
Chapter 691 Where It All Began... Part 1.


Hal stood behind the Avatar of chaos who had introduced himself as the creator of the Primordial Cosmic Grimoire, the Primordial Will.

Ha watched him have a staring contest with the monk,

"You\'ve been busy," The monk said with a light smile on his face.

Primordial will scoffed,

"Not nearly as busy as you," he said in response and for a few more seconds, the two stared at each other in silence, and eventually, the Monk sighed as he said,

"You can\'t stop me... I will get what I want... it belongs to me"

Primordial will shrugged,

"Oh, I know that. I\'m not going to try to stop you from getting it" he said and this time, Hal did not only perk to their words but also decided to take part in the conversation with a simple and confused,

"Excuse me what?"

Primordial Will turned to face him,

"It\'s how things are kid. What, did you expect me to fight him on your behalf? My goodness, you can\'t possibly be that naive... I\'m only here for the show"

As he spoke, Primordial will stepped aside and the monk took sure steps towards Hal who felt the strong feeling of helplessness returning and getting stronger the closer the monk got to him.

Hal took one step back but it was not an attempt at escape which he knew was impossible but rather it was a reflexive reaction to put some distance between himself and danger.

The hatred for that feeling returned in full force but what Hal hated the most was the confusion he was feeling... He had no idea why he was feeling what he was feeling.

He had no idea why they wanted something from him. He had no idea why he had to feel this way...

The implication of what was happening meant that he (Hal) had been somehow connected to both forces of creation and to a certain point, they had been manipulating him long before he even knew they existed.

The thought of being manipulated was probably scarier than even the touch and effect of the monk were.

When the monk touched him, Hal ignored him and rather delved into his bloodline to force out the one that he believed was the Nexus of this whole situation, and finally, Nihasa exited his bloodline to actually become a fairly physical form in the hall.

Beautiful as she always and exuding the power and authority of the Primeval that she was, Nihasa become the fourth individual in the hall and at the sight of her, Primordial Will turned his face away while the monk had a neutral look on his face.

Nihasa however had her head held high as she acknowledged all that was going on in the hall with Hal stuck in place and being incapable of moving as the monk prepared to retrieve what was his.

"Traitor" Primordial will said.

The monk however just chuckled as he said,

"Nihasa chose the winning side... She saw merit in my plans... Now, where was I? Ah yes..." as he spoke, the monk finally made contact with what he wished to retrieve from Hal\'s body.

Hal knew it was likely to be unsuccessful but he still tried to use his connection to the monument to somehow make it out of the private section as he had once done...

That failed as the monk had shut down any hopes of that by cutting off any connection that Hal might have had with the Monument of Ordinances which further hammered it home that he (Hal) was trapped.

However, while a connection to the monument and a possible reprieve was gone, Hal could still reach for what the monk was retrieving and he used it to fire a connection with Order itself...

It only took a second and Hal\'s consciousness left the hall and traveled into memories... Memories that surpassed his know-how... He delved into the memories of the Primordial Principle of Order itself.

There was nothing hazy about memory... There was nothing weak about it... Injured as the Principle of Order was, its memory was very much intact but it was not of a type that Hal was used to.

You see, at the start of creation, Order did not have a human form or even something close to it and hence could not and did not communicate as Hal and any other life-form could.

It was like looking into memories that surpassed one\'s existence and understanding and because Hal was intruding into the said memories without permission, it was not dumbed-down for him.

Before he even tried to understand what was being expressed in those memories and then translate them into a normal manner of speaking, Hal felt his mind swelling and getting bloated to the point where he felt like his head would quite literally explode.

He was trying to understand something that he should not have been trying to understand...

That said, Hal was able to alleviate the head-exploding phenomenon with the use of his Sovereign Dao which was somehow available to him as he delved into the memories of Order but had been unavailable when he had been trying to escape Order\'s grasp.

That was the only part of it that surprised Hal and he was not surprised that his Sovereign Dao was capable of such...

Why was he not surprised?

Well, back when he comprehended his Dao, Hal had known that it had quite practically been the first aspects/principles that came to be during creation which had been set off by Order and Chaos.

His Sovereign Dao had always had a connection to this distant past and this was especially evidenced by the fact that, while he was comprehending the said Dao, he had been able to take a sneak peek into the said distant past.

Once Hal alleviated the head-exploding phenomenon, he was much more able to see and understand the memories of Order.

(Whatever you read going forward is Hal\'s interpretation of what he saw in Order\'s memories. If you had seen the same things that he did, you might have interpreted them differently.

One thing is constant though; Order and Chaos existed before all things and through them, all things were created)

A time before Time, it is unquantifiable when exactly this took place, and looking into the memories of Order, Hal understood the Principle to be lacking emotion.

While it existed with only one other (Chaos), Order had not been happy, it had not been sad, it had not been hungry, it had not been satisfied...

It had not hated and it had not loved...

If there was one thing that Order did want and something that did interest it, it was an interest in uniformity... It liked things to be orderly... Quite a contrast to its counterpart which preferred chaos.

It is unknown if Order was named such because of its interest in uniformity or if it had been interested in uniformity because of what it was named.

At the very beginning, there was nothing to be arranged, nothing to be put in order apart from its unruly and chaotic counterpart but Order would never try that.

The two had always existed, somehow as distinctly different parts of a whole, and never had Order had the thought of battling Chaos.

And then the spark happened...

What caused the spark you might ask and the answer (as far as Hal was concerned in regards to Order\'s memories) was that the spark had been caused by a coming together of Order and its distinctly different counterpart.

According to Order, this had not entirely been spontaneous... Once again, as there was no concept of time at this point, it is unknown how long the process of the creation of the spark had been.

Why was there a need for the spark?

Were Order and Chaos not just satisfied with their monotonous existence?

Could it be that, on some level, Order and Chaos possessed the emotions that their creations would come to possess and wanted an empire to rule... Maybe in the shadows?

The spark that was formed set off a chain of reactions and formations that resulted in creations all of which were further helped along by the slightest touches of Order and chaos.

Principles were born, concepts (smaller concepts compared to Order and chaos) came to be and the more the universe spread all about, the more principles were formed... Each to affect a certain aspect of some world or some being.

For example, the concept of life did not come to be until the first being came to be and what naturally followed (on account of heavy influence by Order who delighted in uniformity) was death.

The concept of souls came into play and due to an orderly need to have there be a place for the said souls, the Nether realm was formed and became the only other realm that had formed at this point.

At the time, there were only two realms that first existed; The living realm, and the Nether realm, and all of creation were closely followed (aided) by cosmic energy, a direct but (at this point) overlooked product of the spark.

It was not overlooked for long though because somewhere during the whole slew of creations all resulting from the spark came the first wielders of Cosmic Energy...

... The Ten Agents of creation that would eventually be known as Primevals.

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