
Chapter 72 72: Emergency

If there was one soldier that Yoze wanted to have more of their talents then the clear winner would be River. She alone had 6 talents all of which Yoze felt would greatly help speed up his training.

[Name: River Skyrock]

[Age: 27 years old]

[Talents: Armored Combat (Grade 8), Hand to Hand Combat (Grade 9), Vitality Retention (Grade 10), Martial Arts Comprehension (Grade 9), Movements (Grade 9), Street Fighting (Grade 10), Martial Arts Adapter (Grade 7)]

"River\'s lowest talent is Grade 7, even without a talent for a particular Martial Art she is a monster in combat." Yoze felt like he was looking at a store and wanted everything. Unfortunately, there was just not enough time for him to acquire all of the Blood Masters\' various talents.

In the nine days that they had been traveling Yoze had been able to gain five new talents. They are a grade 7 talent in Armored Combat, grade 5 Muscle Manipulation, grade 6 Running, grade 5 Body Damage Absorption, grade 8 Earth Guardian Martial Art, and a grade 7 talent in Sword Arts.

He also was able to upgrade a few of his talents such as Fists Arts, Movements, Scent Tracking, and Axe Art, that he had gotten in the past.

While these weren\'t the highest-graded talents that the Blood Masters had, Yoze imagined he could use these talents to speed up his training. 

Especially, when it came to his Sword Arts, Fist Arts and Movements talents all were core talents that Yoze appreciated having to speed up his improvement in his current body cultivation methods and martial arts techniques.

Yoze could already sense that he was improving more for the same amount of effort in his Twin Fists and Mindless Legs. The increase in grade wasn\'t too high only being an upgrade by one to two grades but with how high his talents were. A jump in a single grade meant he improved much faster.

The group had stopped in front of a lake and were eating lunch when Yoze suddenly heard someone call his name.

"Yoze and Jackson, can you come over here?" 

Hearing their name they walked over to the group of soldier martial artists and saw that they all had grim faces. 

"The messenger that we have set up to wait for us here hasn\'t arrived, meaning that something must have happened. That means that we are dropping everything and making it in the next hour." Timothy said, completely serious.

"Wait, that\'s impossible, Rockbell Village is still more than a day away. There\'s no way we can make it in less than an hour." 

"If we have the horses run as fast as they can with no breaks I believe that we can make it in half a day but no earlier." The middle-aged scholar knew the seriousness of the situation but he had to be the voice of reason. In his mind, no one could travel such a distance in such a short amount of time.

However, the soldiers looked at the scholar like he was dumb. Feeling their stares, the middle-aged scholar felt uncomfortable and looked at his fellow for assistance.

But Yoze was in too deep thought to be able to help out the middle-aged scholar. He was wondering why they were going to meet up with someone a day before making it to the village.

The only explanation that Yoze could think of was that these soldiers were planning on handing them over to another party while they dealt with their mission. For a hick-up to happen now meant that something must have prevented the person from coming over. He might have been attacked along the way or he could be dead.

"He is right, if we travel by horse there is no way we can make it to the village within an hour. But I don\'t think that we are going to be traveling by horse but on foot instead." Yoze said out loud drawing everyone\'s attention.

The middle-aged scholar felt that something wrong was with Yoze\'s mind to think of traveling using their feet as an option.

"That\'s ridiculous," 

"That is exactly what we were thinking. As expected from a scholar that is well-versed in martial arts." Timothy interrupted the middle-aged scholar and looked at Yoze with a rare look of appreciation.

"There isn\'t much time so I\'ll spare the details. Arthur is going to carry Scholar Jackson while we run." Before the middle-aged man could reject this plan he was lifted by the soldier that Yoze had gotten his running talent.

"As for you Scholar Yoze, we heard that you are very strong and fast but we aren\'t sure if you are capable of keeping up with us. If you aren\'t confident I can carry you while we run." Timothy began walking towards Yoze as if expecting him to want his help.

"I\'m good, even if I can\'t keep up with you guys I will just be slowing you down if you carry me along." Yoze shook his head to deny Timothy\'s help.

Yoze knew that his running speed might be lacking compared to these Blood Master soldiers since he lacked a movement technique that improved his speed. 

But as long as Yoze jumped instead of running and maxed out Mindless Blood Legs he was confident that not only would he be able to catch up but even surpass them in no time.

"Nonsense, just because you are a little bigger than me doesn\'t mean I can\'t lift you." Timothy also shook his head as he thought that Yoze was just embarrassed about being carried given his strength.

Hearing the report that Yoze, a scholar, destroyed the entire Blood Sect encampment by himself without sustaining heavy injuries made Timothy and the other Blood Masters doubt the report. They thought that the report must have been exaggerated due to a lack of information at the scene.

But after traveling with Yoze for these past couple of days they knew that the report really was inaccurate but instead of overestimating Yoze\'s abilities the report heavily underestimated how terrifying this scholar was. 

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