
Chapter 37 37: Proving That I Became A First Rate Martial Artist

Enjoying the sensation of controlling his inner Vigor, Yoze felt as if he could do anything.

"Okay, that\'s enough daydreaming. I need to return so we can cross the passage tonight." Shaking his head to get rid of his delusional thoughts, Yoze returned to the carriage to the surprise of everyone.

"You\'re done that quick," Jewel asked surprised, she thought that since Yoze asked them to stop suddenly something must have come up that needed to be addressed immediately. Or it wouldn\'t make sense to delay their trip across the passage.

To see that Yoze returned less than 10 minutes later, Jewel felt curious.

"Yup, I was just breaking through to level 4 of my martial art. I can now be considered to be a first-rate martial artist now. Once I break through again I should be able to reach the peak of being a first-rate Martial artist." Yoze said feeling a bit of pride.

"No way, it takes decades for martial artists to become first-rate Martial artists. There\'s no way you became a first rate martial artist just like." Jewel shook her head in disbelief.

"How do you know that I haven\'t been practicing for decades?"

"Aren\'t you in your early twenties, I won\'t believe you if you say you\'ve been practicing since you were a child when your father clearly isn\'t a martial artist himself."

"Well I did become a first-rate Martial artist, there\'s not much I can do to prove it to you." Yoze was stunned by Jewel\'s logic since it was true.

In regular circumstances, if a child practiced martial arts it was due to their family having martial artists a part of their family. Meaning that they already had martial arts techniques and body cultivation manuals in their possession and didn\'t have to worry about the procurement of one.

Yoze had never come in contact with a martial artist until he was in his twenties due to him living outside the city and him taking the scholar exam to become an official for Jade City.

If Yoze hadn\'t taken the Scholar exam or if he never passed the exam. He would still not have never come in contact with the martial artist world nor would he have the means to procure a martial arts book of any kind.

Even when he became a scholar, if he hadn\'t decided to become an advisor to the Martial Court Yard it was very likely he would not have had the means to buy a martial arts body cultivation manual to officially start his martial artist career.

And it didn\'t take a good eye to see that he didn\'t come from a wealthy or well-connected family since Yoze was a scholar but his father wasn\'t. Meaning that he had become a scholar to improve his social status.

For Jewel to put that all together to know for a fact that he couldn\'t have practiced martial arts for decades meant that Jewel herself had a great amount of knowledge of the Martial arts world.

"Then again she did say that her father was part of a martial arts sect before so she must have a decent amount of knowledge." Yoze thought drifted to the fact that he still lacked great knowledge about the martial arts world.

It wasn\'t his fault as Yoze really had only become a martial artist in a short period of time and had either been training or studying. There was little to no chance for him to ask the martial artist of the courtyard about the martial arts world.

Even if Yoze did ask them they would most likely also only have told him the basics as they had no expectations that a scholar would have that much interest in the martial arts.

"If I can prove to you that I\'m a first-rate martial artist then will you tell me everything you know about the martial arts world and especially about the martial arts sects." Though Yoze felt it was a long shot to try and prove he was a first-rate martial artist he still wanted to give it a go to see if he could get more information.

"If you prove it to me I will follow that condition but you have to pay me double whether you\'ve convinced me or not." Jewel perked up with interest hearing his proposal but added the condition that he needed to pay her regardless.


Yoze easily agreed to her request as he didn\'t want her to lie that she wasn\'t convinced to get the money if he only paid her if she didn\'t believe him. Now that was settled Yoze chin as he thought about what he could do that proved that he could be a first-rate Martial artist.

"I could try and use my aura that comes from Inner Vigor to pressure her. No, that is too harmful and Jewel isn\'t a martial artist herself she won\'t feel it much." Rejecting the thought of pressuring Yoze turned his thought to using brute force.

"Showing her my strength could work but she might just say that different martial arts techniques can allow different levels of strength. But the most important aspect of first-rate martial artist\'s is the control they have over their Inner Vigor." Yoze\'s eyes sparkled as he had the perfect way to show his strength.

Grabbing a random rock from the ground, Yoze placed his finger gently on the rock and showed it to Jewel as well as Leah and his father who had become interested in their competition.

"Look, the most crucial important difference between a second-rate martial artist and a first-rate martial artist is the control over their Inner Vigor, an energy in their body that allows them to do all sorts of crazy things."

"The body cultivation method I\'m practicing is called Big Golem Cultivation and it allows me to create super-heavy Inner Vigor. Normally, this Inner Vigor is distributed evenly across my body so my fingers don\'t get very heavy."

Yoze activated his inner Vigor and made it distributed evenly across his body. He lifted up his finger a few centimeters above the rock and gently let it touch the rock again. The sound of the collision of the rock and finger was heavy and left a small dent in the rock.

"However as a first-rate martial artist, I can control my Inner Vigor to put all of it in my finger so it becomes impossibly heavy.

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