
Chapter 141 141: Blood Weapon Handler

Detective Dave\'s eyes shifted below his desk and saw his empty money pouch. He sighed and looked at Yoze.

"After considering it, we are willing to work with you on this matter. However, I will be answering the City\'s questions with honesty. As long as that\'s not an issue, we can work together just fine." 

"It\'s nice to work with you, Detective. I\'ll tell you directly then, I rescued three missing Blood Masters from a battle with my enemy. Unfortunately, they are not well mentally."

"I also would like you to report a few more people to the government while you are at it." Yoze smiled as he told Detective Dave some basic information about what he wanted him to do.

Detective Dave nodded and gave Yoze a sign for him to leave, which he obliged. When Yoze and Jewel returned to the Ten Ton Inn, they saw Tiki and Dreyer waiting for them in the hall.

"Yoze, you got a letter from Grandpa Regi. We already looked through it. And found that it was his birthday invitation for his birthday that\'s coming up in a few weeks and hopes that you come and bring the family to New Swamp Town for the celebration." Dreyer said, handing an open white envelope with a piece of paper in mind.

Yoze grabbed the white envelope and read the birthday invitation, finding that Dreyer\'s analysis was correct. Even though Yoze had a letter in his hand from Regi he didn\'t believe a word of it.

"That\'s nice of him. If you guys want to go, we can leave a few days before his birthday to visit." Yoze handed the envelope back and said.

He knew that his father, Tiki, and Dreyer still viewed Regi as a friend. So he didn\'t tell them about his hypothesis that Regi was their enemy. If possible he wanted to kill Regi without his father knowing that Regi had it out for them.

"Alright, I\'ll go ask Dad if he is interested in going," Dreyer said knowing that their Dad was most likely interested in visiting his friend\'s birthday.

After chatting more, Yoze asked them to go get changed as it was time for their next training session. Tiki and Dreyer sighed as they were still sore from their morning training session but they still went to their rooms and got changed into new training outfits.

As all four of them grew used to the training sessions, Yoze found himself once again with some free time. Last time, he was able to spend his free time improving his painting skills. 

Now that he had gotten the information that he wanted, improving his painting skill was once again not a high priority. 

"Let\'s continue adapting the Blood Swordsman body cultivation method to fit my needs. The sooner I become a blood master the less I have to worry about not being strong enough to deal with any situation."

Having made his decision, Yoze took out the Blood Swordsman body cultivation manual and quickly found himself engrossed in the book. Each time he read the Blood Swordsman body cultivation method, Yoze was able to find small areas of the method that he could change to fit his needs.

In such an engrossed state, an hour quickly passed by before Yoze had to temporarily stop so they could eat. However, even as he ate lunch and dinner Yoze kept thinking about how he could adapt the Blood Swordsman body cultivation method.

Before long, a few days passed by relatively peacefully, other than Detective Dave coming over with his assistants and a few men dressed in metal armor to take away the three men in black as well as the immortal cultivators\' bodies everything was peaceful.

In these few days of peaceful Tiki, Dreyer, and Jewel found themselves improving in their respective body cultivation methods quickly. Even though Tiki and Dreyer lacked talent in martial art comprehension, body cultivation, and other talents related to martial arts they still made rapid progress with Yoze\'s instructions.

Not only that, he was able to confirm his hypothesis that by teaching others new skills he could make them unlock their hidden talents. For example, even though Tiki lacks talent in martial arts she had a grade-5 talent in flexibility and a grade-7 talent in pain tolerance.

Dreyer himself likewise gained a grade-8 talent in multitasking due to his training in the Sinking Swamp body cultivation method. With the combination of Tiki and Dreyer gaining new talents and receiving Yoze\'s teachings, they quickly improved.

However, their training speed was nothing compared to a talented martial artist like Jewel. With her talents alone and a bit from her parents, Jewel became a peak third-rate martial artist in her teens.

If it wasn\'t because she had gotten bottlenecked and chose to travel for a few years, she could have become a second-rate martial artist a long time ago. However, that didn\'t matter to her as her current progress swiftly made up for her temporary break.

Due to her constant eating of demon meat, she broke through her bottleneck and became a second-rate martial artist. Now that she was getting help from Yoze, she reached the first level of Boneless Man swiftly.

With her current progress, she was confident that she could reach the peak of the first level in a month and break through to the second soon after. What made Jewel more satisfied as she was making such fast progress without compromising on her training in her body cultivation method.

That meant she was now one of the few rare martial artists who have trained in multiple body cultivation methods. If it was a few years ago, before she met Yoze, she would not have never dared to dream that she could join their ranks.

While Jewel, Tiki, and Dreyer were focusing on improving themselves, Yoze quietly closed the book he was reading with a small smile on his face.

Yoze smiled to himself as he had just completed adapting the Blood Swordsman body cultivation method to the new and improved Blood Weapon Handler body cultivation method.

The name was a mouth full but it embodied the next level of his journey to the top. If Yoze was correct in his assessment of his body cultivation method then it could be considered to be one of the best Blood Master body cultivation methods in the world.

Yoze predicted that if an ordinary person trained in his body cultivation method they would be capable of challenging Blood Masters above their level. However, as for whether they could beat someone above their level he didn\'t know since he had not trained in the Blood Weapon Handler body cultivation method yet.

But he was confident that other Blood Martial artists would hate being the target of someone who trained in the Blood Weapon Handler body cultivation because they would feel like they were fighting against multiple Blood Masters. 

What Yoze was the most satisfied with about his new body cultivation method was the fact he no longer needed to wear armor to train. He didn\'t even need to have weapons on hand as they were required because anyone who trained in this body cultivation method was the weapon.

Yoze was so excited about completing his new body cultivation method that during dinner he asked his father to cook him a hundred more pounds of demon meat. Knowing full well that he was going to need it when he began his training.

After helping Jewel, Tiki, and Dreyer with their training for the rest of the day and eating dinner as the sun went down. Yoze sneaked out of the inn and left the city to find a place he could focus on breaking through to the next level.

It didn\'t take long before he found a small hill that was covered in a thick blanket of trees that extended miles high, bushes, and additional wildlife. If this place was found back on earth it would have been made into a national park.

Unfortunately for this small hill and its plant life, Yoze felt that this place was perfect for his breakthrough. If anything he felt that this place resembled the forest that he had initially used as a training ground back at Jade City.

Just stepping inside the beautiful forest and smelling the crisp cold fresh air make Yoze relax for the first time in a long time. Yoze decided to appreciate the forest for its beauty for a few minutes to carve its existence into his heart knowing that he was about to destroy the place.

After a few minutes passed, Yoze pulled up his stat window to get a better understanding of where he was and for him to be able to check later on if any changes would happen once he broke through.

[Name: Yoze]

[Age: 23 ]

[Talents Categories: Comprehension, Art, Physical, Martial Arts, Spiritual, Crystal Talents, Weapon, Hunting, Other]

[Technique Categories: Martial Arts, Blood Arts, Spiritual Arts, Crystal Arts]

[Talent Mark: 1]

[Martial Arts]

[Techniques: Twin Fists (Rank 5: 20%), Big Golem(Level 6: 103%), Iron Skin (Level 4: 5%), Mindless Legs (Stage 6: 30%), Boneless Man (Stage 3: 100%), Turtle Shell (Level 1: 100%), Sinking Swamp (Level 5: 100%), Armored Weapon Handler (Level 5: 100%), Armored Weapon Juggler (Level 5: 100%), Armored Weapon Shuffle (Level 5: 100%)]

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