
Chapter 17: The Devil Reveals Himself

Chapter 17: The Devil Reveals Himself

After our return to Trbovlje, I took a moment to pull Eman aside from the rest of the group. In a hushed tone, I conveyed my instructions, "Tomorrow, gather the boys and meet me in Ipoz. That\'s where I will reveal the \'special reward\' I mentioned."

"Sure," he replied.

I could sense his eagerness to discover the reward. Night had fallen by the time I reached home, causing my parents to worry.

"Dionis, where have you been all day?" my mother inquired, her voice filled with worry.

"Didn\'t I tell you I was going out with my friends?" I retorted, slightly exasperated.

"Yes, but it\'s late at night now! You\'re only fifteen. Instead of engaging in parties or other foolish activities, you should be focusing on your studies."

"All you think about is studying mom, can\'t you just let me live for once?!" I exclaimed, my frustration getting the best of me.

Without waiting for her response, I hurriedly retreated to my room, avoiding the sight of my mother\'s almost tearful face.

The weight of my responsibilities weighed heavily on me, knowing that a single misstep could endanger not only myself but also those who followed me.

Seated at my desk, engrossed in my studies, I dialed Pia\'s number—the girl who owed me money.

"Hello, who is this?" Pia\'s voice greeted me.

"Hey, Piaaaa! Don\'t you remember me?" I playfully responded.

"What do you want?" Pia\'s tone carried a hint of fear and suspicion.

"Oh, Piaaa, you know what i want."

Immediately she started pleading, her voice trembling. "Please give me some time. I\'ll pay you back just please give me time, I\'m begging you,"

"Nah, Pia, you\'re going to do something for me, and that will clear your debt, alright?" I spoke with a commanding tone.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Hmm, before that, how old are you?" i asked

"Fourteen," she responded, her voice tinged with confusion. "Why do you ask?"

"Damn, I\'m sorry for you, Pia. Anyway, tomorrow, when I call you, come to Ipoz."

"What?! Why are you sor—" Pia began, but the call abruptly ended with a beep.

I concluded the conversation and went to sleep.




The following day, I found myself waiting in Ipoz, impatiently dialing Eman\'s number.

"Eman, I\'m waiting in Ipoz. Where are your boys?" I questioned, my tone betraying a hint of frustration as I idly kicked rocks with my legs.

"In about 10 minutes, we should arrive." Eman assured me.

"Very well," I responded curtly before ending the call. Realizing it was time to contact Pia, I dialed her number.

"Yo, Pia, where are you?"

"I\'m coming."

Within five minutes, Pia arrived at the designated meeting spot in Ipoz, and we were alone in that quiet abandoned factory.

Ten minutes later, all the boys I had summoned finally made their appearance. When i looked at Pia, her expression displayed a sense of fear, accompanied by a fluttering in her eyes, letting me know she was scared.

I approached her cautiously, sensing her unease. "Pia, don\'t worry. Nothing is going to happen to you," I comforted her.

Her expression softened slightly, and I shifted my attention to greet the boys as they approached.

"Men, our efforts yesterday were executed flawlessly. We left behind no trace. So, for that, I\'m giving each and every one of you 100$."

"What?! Boss, you\'re the best!" Their high-spirited outbursts demonstrated their delight, albeit for a measly 100$, but when you\'re young, 100$ seems a lot more than it really is.

However, Eman\'s curiosity remained serious as he asked, "Boss, what about the special reward you were talking about?"

"Ah, yes, I almost forgot," I confessed, heightening their anticipation. I looked at everyone for a few intense seconds before revealing, "The special reward is...an apology to Pia."

"What the fuck!?" Everyone looked dumbfounded, especially Pia.

"Dionis, have you gone crazy?!" Eman demanded, his tone filled with aggression and disbelief.

"Apologize now!!" I bellowed, my voice resonating through the building, demanding compliance.

I made all the nine men stand in a line in front of Pia, each one of them looking remorseful, even tho it was fake.

"Hey, Pia," the first man, David began, his voice filled with anger. "I want to sincerely apologize for my actions. I realize now that I was wrong, and I\'m truly sorry, tsk."

The second man stepped forward, his expression reflecting hatred. "Pia, I deeply regret my part in this situation. I never intended to cause you any harm, and I apologize from the bottom of my heart." Then, he glanced at me and exclaimed, "Boss, I don\'t understand this! Why the fuck are we apologizing to this random bitch?"

In a composed manner, I responded, "David and I had resorted to violence when she failed to repay our debt, but I have come to realize that my actions were misguided. Therefore, to rectify my terrible mistake, we must all offer our sincere apologies."

Annoyingly one by one, the remaining men took turns expressing their apologies to Pia.

While watching the apologizes I also entered into the line as well. When it was my turn, I faced Pia with a contrite expression.

"Pia, I truly regret every single action I took. I am asking for your forgiveness," I pleaded, "From this day forward, I vow to lead a life free from evil."

"Dionis, it\'s okay. There\'s no need for you to apologize," Pia responded with grace and kindness, her words resonating with compassion. However, her kindness seemed lost on Eman, Darjan, and the other men who bristled with anger.

Unknown to them, there was a dark secret lingering within the room, waiting to be unveiled.

"mhm hi hihi ha HAHAHFHASAHAHAJAJHSFAHA!!" a sinister laughter escaped my lips, emerging like a devil\'s gleeful melody, sending chills down their spines.

"Dionis wh-what\'s wrong?" Pia\'s voice trembled with concern, her worry evident.

"HAHAHHAHDUSZAHHAGHAHZA, Pia you truly are a stupid bitch! Do you really think life is this easy HAHAHA!" I proclaimed, a manic smile playing upon my lips.

"What?!" Pia exclaimed, her confusion deepening, and the room fell into a stunned silence.

Without warning, I punched her in the face as hard as I could, making a cracking noise that shocked everyone in the room.

"Boys i was fucking joking. Did you seriously believe I would force you to apologize? Hell the fuck no, man! anyways... YOUR SPECIAL REWARD IS HER! HAHAHAHAH" I announced, extending both of my hands towards her, my words laced with a twisted amusement.

Confusion washed over the faces of everyone present, their expressions a mix of shock, disbelief, and utter confusion.

"Go enjoy yourself however you want with her!" I exclaimed.

At first, they hesitated, but I assured them that whatever they did to her, nobody would ever find out. Their eyes started shining their smiles resembling those of demons, while Pia was falling in despair. She attempted to run, but the boys grabbed her, threw her to the ground and started ripping her clothes.

"AAAAA HELP! S-SOMEBODY, PLEASEEE!" she screamed in desperation.

They became animals with no morals. they punched her guts, spat on her face, licked her all over the body, ripped her hair... Just before Eman entered her, she let out a piercing scream.

"Please, no! How can this be my first time?!"

"What?! Men, stop this right now!" I shouted.

They turned their head toward me and asked "But boss, didn\'t you say we could do anything to her?"

"It\'s her first time; we shouldn\'t do this. God is watching we should be good people... Just kidding! HAHAHAHA! Do I look like I give a fuck if it\'s your first time, Pia? If you\'re not capable of repaying me, then don\'t buy my stuff, bitch!"

Throughout the entire assault, I found myself laughing at her maniacally. It felt immensely satisfying to witness someone transition from a joyful individual to one utterly defeated in real-time. The gang r**e went on for more than two hours, one after the other it was a never ending cycle of her getting wasted. After about an hour, she finally stopped screaming, she just accepted it, but her gaze remained fixed on me with dark, haunting eyes while getting dirtied. I looked down on her and spoke to her,

"How does it feel to be gang r***d as a 14 year old with no experience hmm? HAHAHAHA" I mocked her, my heart filled with joy.

That fateful day marked the moment when my true devilish nature emerged. Once the boys had finished, I dismissed them, instructing them to head home. As they scurried away pulling their trousers up satifyed, I turned my attention to Pia, a mixture of curiosity and malice in my voice.

"Well, Pia, what shall you do now?" I taunted, enjoying in the power I held over her.

"You devil! I\'ll kill you! I\'ll kill you! I\'ll kill you! I\'ll kill you! I\'ll kill you!" she yelled, her body lying on the ground, marred by blood and despair.

"Shut your filthy mouth, you dirty slut!" I screamed, seizing a nearby stick and swiftly striking her. "From today onward you will be my personal dog. And as we both know, dogs must be disciplined."

The blows rained down upon her, a painful whipping noise accompanying the stick.

"What do you think you\'re accomplishing, you fucking bastard? I will never be your dog, do you hear me!" she screamed, her defiance piercing through the pain.

"Hmm, ok then perhaps I should pay a visit to your precious...,"

Before i could finish my sentece Pia interviend, just as planned, "What! No, please! Spare my little sister!" she pleaded, desperation etched on her face.

A wicked smile stretched across my lips, fueled by the knowledge I possessed. "Your precious little sister could suffer the same fate as you , if you don\'t comply to my orders, Pia"

in that moment, Pia found herself trapped in the depths of despair, her every hope slipping away.

Truth be told, I hadn\'t known anything about her sister, nor did I realize she even had one. My aim was to target the entire family since every normal person would do anything for their family, she made my job easier by opening her mouth and screaming at me about her sister.

Her sister held an irreplaceable place in her heart, and she was willing to do anything to protect her. Of course I used the knowledge to my advantage. It was her own mistake that led her to become my obedient dog.

"Alright, you fucking creep. I\'ll be your dog just dont go near my sister," she relented, her voice filled with defeat.

"Bark for me then my bitch" I commanded, relishing in my dominance.

"WOOF! WOOF!" she obediently barked, her tongue licking my shoes, completly naked.

"If the police hear about this you and your sister will suffer for the rest of your life" i threatened, kicked her face, told her to clean up all the mess we did and headed happily home where my family is waiting happily.

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