
Chapter 185 185: Beast Hunter Destroyed

"How would you know that? The Martial Wheel Sect could have just gotten off easy." The martial artist that held his fox gave Yoze an unconvinced look as he asked him where he got his confidence.

"Don\'t worry about it, just tell me where we are gathering so I don\'t accidentally miss it." Yoze didn\'t bother to answer the young man\'s question and asked where he needed to go for the gathering.

"We are gathering at the entrance of the forest so just head out and you\'ll see plenty of people waiting for the sect master to give his speech." The man said.


After getting the information he needed Yoze decided to head to the gathering location to finish off his task. Just like the martial artist who owned a fox said, the moment Yoze stepped outside the forest he saw a large crowd of people together with their beasts gathered together.

With such a large concentration of martial artists, Yoze could imagine that if they worked together they would be a force to be reckoned with. As he got closer to the crowd of people he saw that many of them had the same worried look on their faces but when they talked about solutions to solve their problems they seemed excited to try out the craziest ideas.

One of the craziest ideas he heard was that the Beast Hunter Sect should temporarily tell the world that they dissolved while they all hide inside New Swamp Town. Once the coast was clear and the big bad sect destroyer lost interest in destroying their sect, the reform I\'m the Beast Hunter Sect in secret.

This plan was crazy for many reasons and the possibility that it worked was close to zero. However, the biggest flaw in all these martial artists\' plans was the fact that the big bad sect destroyer was already in their midst. 

Yoze was just standing in the middle of the crowd of people listening to the crazy theories, nicknames for himself, and flawed plans as he waited for his targets to arrive.

If Yoze had decided to allow his White Tiger to follow him he would have gained more attention but he felt that having the White Tiger by his side served no benefit and just told it to go back to the library to watch the immortal corpse.

Now that he was at the location Yose just waited for his targets to arrive and after an hour they finally came. The moment the Sect Master and the Sect elders arrived the loud crowd immediately fell silent.

An intense and nervous atmosphere covered the whole sect as they waited for the Beast Hunter\'s Sect Master to make his speech. With so many people gathered together a small makeshift stage was made to lift the group of three so that they were visible to everyone.

When Yoze turned his attention to the stage he saw three old men wearing thick clothes made out of exotic animal fur standing on stage. The first old man that drew his eyes was quite tall and stood around 7 feet tall and was extremely muscular.

He had a long white bread that reached the middle of his chest and a full head of gray hair. Beside the old man was his beast pet who was a giant gorilla that was more than 10 feet tall, muscular, and had the same tough look on its face as its master.

That old man was Juju Gor, the Sect Master of the Beast Hunter Sect. What made Yoze interested was that the Sect Master of the Beast Hunter Sect was practicing the Blood Beast Twins body cultivation method.

A failed body cultivation method whose author hated beasts and wanted to switch patterns to cultivate with humans. But as Yoze thought about the name of the sect he felt that the Blood Beast Twins body cultivation method suited the aspect of hunting beasts.

When Yoze turned to the two other elderly men that stood beside the Sect Master, he recognized them to be the Sect Elder Tilo and Sect Elder Lilo. Just from the similarities of their names, one could tell that they were siblings.

But when Yoze took note of their appearance he noticed that they were not just siblings they were twins. Even in their old age, they looked nearly identical, and if it wasn\'t for the two blood beasts standing beside each of them no one would be able to tell who was who.

"No one here trains in the Blood Bond body cultivation method but that makes sense trying to tame 44 beasts is already a difficult task. So having to bathe in their blood for several months at a time with no guarantee that they would be able to break through to the next made the Blood Bond body cultivation method very unpopular." 

"That should be everyone in the Beast Hunter Sect that has the potential to rebuild the sect. It\'s time to make a move." 

The moment Yoze decided to make his move he created six blood spears using his blood and launched them directly at his targets. Even though Yoze made his move everyone around him failed to perceive any of his movements due to the mere fact that Yoze simply was too fast for their senses to keep up.

So they watched as their Sect Master opened his mouth to begin his long-prepared speech before his and the two sect elders\' heads exploded into blood mist along with their beasts. The blood from all six of the headless bodies covered the martial artists closest to them while they stood there in a daze.

By the time everyone was able to process what had happened the martial art sect that they had been a part of for years was destroyed with no chance of recovery. Even if they all joined hands to stick together and rebuild the Beast Hunter Sect they knew that it would fail.

Simply because without any Blood Master realm martial artists to defend them they were easy pickings for any martial art sect, organization, and or slightly powerful individual. The Beast Hunter sect was completely eradicated in an instant.

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