
Chapter 146 146: The Giant Scholar

Back at the New Swampscott City West gate, a long line of people had already turned hoping to be able to get into the city. Travelers, scholars, martial artists, and ordinary people had lined up all night to not lose their spots in line.

This was an ordinary sight to the guards at the West gate. At each gate were two guards who wore leather armor with the symbol of the City engraved on their chest plate and shoulders. 

As a high-paying job, many guards signed up were martial artists that had given up on reaching higher levels. Whether it was due to a lack of talent, not enough resources, or a simple unwillingness to keep up with the harsh training requirements numerous martial artists choose to simply give up.

Jack was one of the many guards who were ex-martial artists but unlike others, he didn\'t give up on training as a martial artist because he wanted to. He simply couldn\'t after losing his arm due to a battle with his rival.

With his arm gone, he couldn\'t practice his famous five-armed body cultivation method and technique. He couldn\'t even switch to another set of martial arts because he had made a promise to his brother that he would only practice this one martial art.

With his future limited as a martial artist, Jack became a city guard to help make ends meet. After yawning and briefly chatting with his fellow guard he expected that today was going to be another ordinary day of letting people into the city.

"Tell us why you are here to-"

Just as Jack was cueing another person he suddenly felt his entire body freeze as an intense prickling sensation covered his body. Instantly becoming alert to his sense of danger, Jack grabbed his battle hammer and got into his Five Armed Hammer God martial art stance.

It wasn\'t just Jack, the other guard behind him also felt the same sensation of danger but due to him not having experience as a martial artist he didn\'t know what to do to such an intense feeling of danger.

"Wait wait I didn\'t do anything!" The fat merchant in front of Jack instantly put up his hands when he saw Jack grab his hammer.

Jack ignored the fat merchant and looked around to see where the threat was coming from. It didn\'t take long before he found the source of what was triggering his danger senses since he stuck out like a sore thumb.

It came from a giant muscular man, around 8 feet tall, who only had a piece of cloth wrapped around his waist. The giant man would gently smile and nod his head every time someone would give up their spot to allow him to move forward.

He would even wave at the kids of families whenever he passed by. What made Jack speechless was the fact that the fearful faces of the kids quickly vanished, replaced by curiosity and admiration after the giant man smiled and waved at them.

He even heard a mother and her child near the front of the line talking about the giant man.

"Mom, who is that? Can I grow to be so tall?" The child who looked like he was three years old looked at his mother with sparkling eyes.

"I don\'t know, but he must be a famous martial artist. As for you growing so tall, of course you can, as long as you eat healthy and exercise." The mother smiled as she lectured her child.

"A martial artist? The people who fight the bad guys in the stories, wow. I want to be a martial artist." The child turned toward the giant man and waved his hand to draw his attention.

Jack almost wanted to jump out of his post to stop the youngster from drawing the giant man\'s attention to them but it was too late as the giant man noticed them. The giant man smiled at the small child and waved back as he continued to walk uninterrupted to the front of the line.

When the giant man arrived in front of the mother and child he asked the child\'s mother for permission to pick up the kid. The child\'s mother gave her approval which resulted in the giant man placing the child on his shoulder and whispering something in his ear.

After whispering something he placed the child down and tried to wait in line. But the mother and child had moved out of their spot to allow him to go forward.

"Thank you," 

After moving forward, Jack smelled the faint scent of blood coming from the giant man instantly bringing up the two words he dreaded.

"Blood Master," 

Before Jack recovered from his shock, the giant man had reached the front of the line where he and his fellow guard stood there stunned. It was only when they saw the giant man right in front of them with nothing blocking their sight did they truly understand how massive this giant man was.

Jack himself was a tall man but he was only 6 feet tall, standing next to the giant man made him feel like he was a child standing next to an adult. The silence between them and the giant man was deafening and was worsened by the fact that every person in the line was watching in silence.

"Please state if you are a resident of the city or visiting?" Jack snapped himself out of his daze and asked the giant man the required questions.

"I\'m a resident." The giant man answered quickly, making it obvious that he was familiar with this process.

"Please state your name, age, and profession," Jack asked.

"My name is Yoze Thunder, 23 years old, and I\'m a scholar working as an advisor for the Martial Courtyard," Yoze answered.

"Bullshit you\'re a scholar!" Jack\'s fellow guard bluntly shouted out what everyone was thinking.

There was no way that there was an 8 feet tall, absolutely jacked, Blood Master realm scholar that they never heard about. If there was, he would be the talk of the whole city. 

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