
Chapter 715 Weaponizing The Faith Of The Foxes.




The battle between Hal and the remaining six Elders was taken to the air but in barely an hour, it was more than clear to them all that they were not going to be able to pick up the victory.

Hal went on to decimate two others and sent them out of the Sovereign Space to be tied in servitude to him and even then, none of them had been able to land a single hit on him.

Hal remained as mentally strong as he had been when he first entered the Sovereign Space and commenced the battle and with every Elder he defeated, the more mentally stable he was.

You see, the Elders losing and getting kicked out of the mental space meant they were too mentally exhausted to continue being a part of keeping the formation active and so in the physical world, the formation was weakening and its effect on Hal\'s mind was waning.

The fact that Hal was able to make use of Abstract Ordinances was more than enough of a card or an ability that already made it clear to the Elders that they did not have a shot... And yet, they fought.

They gave it their all.

They seemed to be of a mind that it would bring them great shame if they did not fight until they no longer could.

Even though the longer the battle went on, the clearer it was that they only know an inkling of the level of control that Hal had on the space.

He took to an ability to change terrain at random times, even though he did not need to and already had the edge with the use of two Abstract Ordinances.



At long last, Hal delivered a hard-hitting stomp from up high in the sky and drove the head of the last of the Elders remaining in the Sovereign Space right into the ground below.

He then raised his leg and delivered a final stomp that burst the Elder\'s entire body into dark sparks as she sent out of the Space.

Hal exited the Sovereign space immediately after and thanks to his mental warping of time in the Sovereign space, the battle that had gone on for a few hours only actually took a few minutes at most.

Hal could have surely shrunk it even further but he considered those minutes to be essential to let his Devil beasts, led by Sassy, run amok.

When he opened his eyes back to reality at which point, he could already feel the loss of the Ordinance use he had had in the Sovereign Space, the pentagon of the formation vanished and the Elders dropped from the sky like flies.

Immediately, there was an uproar all over the central region of the Crimson Fox territory.

You see, the central region was a living area and all that had so far happened had been observed by the denizens of the clan who reside in the central region.

They had all felt the impact of the short physical battle and had all been witnesses to Hal\'s terrifying presence but had found courage in the Elders... The very best they had to offer- Especially once the Elders burst out the Crimson formation.

The Crimson Fox Clan\'s strongest defense against threats...

Considering how much faith these denizens had put in their Elders, you can imagine how absolutely worrying it was to see them all freeze in the air for a few minutes before dropping low files.

To make things worse, the one they had been trying to defeat remained perfectly calm and was still flying in the air with the use of his terrifying Sapphirine Devil wings.

Hal opened his palms and both his Trident and Scepters were immediately summoned into his tight grips.

The message was clear to all denizens of the Crimson Fox Clan- The Infidel had won!

The question now was what exactly did this mean for the clan? Were they about to get razed?

Completely destroyed?!

Also, why was their clan even targeted?

So far, the only times that Devil man (whose large horns were nowhere near as sinister as his smile and actions) had spoken, it was to taunt and gloat.

Not once had he made mention of an agenda.

The idea that he might just be someone who just decides their clan would make for a good target without any actual motives was worrying.

Dystopians might be a generally rowdy and combat-loving bunch but they did not go around battling indiscriminately, destroying people and clans.

Hal could feel all of the emotions and he reveled in the fact that they were all negative before he waved his hand to command the Elders to rise from their slumber.

The Elders all did and their motions and expressions were as though they had just been resurrected from the dead which was technically true as they were reborn into something else... Something differing from what they used to be connected to.

All Elders rose and that included the first one Hal defeated and tied to Infinity and they all came together to join hands to form a pentagon.

The Elders formed the very Nexus of the Crimson Fox clan, they held the hopes and faith of the denizens... In the Crimson fox Clan and basically all families, clans, and Tribes that had Elders, this was usually the case.

Anyway, in the Crimson Fox Clan, the Elders wielded a great amount of respect and command over the denizens, including the Clan head.

They formed the very backbone of the clan and would always show up to handle whatever the Clan head could not. This was especially the case since the Clan head was always the only one second to them in power in the entire clan.

It was why they had shown up so fast before... If a threat was able to brutalize the clan head to such a degree, then only they were qualified to combat the said threat.

Hal had known all this and had always planned to use them to weaponize that faith, respect, and confidence placed in the Elders for his cause.

He directed the Elders to activate a formation very similar to the Crimson Formation... From that formation spread the enveloping and consuming force of infinity.

The force tied every denizen who had placed their faith in the Elders to Infinity... The force went past the center region and spread all over the territory... If there was a denizen of the clan who had his/her faith in the Elders, he/she was tied no matter what corner of the territory they were at.

The battle between Devil beasts and Crimson foxes came to an end once this began and the ground was already littered with the bodies of the fallen.

Everyone who was in the central region and tied to Infinity still had complete knowledge of what had happened and in a way, still saw Hal as a threat and an enemy but they also saw him as a threat and Enemy to be obeyed.

He was an Avatar of a force greater than their collective whole and could do with them however he deemed fit.

Hal landed on the ground and opened a portal to the habitat to let out his Devil beasts in their massive numbers while the ones that had fought with Sassy began to feed on the bodies of the Crimson foxes they had killed.

The consumption was quick and could be seen as inhalation or absorption... The ground was clear of bodies (that were not tainted by Sassy\'s toxic mists) in barely a second.

Hal took down the Dome that surrounded the central region and the rest of the clan could finally see what had been hidden from their sights and caused ruckus and fear as well as their newfound connection to a Higher purpose.

Hal reverted to his normal form and both his Trident and Scepter vanished as he nodded at the progress he had made in just a few hours after he started his takeover.

It had been relatively louder but had surely been a faster and much more direct approach...


The Crimson Fox Clan underwent changes that were necessary following the introduction of thousands of creatures who were all battle-minded and were powerful experts in their own right.

For all those Hal and his men had killed, the Devil beasts made for stronger and much more capable replacements... Especially since no one could dare say a word against the Avatar of Infinity who willed for the change.

The Devil beasts quickly took on positions of command in the Clan\'s Army and turned it into a base of operations where they could develop and act out their lord\'s orders in semi-secrecy.

To the outside world (Clans about the Crimson foxes) who proved to be nosy and interested in the feeling of change that was exuded, the Clan remained fairly the same.

The Clan head mourned the death of one of his sons but didn\'t make a big deal of it... It was actually a topic they moved on from quickly just like they moved ok quickly from the other deaths.

Those who used to rule the clan remained the rulers to all outside observers but all within the clan knew that no decisions could truly be made in the clan without the knowledge and approval of the Avatar\'s forces.

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