
Chapter 53 53: Hidden Blood Masters

"That might be true for the land protected by the law but in these parts having strength is what dictates everything." The young teen chuckled.

"You know, for a scholar, you sure are courageous, don\'t you think so?"

"Most scholars love the peaceful life that being an official provides. They rarely leave their positions unless they are required to do so."

"I guess you are somewhat right, the life of an official is a comfortable lifestyle. That\'s the reason so many people want to become scholars." Yoze replied.

"So what is an emergency so important that one had to rush into active enemy territory even when knowing death was a high possibility?"

"Family." Yoze interrupted the young teen\'s dialog as he felt that this was going nowhere.

"What do you want to let me pass?" Yoze asked directly to make his take clear. 

"We\'ll get to that once you tell me who you work for?"

"I\'m a scholar from the Jade Region and I have been trying to make my way to New Swampscott city because of a family emergency."

"From the Jade Region? That\'s quite a far way to travel for a family emergency." The Radiant Gang leader looked at Yoze with surprise.

"Yeah, but there is nothing I can do about it, and I had to travel the distance as it is a time sensitive matter so that is why I am asking if it\'s possible to be given an exception."

After getting Yoze\'s answer Radiant Gang\'s leader closed his eyes as if he was in deep thought before he slowly said, "There are no exceptions."

"Are you sure? What is your asking price?" Yoze asked again as he wanted to solve this without fighting.

"Nothing that you could afford, kill him!" The young teen\'s face was calm as he waved his hand to signal Yoze\'s death.

The instant the young teen gave out the signal dozens of Radiant Gang members encircled Yozed while the young teen walked back into his tent at a relaxed pace. Each one of these gang members unleashed a strong pressure that could only come about when one reached the peak of the first-rate martial artist realm.

Surrounded by gang members with fierce eyes and the intention to tear him to pieces Yoze sighed with pity.

"I hoped that it wouldn\'t come to this, but let\'s make this quick," Yoze mumbled to himself as numerous attacks from thugs who have trained in martial arts flew towards him.

Without thinking about it at all, Yoze\'s leg easily evaded all the attacks and led to a situation where it seemed that they were in a choreographed battle. The Radiant Gang members attacked and Yoze dodged to the side by just a sliver to draw suspense from the radiant gang members watching on the side.

The Radiant Gang members had initially thought that attacking a scholar with the elites of their gang was already overkill but for this scholar to easily dodge their collective attacks sent a shiver down their spines.

However, their nightmare was just beginning as Yoze had already decided to eliminate this encampment. So he didn\'t hesitate to throw dozens of lethal punches aimed at the heads of each gang member attacking him.


To the surprise of each thug, Yoze\'s punches seemed to be unavoidable and landed clean on each one of their heads, crushing their skulls and leading to instant death. The death of dozens of Radiant Gang\'s elites caused silence to engulf the camp as each one of the people attacking Yoze was a peak first-rate martial artist and died in an instant.

With his hand soaked in blood, bones, and brain matter, Yoze looked at the dozens of first-rate martial artist corpses in front of him and was surprised by how strong he had gotten. He didn\'t even use his Twin Fists techniques and he had taken out twenty percent of Radiant Gang and it was even their elite members.

Yoze didn\'t bother to talk to the stunned thugs and simply walked toward the main tent where the young teen was in. Planning on capturing the gang\'s young leader and handing him over to New Swamp town.

Yoze even had a slight hope that by destroying the Radiant Gang and capturing their leader he would be allowed to enter the town without those strict examinations. That would have been a good bonus if it happened but if not then there was nothing he could do.

Before Yoze made it to the tent that held the young teen a thick blood odor covered the whole encampment as several middle-aged men stepped out of the crowd of scared Radiant gang members. Each one of these men released immense pressure showing that they all were Blood Masters.

Yoze squinted his eyes as he saw that in addition to the strong pressure that radiated from their bodies red vapor slowly leaked out of their bodies.

"Kid, I don\'t know who you work for but today you will die without a corpse." One of the Blood Masters stepped forward and drew his sword. 

As soon as the blood master\'s blade left its sheath the pressure surrounding the man doubled as blood poured out of his body covering the man\'s entire body and sword. The blood quickly transformed into armor that radiated pure sharpness and felt that it would cut anything and everything it touches.

The remaining Blood Masters went all out and were quickly surrounded by their unique blood armor and each gave out an aura that either was sharp, cold, or weightless. The aura coming out of more than five Blood Masters at the same time created a red fog that forced the rest of the Radiant Gang members to retreat or else they would be crushed by the immense pressure in the Blood fog.

The Blood fog could force first-rate martial artists to withdraw but the only thing it could do to Yoze was soak his clothes with blood. Being surrounded by multiple Blood Masters made Yoze\'s eyes glint with orange and green light.

In that same instance, each one of the Blood Masters took a step back from the heavy, oppressive, and illusory pressure coming from Yoze\'s body. However, that didn\'t deter them as they all launched their strongest attacks at the same time.

The sight of Radiant Gang members watching from a distance, they witnessed the scene of all five Blood Masters disappearing before reappearing in different locations. Each one of the Blood Masters\' blood armor had dents and cracks as if they had been hit by a powerful mace.

In that short instance that the Blood Masters attacked, Yoze unleashed his fastest speed and fought a battle with these Blood masters before reappearing at a standstill. Yoze touched the sword cuts on his body and found that some of the cuts reached his bones, others had caused his blood and flesh to freeze, and there were numerous smaller cuts over his body.

"Blood Masters are indeed powerful," Yoze felt his blood beginning to boil and smiled. 

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