
Chapter 462 - Reyna Gord.

Hal turned slowly to come face to face with the one who managed to sneak up behind him.

The first thing he noticed, being the perverted lady-lover that he was, was that she was a beautiful young-looking lady with coal black shoulder length hair.

Then he noticed that she was almost his height which was quite tall for a woman especially since she was wearing flat battle boots that did nothing to accentuate her height.

Most of her height was due to her long legs that seemed to go on forever and quickly caught Hal\'s attention.

Her breasts were small to match her height and physique quite nicely.

And then her eyes... Her wild Dystopian eyes that while coal-black had a fiery nature to them.


The lady smirked as Hal looked her over.

She was not some Sheltered Dystopian and had seen her fair share of humans but this young man easily took the cake.

She had always thought her type was the buff muscular men as that was the physique most considered attractive in the Dystopian continent but this human\'s lean muscular physique that told of mouthwatering well-structured muscles was... Well, it was making her mouth water.

It was making other parts of her body wet as well.

But she needed to remain focused.

This was her enemy.

She would do well to remember that.

Especially considering the circumstances.

"Who are you?" Hal asked with a light smile.

He could not sense her cultivation and neither could Grimoire which meant this lady must have an Artifact of similar concealment functions as Emily\'s semi-saint mask.

That coupled with a possible light feeder movement technique could explain how she had managed to get behind him without him knowing.

The lady shrugged, 

"I guess you should know. You did just kill a considerable number of those in my Platoon. In fact, I\'d say you and your group killed them all" she said.

"You\'re a Lieutenant" Hal said.

It was not a question but a statement of fact considering what she just told him.

"Lieutenant Reyna Gord. Pleasure to meet you" Reyna said and it truly was a pleasure for her to be able to drink his body in.

Hal furrowed his brow.

First off, the fact that Reyna mentioned her last name told that it was a name of status back in Dystopia.

"Hal" he introduced himself.

Reyna chuckled, 

"No last name?" She asked as she took on a battle stance.

"I don\'t have one" Hal shrugged.

"You don\'t? I would have thought someone as appealing as you would be from a renowned family. In any case, you killed my platoon so I\'m supposed to kill you now. Trust me, I\'d rather not. Fucking you would be a far more appealing option but, Them\'s the rules..."

With that Reyna vanished from where she was as she dashed towards Hal whose eyes widened and he turned mostly on instinct to avoid her strike.

  \'She\'s fast\'

Reyna licked her lips, 

"Hmm, you dodged that? Well, I guess it\'s to be expected from someone who has a pocket dimension." She said as though pocket meant some great talent and mid-motion, even after Hal had moved out of the way and she should be unbalanced, Reyna twisted her lithe form and kicked him.

Hal could not move out of the way fast enough this time and the kick landed squarely on his arms which he had raised to defend himself.


The kick sent him meters away from Reyna but she pursued. 

Before he could even think to roll and get on his feet, she was already there kicking at his sternum.

Hal grabbed her feet before it struck into his chest and was instantly winded, even then, he still managed to speak.

"\'You\'d rather not? Bullshit, you are going for the kill" he said indignantly as he used her feet to toss her away from him but somehow Reyna twisted herself and was balanced in barely a second.

She moved like a gymnast.

He had never not taken her seriously but he had still expected a bit of hesitation from someone who said and who he knew thanks to his heightened Devil senses that she would rather not kill him.

This did not fit the script.

Reyna cackled, 

"Well, of course, I\'m going for the kill. We are at war. You are the enemy. That said, I have actually been holding back. I think it would be better I don\'t. Clearly, you are much stronger than the average human" she said and two horns grew out the top of her head.

However, Hal knew they were not Demonic or Devil horns.

He could tell since he couldn\'t feel any Devil or Demonic energy from them.

The horns were giving off Ancient Beastly vibes.

Anyways, Reyna\'s hands transformed into that of a Beast\'s forelimbs with the long, sharp, and dangerous claws included.

Her legs transformed into that of a beast\'s hind limbs also with the long sharp and dangerous claws as she took on a hybrid form of her bloodline.

Reyna glowed with pride as she took on this form, 

"I probably should tell you, We Gords possess..." She began but Hal completed her words for her, 

"... Dragon Blood" 

The moment the horns were out and he had decided they were not Demonic or Devilish, Grimoire already informed him.

Reyna nodded with a wide smile, 

"That\'s right. Very good"

Then her cultivation became evident. She was at the mid-stage of the Aurora beast realm.

And when you factor in her incomplete Dragon hybrid transformation, she was more than capable enough to hold her own against a peak stage cosmic Aurora realm human cultivator... And win!

Hal summoned his Cosmic Armament and retrieved his broadsword Artifact from his inventory.

He began charging the Broadsword with Cosmic energy but as he was not yet at the Cosmic Aurora realm, there was only so well he could utilize the Artifact\'s abilities.

Reyna eyed his Cosmic Armament and the broadsword before flames began flickering around her.

The element she was attuned to was fire and she now imbued it with Cosmic energy so that t formed a flaming whip. One Hal did not doubt would be able to hold its own against his Cosmic Armament.

And then Reyna charged at him

Her transformation not limiting her speed but enhancing it instead.

Hal charged a cosmic attack imbued with a phenomenon around his Cosmic Armament and swung it at her.

Reyna swiped the attack with her claws and tore right through it and met his armament in a slam that numbed Hal\'s hand but he neglected to think of that as he swung the Artifact towards her and despite her attempt to dodge by moving away, he still cut her.

Reyna stiffed a groan of pain and now her eyes looked down at the Artifact as she noted its rank before her flying whip made a swipe at Hal who knocked it aside with the artifact.

Or at least he tried to but instead, the whip coiled around it and pulled towards the dragon lady who performed a move quite similar to a roundhouse kick but way too graceful to be performed by any human, to kick the side of his face.


Hal was sure the kick would have knocked his head off his shoulder had it not been that he quickly took on the Mid-World Devil form but kept it only at his head and at an angle that Reyna could not really be sure of what she saw.

As he rolled on the ground, his head was now back to normal, and both his Cosmic Armament and Artifact surprisingly still clutched in his hands. Then he decided there was no point in battling it out with Reyna.

When she came in with a hard kick which she probably felt was a decisive strike to end his life, Hal dispensed his cosmic Armament and positioned the flat side of the broadsword to stop her strike from connecting.

"That can\'t protect you" Reyna cackled and she was right.

However, as Hal grabbed her ankles, he could not help but chuckle to himself as protection had never been the plan.

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