
213 Chapter 213

The Koliens arrival was truly a sight to behold for all those who got to witness it, numerous airships covered the skies and flew directly towards Galos City in an organized manner.

Most civilians outside the wall worried that this was even an attack at some point but after seeing a welcoming ceremony being abruptly started with the arch mage herself along with other top brass ready to welcome the unknown force, their thoughts changed.

"Should we go as well?"

Yohan looked up at the many members gathering and was curious to see what sort of beings these were.

"You go on ahead, I need to make sure everything is perfect here. We can\'t afford to make mistakes." Aron feigned a tone of seriousness in regards to the matter of Pesia\'s only hope in surviving.

He had to keep this appearance up so that even the aristocrats who didn\'t like him could see that he truly worried about Pesia surviving now that he was Ettenheim\'s emperor.

In their eyes he had nothing to gain since the Aethelians were already practically defeated and the Koliens were allies who agreed to trade.

No matter how anyone from Pesia saw it, Aron had every reason to do his best to ensure the empire was saved, so in this moment Yohan nodded at Aron\'s words and left to see the beings he was so curious about.

After he left, Aron glanced at the airships for a moment and smirked. \'This situation keeps getting better and better.\'


Meanwhile the airships belonging to the Kolieans had no choice but to be directed towards the docking area since no space to land that many was available within.

However there was enough for a few airships and that\'s what exactly happened as the main leading airship and two others chose to land in the Galos Academy\'s open back field.

Some members of the academy already had negative views regarding the Kolieans as this action of ignoring their procedures could be taken as disrespect.

Regardless of their thoughts no one brought it up in the open and just maintained neutral expressions.

Soon the the descending platform for the Kolien airship fell and had everyone keenly looking with curiosity, eager to see what kind of race Koliens were.

However disappointment would soon be seen on many peoples faces as the first beings appeared.

From their structures alone, one would assume them to be either female humans or Aethelians. What made it hard to determine this at first glance was the strange matching armor they wore.

It was faded gold in color and didn\'t match any piece of armor one would find In Ettenheim or Aethel.

The armor looked without a doubt heavy which wasn\'t something Aethelians would wear but at the same time it was designed in such a manner that what could move easily in it if they have the strength for it.

Lastly both of them wore helms that covered a good portion of their faces all except the mouth and two minuscule openings for the eyes. Without seeing the face they couldn\'t determine what race they were exactly.

Both of the two approaching Kolieans wielded a shield in their right hand and long sword in their left.

The closer they got the quicker a new feature was revealed. The most eye catching one was perhaps the one not many could first tell when they were far above the platform… height.

Once the two armored females had descended their true statures were revealed to everyone.

Both stood at around 2.5 meters tall, a height range normally associated with Komi. Yet there they stood, looking down at the receiving party like they were children.

"Wow…" one of the professors subconsciously muttered upon seeing them up close, it truly was an intimidating appearance all together that left a solid impression on everyone.

At this moment the arch mage who had the least reaction to seeing them stepped forward but didn\'t welcome them, instead she looked up the platform.

"We welcome the Koliean people to Galos City" She spoke respectively while showing a slight bow.

The two females who had descended first stood on either side of the platform like guards and said no words. In the next moment another figure appeared on the platform and began descending.

After her came another and another… and the process continued until around three hundred females descended.

The majority wore armor identical to the first two while less than a hundred wore unique sets of armor, some with and some without helms.

Upon seeing some of their faces it was observed that they lacked the features of Aethelians and resembled humans instead, however all the females that descended had a height not below 2.5 meters, making them seem like a race of giants.

The one who stood at the fore front was a young looking woman with long silver hair and purple eyes. Her skin was quite pale yet smooth as it clung tightly to her revealing piece of armor.

Out of everyone present, it seemed hers was specifically designed to be eye catching, with a strange helm or rather crown on her head that had a snow white wing on one side.

To her left and right stood two other figures that stood out from the rest, the first being that their height was even greater than their own people being three hundred centimeters taller.

"Thank you for the welcome and invitation arch mage Uva, I am Selha, the current Overseer of our people." The silver haired woman at the front was the first to speak among her people and did so in a powerful tone without even trying.

\'Domineering!!\' This was the first thought of numerous people upon seeing this freakish race of people.

"This to my right is Elder Helar, a mentor for all the elite warriors of our race in arts or techniques with physical form. To my left is Elder Elise, a mentor just like Elder Helar but with focus on non physical forms."

Selha revealed in what was a strange introduction or so a great deal of people thought.

\'How strong do they have to be for the arch mage to lower her head?\' Many wondered as they watched this scene unfold.

But just then another wave of domineering auras appeared as even more armored females appeared out of the two other airships.

In total more than a thousand of them were gathered at the academy field alone and gave off intimidating auras that one would get when facing perhaps an inquisitor or professor.

\'Too strong!\'

They couldn\'t help but admire such a sight, since they were even more airships at the docks docking area, one could only wonder how many elites they had.

"*Ahem* Well it\'s lovely to have you here, this here…."

Lady Uva gave a humble bow and began introducing the pillars and Galos top brass as well to match the introduction she received.

After this simple exchange, Lady Uva invited them into the Academy\'s conference hall where they would hold a meeting regarding the situation of Pesia.

The conference hall was built underneath the academy and normally used to convene meetings between the top brass and the professors and inquisitors, however this time it would house other races and very few people would attend.

The conference hall\'s seats were arranged similar to that of those in the lecture halls with high and low ones arrange in a circular pattern with the main stage upfront.

The only major difference was that the conference hall had far more seats and the main stage held ten. Three were taken by Academy top brass Lady Uva, Lord Triess and Lady Rose.

Another three were given to the three Koliean heads, Selha, Helar and Elise. The same number was given to Komi representatives Yugar of the crown rigars, Aella of the silver striders and Goovin of the Bulls.

"Is the last seat reserved for another of your elite? Or is it simply empty?"

Selha noticed the one remaining seat and so she directed this question to Lady Uva who shook her head before preparing to answer, however Rose spoke before she could do so.

"It\'s reserved for the one who made this all possible. Without him we won\'t begin." She declared boldly as if to purposefully hit a nerve.

Selha wasn\'t amused by this and looked at her with a frightening gaze but Rose remained unfazed and returned the gaze.

"Then where is he? Does he feel he\'s so important that he can do things at his own time? A foolish male indeed." Elise asked as she two was annoyed by what came across as a show of disrespect.

The fact that only women were present spoke volumes of the heirachy present. At first many assumed the men had sent only women and remained behind but they soon found out that wasn\'t the case when many men appeared in the docking area.

Unlike the women the men didn\'t have powerful auras despite having even larger statures. The lack of quality clothing or jewelry on their bodies also showed they weren\'t particularly important.


No one had said anything to Elise\'s comment but at that moment the creaked open and broke the silence as Aron finally emerged.

"It\'s more foolish to think you\'re above others without the strength to support the claim."

Upon arriving at the conference Aron boldly replied to Elise without a single hint of fear.

Elise, Selha and even Helar all showed frown\'s towards this young man who had the testicular fortitude to reply so brashly towards them.

"And who might this charming little man be and what title allows him to be so… confident." Selha laughed beautifully but her eyes were cold as she spoke these words while giving Aron a deadly glare.

"My name Aron, as for titles I hold a few…"

"Emperor Of Ettenheim."

"Conqueror of Aethel."

"Executioner of the Veldra"

"Tamer Of Komi."

"And last but not least, Exiled son of Harald and Elia of Kol."

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