so good."

"Gardo. It\'s good to see you." The woman who covered the mouth of the youth smiled.

"I was seated in a bad place. That shock made me all groggy. We just also took some strange drugs a few hours before getting launched here. I had it worse."

"That\'s why I keep telling you that you should do more fieldwork instead of being the Intel guy!"

"What was that drug?" Jane asked.

"We\'ll talk about it later. For now, you are forbidden from talking about that drug. Why did you take the drug, though? Wasn\'t it suspicious?" Gardo asked curiously.

"Magnetic rail technology? And this pillar should be made of New Great Britain\'s Lightning Rod tech. They used magnetism to shoot this large metal, huh? You didn\'t use the rockets until you were nearby." Cliff suddenly appeared and began to connect the dots as he accessed his memories.

"Guys. Relax." Gardo said before the group could recognize Cliff.

"We\'re allies." Gardo patted Cliff\'s shoulder.

More members of the team emerged from the large pillar. All in all, five members appeared.

"Harker contacted us about three hours before and told us you\'d be here. He said he forced you to attack this place and that if we wanted to help you, we needed his drugs. However, he said that by taking it… we would be bound to his alliance." Jane explained.

"Well… He\'s right… But why did he have to say it in such a negative way? And why did you believe him?" Gardo gave Cliff a strange look.

"Harker\'s Skill is something about gaining people\'s trust." Cliff explained.

"Oh. I get it. Anyways, boys and girls… I was forced to fight. That part is true. But this isn\'t a rescue mission to save me. We will support these guys with everything that we got. We need them more than they need us." Gardo explained.

The group was surprised at Gardo\'s declaration.

"I\'ll explain everything soon. My effects, please. We need to get ready to fight." Gardo ordered.

"President. We weren\'t able to bring you Exoskeleton. Harker said you wouldn\'t need it."

"Right. Just get me a new set of clothes. This rubber suits already melting from my heat."

"Yes, sir."

"Lock and load. The enemy should be getting here. Let\'s start this party!"

The Rule once more appeared on the sky, and the Emperor gave a crazy howl. The region where the pillar had struck the Rule was dented and cracked.

"Damn it! Increase your scanning! I want this sector to have full scanning capabilities! We have enemies raiding the Kraken!" The Emperor howled. It paused for a bit, and then the Rule retreated.

Cliff gazed at the distant Rule and couldn\'t help but smile.

"Oh? It\'s retreating?"

"Now that we successfully disabled this sector, those Families should all be swarming in." Cliff then turned his attention to the dark skies above. He glanced at the direction where the metal pillar came from.

Small bolts of lightning would occasionally light the sky. And Gardo noticed it as well.

There were various shadows that seemed to be hovering over the skies.

"Looks like more guests are here to crash on this party.." Cliff sighed.

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