
Chapter 182 A Desperate Stand On The Frozen Cliff

A deafening roar reverberated through the frozen landscape, shaking the very fabric of space. It was a sound that echoed with primal power, causing the ground to tremble and the snow to quiver in fear. The sheer force of the roar seemed to challenge the very existence of the world itself.

"What a loud roar!" exclaimed one of the group members.

"My ears are hurting," another added, wincing at the intensity of the sound.

The group, caught off guard by the thunderous bellow, staggered backward, their eyes wide with astonishment. The sound resonated in their chests, sending shivers down their spines. They exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of awe and trepidation, realizing that they were facing a force unlike anything they had encountered before.

Fray, however, remained remarkably composed in the face of the overwhelming sound. His features held a calm and cold demeanor, as if he had anticipated this very moment. His eyes narrowed, a silent resolve etched upon his face.

And then, as if in response to the monstrous call, thousands of roars erupted from the cliff below the group. The ground seemed to quake beneath their feet as a horde of monsters crawled and climbed their way towards them. These creatures lacked eyes but possessed massive mouths with long, slithering tongues, their presence evoking primal fear.

With instinctive urgency, Fray and the group dashed to the edge of the cliff, peering down to witness the terrifying sight. The horde of monsters advanced with relentless determination, their numbers seemingly endless. The group\'s breath caught in their throats as they witnessed the grotesque creatures scaling the cliff, inching closer to their position.

Fray\'s expression remained cold and determined as he gripped his ax tightly. With a swift and calculated motion, he launched his weapon towards the approaching horde. The ax cleaved through the air with a resounding whoosh, striking the side of the cliff and causing it to crumble, sending tens of monsters plummeting to their demise.

Elisa, ever the strategic leader, swiftly gave orders to the knights under her command. They formed a defensive line, readying their weapons and launching coordinated attacks on the onslaught of monsters. The clash of steel against flesh filled the air, accompanied by the roars of beasts and the cries of battle.

Amidst the chaos, Fray\'s gaze remained fixed on the colossal monster that had issued the initial roar. Its enormous form stood in the distance, its piercing blue eyes still fixed on them.

A thunderous clash of metal resounded as swords clashed against the monstrous creatures. The air was filled with the desperate shouts and battle cries of the group, each voice fighting to be heard amidst the chaos.

Elisa\'s voice rose above the clamor, her tone commanding yet filled with determination. "Knights, hold the line! Don\'t let them break through! We must protect one another!"

The knights, their voices blending together in a unified response, shouted, "For honor! For victory!"

The sound of swords slicing through the air and shields blocking incoming strikes filled the battlefield. The monstrous creatures howled and screeched in pain as their bodies met the wrath of the group\'s weapons.

Fray\'s voice cut through the tumultuous symphony of battle, his tone unwavering and resolute. "Stay focused! We can\'t afford to falter now. Push them back!"

Amidst the clashes, a bone-chilling hiss echoed through the air, the sound of the monsters\' venomous tongues lashing out. The shrill cries of the wounded mingled with the grunts of exertion from the group, creating a cacophony that echoed across the frozen expanse.

Elisa, her voice filled

 with authority, issued new orders. "Push forward! Don\'t let them gain ground!"

The group, their determination ignited by Elisa\'s words, redoubled their efforts. Their strikes became more precise, their movements more fluid, as they fought to gain an advantage against the relentless horde.

With a swift swing of his ax, Fray cleaved through the thick hide of a monster, causing it to crumple to the ground. "Keep pushing!"

Amidst the chaos of battle, Norman, his hands moving with practiced precision, swiftly nocked arrow after arrow and released them in rapid succession.

The twang of Norman\'s bowstring reverberated through the air, punctuated by the thudding impact of his arrows finding their targets. With each shot, the monsters faltered, their ranks thinning as arrows pierced through their flesh.

Norman\'s voice, determined and focused, cut through the chaos. "Keep pushing! I won\'t let them advance!"

His arrows seemed to blur as he unleashed them at an astonishing rate. They streaked through the air, finding their marks with deadly accuracy. The monsters that managed to evade the melee fighters found themselves met with a barrage of unrelenting arrows.

Elisa, witnessing Norman\'s prowess, shouted, "Sir Norman, please keep up the pressure! We need it!"

The clash of weapons and the roars of monsters echoed through the frigid air, creating a symphony of chaos and determination. The group fought with everything they had, their resolve unyielding as they faced the onslaught of the monstrous horde.

Lester and Elisa, who for some reason found themselves close to each other, engaged in a deadly dance of steel, their swords clashing with the monstrous creatures that dared to approach them. With each swing, their blades sliced through the air, producing a symphony of metallic clashes.

Lester called out to Elisa, "Stay close, Lady Elisa! We\'ll hold them back!"

Their swords moved in perfect harmony, striking true and finding their marks. The monsters recoiled from the impact, momentarily stunned by the force of the knights\' assault.

Amidst the chaos, Montaser, knowing the destructive potential of his powers, summoned his spirit, the undead knight, to join the fray. He provided support from behind, aware that using his full power was a double-edged sword, especially in such a dangerous environment.

Lester, his sword a blur of motion, shouted to his comrades, "Arezo knights, don\'t falter! Show these monsters the power of our family!"

Hearing their leader\'s words, the Arezo knights declared as one, "We fight as one!" as they pushed forward with renewed vigor.

Together, Lester, Elisa, and all the knights formed an unyielding bulwark, their swords a barrier against the onslaught of monsters. With every swing, parry, and thrust, they pushed the creatures back, slowly but surely gaining ground against the horde.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Isha stepped forward, her hands crackling with raw electricity. Her eyes glowed with intense determination as she unleashed bolts of lightning towards the encroaching monsters.

Isha, her voice filled with confidence, called out, "Feel the power of thunder!"

The sound of electricity crackled through the air as her lightning bolts struck true, electrifying the monsters and causing them to convulse in agony. The sizzle of burning flesh and the howls of pain filled the battlefield.

Rin, with his cold and stoic demeanor, raised his hand, calling forth his spirit. In an instant, nine golden knights materialized around him, their weapons shimmering with radiant light. Each knight wielded a gleaming unique weapon, ready toight and defend.

Rin\'s voice resonated with authority, "Golden Knights, protect our flanks!"

Meanwhile, Sina, with dark blue hair signaling her spirit\'s existence, unleashed her chaotic flames upon the battlefield. With maniacal laughter, she sent small black flames dancing through the snowstorm, each one burning with an insatiable hunger.

Sina\'s voice rang out amidst her laughter, "Burn, burn, haha! My little flames! Consume them all!"


As you guys know I promise that when I will feel ready I will start a better novel, it\'s finally out its name " The Moonfall: Undead\'s Shadow ". Please check it up, several chapters had been already published 

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