
Chapter 496 Numbered. Weighed. Divided.

Andornze arrived at the very core of the massive fortress that she had built.

The entire pyramid had tremendous damage, and she herself had a throne that was broken in half.

She stumbled down as even her skin suit was tattered, and it all fell.

"That... Myrth!" She shouted angrily.

The horrifying yet simple attack had stunned her. The power of that explosion was so strong it nearly destroyed her Throne.

The damage was so massive that even her suit was nearly destroyed.

She had to teleport abruptly to escape.

"That hurt...! If those Progenitors attack now, I could be killed! That Lanterk better follow up on our deal!" She cursed.

Deep within her heart, she was frustrated. She thought she had surpassed them! She thought she had everything she needed. But a haunting thought could not help but constantly attack her mind as she saw her defeat.

"What is the mystery of that cactus, biscuits, and tea?!" She cursed out. The lie of Lowengren had become an obsession. Even the Wind Progenitor laughed when she pressured more on this information, which later led to their split. Hermes vowed to return here when she would be weak and swore that Egypt would fall.

She was confident that her power would overpower even Myrth. But Myrth had a rather basic technology.


But that technology was so refined that at the very last second, a massive explosion that she couldn\'t understand occurred and struck her. She didn\'t even know where the attack was launched from.

"What the hell is cactus, biscuits, and tea!? Is Myrth really at the level of Raisin cakes?! What does that even mean?!" She howled.

She then recalled what had happened. Garenjazz used her for an unknown purpose. Garenjazz appeared and gave her the way to move inside. But there, she met utter defeat.

"Luck... Garenjazz\'s power is luck..." Andronze recalled the strange information she received from her spies all over the world and all over the networks that the Pioneers of different Presiders had on Earth.

"Could that be it? Was that similar to the power of Prayer? And those keyboard warriors? And was that why the Wind Presider made everyone share a strange post to make people pray?" Andronze recalled the bizarre details of her fight with Shakstress.

"Sun God Presider!" A young man ran through the door and immediately called out to her.

"Enemy attack! The Desert Empire has launched a full-scale invasion! The battle down south has begun! Various techs that exceed even the WGP have been detected!" The young man alerted.

"The Desert Empire? So a Presider is behind that! Or is it the Lost Primordial? What protocol\'s have been deployed?" She began to think.

"Sun God! That\'s the thing! We\'ve lost control of the entire swarm of locusts!" The Pioneer declared.

"Lost control?! What do you mean?!"

"We don\'t know! All the soldiers and pioneers fighting could no longer be communicated! And one of the major bases is now waging war with our men!"


"The swarm of locusts is attacking and eating our bases! The techs that we used that allow them to eat metal is working against us!"

"You mean to tell me that our southern bases are being defeated because of our Locust plague?!" Andronze howled.

"We- We!"

"I just fought a battle! You pioneers ought to know what to do! Deploy our soldiers! Awaken them from their sleep and have them fight!"

"Sun God Presider!" Another man came in through another room.

"A massive tornado has blown at the east side of Egypt! It\'s the same wind that was with us on the battle against Shakstress! He is back! And this time, he is attacking us!" Another alerted.

"A joint attack?! So this is it...! The timing! Is this what Garenjazz planned? He made me move to fight Myrth to weaken me so that they would attack? But all these Presiders have underestimated me! Awaken all soldiers and-"

"Sun God Presider! The lakes near the Nile River! The massive lake is turning red! The entire base was destroyed! We cannot contact the Pioneers guarding the vampire we captured!"


"We just have confirmation! The vampires have attacked the city nearest to it! There are no survivors!"

"No survivors?! How?! Why was the battle not reported!"

"There was no battle, Presider! We all saw everyone running into the lake in panic! The blood continued to grow, and a strange creature that looked like a giant fly was found at the center!"

"A fly? What happened to the Pioneers in charge of that base?!" Andronze recalled a group of very skilled and reliable Pioneers that she trusted. Her concern beyond the freedom of this strange creature was the life of these Pioneers.

"We don\'t know! Those Pharaohs have all lost their signals!"

"Sun God Presider!" Yet another one rushed inside.

"The fragment?! What now?!" Andronze roared.

"Sun God! A WGP Many Mansions! It\'s using British technology and has created massive thunderclouds covering the entire skies! As a result, a large portion of the land is now in darkness!"

"The WGP?! It\'s definitely connected to a Presider! These consecutive attacks are planned! I was tricked! I shouldn\'t have fought and aided Lanterk!"


"Presider! We have reports from the survivors in Giza! Our weapons plant has malfunctioned! All the metals and resources that we have transformed into a massive frog creature! It looks like a frog, and smaller metal frogs have also appeared and been attacking people! They were strong that even our Exoskeletons couldn\'t destroy it!" One of the Pioneers quickly reported.

The numerous Pioneers began to report numerous more incidents that sprang out from the many battles. Each took turns to report the deteriorating states of the areas attacked.

But Andronze saw a strange pattern.

"What? Giant frog metallic creature... Blood on the waters near the Nile and a massive fly... The clouds of the WGP that is creating darkness? The loss of my Locust swarm... Could it be? The Ten Plagues?" Andronze had no choice but to study the literature of Abrahamic religion to understand the mystery of the body she found deep under Egypt.

"What is going on?!" Andronze glanced at the monitors of the numerous reports.

"Sun God Presider!" A masked Pioneer appeared in the room. He was weakly making his way as he began to cough out. The more he walked, the more the others could tell that his skin was pale white. It was as if he had no blood in his body.

"Pharaoh Nergen!" Andronze quickly moved towards him. She recognized the strange helmet the Nergen wore and never took off after a battle against the Desert Empire spies that infiltrated the land. His face was burned, but he refused surgery and wore a strange black mask.

But now,

"Move back! I\'m being controlled...! No! Don\'t kill me!" The Pioneer howled as a strange red fly emerged from its back.

The fly was massive. It was at least half the size of Nergen and had a strange form.

Suddenly, the fly began to expand out like a balloon. And suddenly, it popped.


Blood splashed out of the entire room.

But suddenly, Andronze saw it.

A red hand was hovering in the air. It was covered with the very blood that came from the fly, and it wrote on the wall.

It wrote in strange and ancient writing. The writing was so eerie that everyone in that massive hall was silent and watched the bloody hand continue to write.

As it finished writing, the bloodied hand disappeared, and the blood around the hand fell to the floor.



The moment the blood splashed, an explosion occurred and incinerated the place where the masked Norgen was.

The explosion itself wasn\'t strong and didn\'t have complicated technology.

"Sun God Presider...? What is..." One of the Pioneers turned to ask, but suddenly, she felt a strange sensation.


Various wounds erupted on her skin as the Pioneer shrieked in pain.

Many others suddenly felt the pain, and all were dying one at a time.

The deaths were so strange. It erupted from all over the room. In some places, two people next to each other would die, but in the others, only one of five would.

Everyone began to panic.

"Everyone! Calm down! All who are firstborn, get out of here and escape! Seal the entire room! The bomb blew away the blood droplets, and it has begun to spread!" Andornze frowned.

She gazed near her, and only four remained of the numerous Pioneers that attended to her.

"You are not firstborn, correct?"

"Ye-Yes, Sun God."

"Good. Then you\'ll live. Follow me to the Ra\'s Throne. We have a war to fight," Andronze turned around to move.

"Su-Sun God... Shall I analyze the strange message-"

"No need. I know what it read. Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin. It\'s Aramaic for Numbered. Numbered. Weighed. Divided."

"What? What does it mean?"

Andronze was silent. She had heard of this phrase from the very Pioneer that just died.

"I can\'t believe I lost Norgen and his allies... Damn it!" Andronze marched angrily.

"Alert everyone! All of Egypt will go to war!" Andronze announced.

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