
Chapter 201 - Phoenix Force...

(A/N: Bam a double chapter)

[POV Reo] ​​

The girls diligently followed behind… I didn\'t want to release Jean\'s Phoenix inside Magneto\'s base… yeah, that would be asking for trouble. After all, the Phoenix has been locked inside her for more than a decade now, I didn\'t know how it was going to react so I needed to take her to an empty area on the island.

But before I left I needed to inform someone about my absence, after all I can\'t have someone looking for me when I myself had no idea how long I would be gone.

"What is this island?" Ororo asked me walking up to me, Jean was nervously walking slightly behind me while Fleur was beside her. Nemuri was completely at the back.

"This was the… well, it is still Magneto\'s base. You know him, right? Old guy, red robes, loves metal?" I asked them in a joking manner. Both Ororo and Jean were surprised to hear that…

"This is the base of the Brotherhood?" Jean asked me with a bewildered look on her face.

"Oh, yes, lovely people but too much prude" Nemuri made a sarcastic comment.

"What happened to him? From what I understand you are the leader? He would never accept to be ordered by someone" Ororo said, trying to wrap her head around the whole scenario.

"I can be very persuasive, you know" I said not wanting to go into the details of how I beat up his whole Brotherhood and while he was almost scared to death.

"Yeah, I have heard how Rumi singlehandedly destroyed the whole Brotherhood and you scared Magneto to his death… yeah, he told us about your greeting while he was working with us on the barrier generator" Fleur said giving me a stink eye.

"Yes, scaring someone is also a manner of persuasion" I said while nodding my head. Nemuri cackled in mad glee after she heard me… Both Ororo and Jean didn\'t know how to react.

"But still, the Magneto we know wouldn\'t be scared just like that" Ororo asked after a few seconds.

"Well, he wasn\'t strong enough to help the mutants and he also knew that, after Reo here showed Magneto his true power and told him that he wanted to make a safe haven for the mutants, well after that Magneto decided to join Reo, at least see if he would be able to do anything" when I didn\'t explain much, Fleur decided to explain in slightly more detail.

"You should have seen him now… after we saved everyone from Camp X-Ray and brought them here, he has been running around like a kid on a sugar rush…" I said with a grin on my face.

I finally located Mystique and decided to inform her about my departure.

"Ah, so these two were with you, it is nice to meet you two… how is Charles?" Mystique greeted Jean and Ororo.

"So, you have met the others from his group?" Fleur asked Mystique who slightly grimaced.

"Yeah, we met with Cyclops. Thankfully, he didn\'t attack any of us" Mystique spoke with a slightly grim expression.

Ah, I have already seen no matter how big of a fool Scott is he knows how to hold himself back when he is on a mission. Like when we met the first time he almost attacked me but after having a little chat with the fool on wheels I was never able to make him snap.

I have tried that multiple times but he was always able to reign his anger and rage. Oh, he got angry and enraged, he wanted to attack but for whatever reason, he was able to hold back. Very surprising indeed…

"Pity, I would have loved to throw him in the ocean or kill him. I wanted to do that for the a long-time" I said and shrugged.

"You mean the guy with a permanent scowl on his face?" Fleur asked and both me and Mystique nodded. Fleur also grimaced after hearing that "As soon as I saw him I wanted to melt that guy for whatever reason… my instincts were telling me that it must be done" Fleur spoke and slightly frowned after she heard her own words.

"Don\'t worry… you aren\'t the only one" Jean said with an understanding look on her face.

"You have no idea how many times I have to hold myself back from dropping a lightning on him" Ororo said with a disgusted look on her face.

"Well, enough about that fool… we can kill him later. Mystique, I will be away for sometime… I will still be on the island but I will be busy with something. Don\'t need to look for me… I don\'t know how long it will take" I said to Mystique.

"Sure fine… oh, wait! Only 57 warheads are remaining" Mystique hurriedly replied.

"Oh… don\'t worry, Momo is currently keeping an eye on the world" I said in a cryptic manner.

"Well, let\'s go" I extended my hands towards Ororo and Jean, both of them took my hands without wasting time. I Flash Stepped towards the eastern side of the island.

(A/N: The island will be divided in four parts. Magneto\'s base is on the southern part and all the meta-humans are currently living in the southern parts. The flats are being made on the northern part of the island. For now, both eastern and western parts are empty)

"Was that teleportation?" Ororo asked with a shocked look on her face.

"Yep, it\'s called Flash Step, it\'s useful for short distance teleportation" I said and both Nemuri and Fleur appeared beside us silently.

"Nemuri, Fleur, some light please" I said, Fleur and Nemuri used Lumos from their fingers.

"Jean, please come in front of me. I don\'t know if you will feel pain or not but I will be trying my best not to hurt you" I said in a gentle tone, Jean nodded with clear determination in her eyes.

"Fleur, I noticed that you were using your Phoenix powers to soothe her… continue doing that" I said looking back towards Fleur, she just nodded her head in agreement.

"Will she be the same Jean?" Ororo asked looking slightly worried.

"Honestly, I don\'t know. But we can\'t leave her like that… if her blocks start to break on their own or she forcefully breaks them then it could be more catastrophic" I said in a serious tone.

"Catastrophic like?" Ororo asked urgently, I looked towards Jean, she was also interested to know.

"She might go around the bend, so she could try to destroy the world. She might go nuts and kill everyone around her… or it could be something simple that she will break the blocks and she will be unable to control all that power and her body will explode spilling her guts everywhere" Nemuri said in a dismissive tone. Both Jean and Ororo looked really disturbed after hearing that. Nemuri… that was way too blunt.

"Yeah, what she said" that was the only thing I was able to say.

"Nemuri, you should have some tact" Fleur reprimanded Nemuri with a scandalized look on her face.

"Well, I thought that I shouldn\'t sugar-coat the words" Nemuri retorted.

"Ok, fine, Jean if you are ready then we can start? I will be in your head so I might see some personal memories…" I wanted to warn Jean before starting but she cut be off.

"I already knew that but you can start" Jean said with a determined look on her face. I nodded my head and entered her mind as gently as possible… I left her natural shields as they were and bypassed them. Everyone has some natural mental shields… some people have strong minds because their natural shields are stronger than the others.

I finally arrived in her memory banks, I needed to unlock her childhood memories first. When she was small she was able to control all that power, so if she gets back her childhood memories, it might get slightly easier for her to control her powers. I saw her memories… I saw several memories of her indulging in some self-pleasure, I felt Jean blush like a Christmas tree, I quickly moved on, not wanting to see her like that. I finally arrived in front of the first blocks.

There were three blocks in her childhood memories, the biggest block was in the middle. I decided to take care of that later, I attacked the block on the left side… first I decided to use gentle force but the block didn\'t even budge… well, brute strength it is. As soon as I put more pressure on the block it started to crack but Jean was also affected, she screamed out in pain. I felt someone cast magic on Jean to keep her standing. I didn\'t have time to care if it was Nemuri or Fleur, and continued to put more pressure on the block…

The block finally cracked under the pressure, Jean was screaming all this time. But, as soon as the block crumbled, I was assaulted by several of her childhood memories, Jean also stopped screaming and I could feel all the emotions she was feeling now. She was happy, sad, excited, melancholic, it was a complete storm of memories.

I saw a lot of her childhood… how she learned everything about her powers. How she learned to use them, her meeting with both Eric and Charles. How she showed them that she was able to levitate the cars from the whole block when she was just 10 years old. Eric was fascinated with her powers but I saw how horrified Charles was and he decided to lock away her powers.

I gave Jean some time to assimilate all those memories so that she could calm herself down. After a few minutes, she was able to assimilate all her memories, I felt Jean give me another go… she was ready again. I didn\'t waste any more time and attacked the block on the right. As soon as I attacked I knew that this block was different, power exploded from the block and attacked me. I should have paid more attention… I felt Jean was screaming once again but this time it wasn\'t just her mind… her whole body was in pain.

If I had been a normal human then I would have been ejected out of her mind already, I don\'t know if I had been physically injured or not but my mind would have been injured. Charles, you bastard!!! You blocked her own power!! I can understand him locking the Phoenix because it was an unknown entity but that fucker blocked Jean\'s own power. I attacked the block with even more force and was finally able to destroy the whole block… another wave of telekinetic power washed over my whole body. It didn\'t have much effect on me but Jean was feeling some problems reining in all her power.

But since this was Jean\'s own power she didn\'t take too much time to rein in all that power. When I broke this block I felt her whole mind in chaos… her brain was already overworking to get used to the raw power the body always had. It took Jean almost half an hour to get used to all the raw power she had now… I don\'t even know, how long it will take her to get used to the Phoenix Force.

I felt Jean give another nod and I finally started my assault on the biggest block. This block didn\'t feel anything special like the first block, but after breaking half of it I could feel the heat from the seal… so this is where the Phoenix Force had been sealed away. It only took a few more minutes to shatter the whole block but unlike the other blocks something didn\'t come out but a black portal became visible… this was the way heat was coming out.

"Let\'s go and see the Phoenix Force" even though I sounded confident, I was really nervous. I gulped once and entered the portal… I was damn sure that the Phoenix Force couldn\'t kill me now that God unlocked my original bloodline but I wasn\'t sure if I could subdue the Phoenix though…

As soon as I entered the portal, a huge Majestic Phoenix came into my vision. The Phoenix was wrapped around in several chains… the place was completely black… it was somewhat similar to where I met with the God. I decided to greet the Phoenix, it was also staring at me with worry in its eyes… now that I am closer I can feel how strong the Phoenix Force actually was. With my current power… it will definitely be a draw.

"Quite ironic, my nemesis came here to save me, I was so surprised to see you helping my host" the Phoenix spoke. Well, I shouldn\'t be surprised after all, it is a cosmic force or something similar to that shit.

"I guess, quite ironic. After all, I represent chaos, destruction, death, and everything that leads to ruin while you represent life force, resurrection, and energy absorption…" I spoke to the Phoenix who just nodded her head.

"So, are you are male or female?" without giving the Phoenix any chance to say anything more. I thought it was something important.

"I don\'t have a need for something so trivial" the Phoenix said "but since my host is a female, I would like to call myself female now" the Phoenix said in a proud tone.

"Ok, tell me, what will you do after I free you? Will you try to destroy the world?" I asked in a serious manner.

"No… I have no interest in doing that" the Phoenix paused for a moment before continuing "at least not now, I wanted to destroy the world because I was angry… the bastard locked me here. But after you broke the block I was able to access all the memories of my host… from what I have seen you love this world and I don\'t want to be your enemy… you are already my equal in power, and you will continue growing stronger" the Phoenix spoke… I also don\'t feel that she is lying.

Even with all these chains, I could feel her true power and it is my equal. I don\'t know how Charles was able to lock her but there could be various reasons.

"But, your enemies and anyone who attacks me are fair game" the Phoenix said, well, if she wants to kill my enemies, then who am I to stop her.

"Sure" I said happily.

"Leviathan, then quickly get me out of these chains" the Phoenix spoke impatiently.

Sure, sure, quite an impatient bird. I raised my hand towards the chains and only one word came out of my mouth "Hakai" and the chains were already disintegrating.

(A/N: I have thought this out, Destruction or something in English doesn\'t sound cool. Hakai is much cooler)

The chains were completely disintegrated and she was finally free. The Phoenix extended her wings in joy and trilled in happiness. The heat she was radiating increased by several folds but it didn\'t bother me.

"I will be leaving now…" I said waving at the Phoenix.

"Leviathan, I wish we remain friends and I am grateful for what you did" the Phoenix said and with that I finally left the portal. After coming out of the portal, I didn\'t wait and was immediately out of Jean\'s mind. I could already feel that Jean was passing out so, I needed to hurry.

The influx of power from the Phoenix must have made her pass out. I was back, and I looked at Jean who was standing in front of me. I saw her eyes rolled back and she passed out but because of the magic she was still standing.

"What happened to her? Is she fine?" Ororo asked worriedly and grabbed Jean\'s body.

"Yes, she is fine. Her body is tired, she went through a lot today" I said in a gentle tone… I was also feeling a killer headache and I also wanted to sleep. Nowadays I didn\'t need to sleep because of my Leviathan bloodline but I was a human too, some rest won\'t be bad.

"Then, we should head back too… it has been a long day for us too" Nemuri said and no one denied, Ororo and Fleur took a hold of Jean and all of us returned to the base. Fleur got Ororo and Jean a room while me and Nemuri went to our own room to sleep… hah… it has been a long tiring day…

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