
Chapter 771 Isabella’s Choice.

Hal was sure it was only a matter of time before the return of Kirk Dane who he was sure must have gained with and from the company he now kept.

The next time he saw Kirk though, Hal was determined to not let him escape again but would also not be killing Kirk personally, the right to do that was still Melinda\'s as he had promised her.

Melinda was modding along with his word while particularly staring at her uncle whose brows were furrowed at Hal who stared right back at him.

Hal\'s eyes went from the normal Doxon eyes to his yes of Infinite pull (Completely Blue eyes with no whites) and suddenly, Damien Dane was gripped by fear.

He began to shake ever so slightly as beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead but he couldn\'t look away from Hal... He was caught and he seemed to have become trapped in the Devil\'s gaze.

The more he stared, the more Damien felt as though he were falling into a pit of infinite fear and worry.

When Hal eventually averted his eyes, Damien sucked in air as he now noticed that he had been holding his breath and suddenly, breathing was very important.

No one in the hall missed this phenomenon and when Hal gazed at them all briefly, they all felt something... Maybe not as intense as what Damien had felt but they definitely all felt something.

"I mean it\'s only fair," Melinda said and it seemed to break the tension that was starting to build in the hall but she acted completely oblivious to said tension or the fact that she had broken it as she continued,

"I mean, he gave you an entire Duchy so the least you can give us in return is the head of that miserable excuse of a Dane," she said and there was a sort of manic glint in her eyes as she said it.

Thing was, Melinda had softened up... She was settling for killing one man (the main culprit) as opposed to the mass killing of the vast majority of the males in the Dane family as had been her wish.

There was more to focus on at the moment... She had goals, and ambitions, and they were tied to Hal\'s desire to stand at the very top.

She had grown past her previous prejudices and now had bigger fishes to fry... That said, she was never going to let go of her wish to kill Kirk. She still blamed Hal for the fact that Kirk was still alive as he had stopped her from killing him before.

Meanwhile, Hal took his arms off her shoulder as he started speaking and addressing the hall at large,

"I do not desire to pander to you and I just hope it is clear to you all who you have to thank for what you have regained" he then planted a passionate kiss on Melinda\'s lips.

When he pulled away, he said,

"This is not my scene. I feel like I am butting in on an important moment for you Danes. I have said my piece and will leave you to your celebrations. No need to dampen the mood for you lot" he said and walked out of the hall but as he did, he passed Isabella who, for some reason felt the desire to follow after him.

She placed her goblet down,

"Excuse me" she was and warped space around herself and left the hall.

The moment she was gone, Devon signaled for Melinda to come closer to where he sat and proceeded to attempt to grill her for information about what she was currently up to. Especially with Hal whose camp she belonged.

Melinda still had the jug in hand and was topping up her drink as soon as her goblet was running dry while her body worked quickly to refine the energy within the drink and add drops to her cultivation development.

As for Devon and whatever he wished to speak about, she was hardly interested but did engage him with as little information as possible... There was just so much going on in her life at the moment that Devon and the rest of the Danes did not have to know.

Devon for his part recognized that this daughter was speedily away from him and not just in her goals but also her cultivation.

Just as he could feel that Hal was no longer on a level he could intimidate, Devon could also feel the inevitability of his daughter surpassing him.

​ Anyway, Melinda only planned to endure the company of her fellow Danes for a while longer before leaving and likely retreating into the Harem space.



Hal had only taken five steps away from the hall that space warped beside him and Isabella appeared walking alongside him.

Hal did not look to the side at her but he did stop walking before saying,

"Shouldn\'t you be with your family at the moment? I mean, today is a big day. Tomorrow a bigger one"

"How inevitable is it?" Isabella asked in a careful tone.

Hal knew what she was talking about and a wide smile split his face as he turned to the side at her,

"Very," he said.

"So I shouldn\'t fight it then," Isabella said and it was interesting how such demure and submissive words could be said with such a dominant attitude and tone.

Isabella was not exuding the pressure of her cultivation and she did not have to as the aura of who she was, the aura of her being a person who had lived for at least two millennia, the aura of someone who knew what she wanted was clearly all about her.

"Why should you? Surrender is wonderful" Hal said and he stepped closer to her and looked down a bit seeing as he was taller than her.

"So you are telling me I don\'t have a choice?" she asked and she said it like a challenge to which Hal shook his head,

"Of course, you have a choice. You have a choice to surrender," Hal said.

"Surrender or what?" Isabella said and her breathing was getting a bit shallow but that challenging aura remained.

"Is there really a need to list any other options you might have? The only one that matters is the one you will choose" Hal said and stretched his hand to her cheek which he stroked.

Isabella shivered at the tingling of electricity she got from that touch and while she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch, Hal continued,

"The reason THIS is inevitable is after all because YOU want it. It became certain to happen the moment you began to consider me as the answer to your needs and urges.

It became inevitable the moment you saw me as the answer to the pain that haunts you" he said and Isabella\'s eyes opened.

Hal\'s eyes completely blue eyes of infinite pull stared into her golden orbs and Hal took a deep breath before adding,

"There is a warning though... I am quite addictive, very addictive actually..."

Before Hal could continue, Isabella threw herself into him, and right after their lips connected, she warped the space around them so that they were taken away from the corridor and into her massive bed chambers.

There she had Hal\'s back to the wall with her arms around his neck pulling him harder into the kiss and the longer they kissed, the more pleasure-inducing she found his body to be and the more she pressed herself against him.

Hal enjoyed the feel of her breasts against his chest and fully indulged in the kiss while Isabella proceeded to entangle her hands in his long nightmarish black hair.

"Mmm," she moaned.

When they separated, Isabella then took her arms away from around his neck to grab his lapel and pull his shirt apart to reveal his muscular chest which she proceeded to pepper with kisses.

Hal moaned ever slightly at how good it felt to have her lips on his chest.

When she made her way back up though, he kissed her neck and suckled at the skin which saw an increase in the volume of moans Isabella was letting out.

Hal grabbed her large breasts through her clothes before pulling the top layer of her clothing apart to reveal the underwear that was large enough to contain her breasts and sturdy enough to support their weight.

He pulled her underwear enough to snap it and grabbed both of her breasts, kneaded the two, grabbed her nipples, and pinched them all the while charging his hands with [Erogeneous Touch].

Hal then ducked his head to take one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked on it as though he was nursing... All of these contributed to the pleasure the Dane Patroness was feeling.

It went on for a few minutes with many alternations with the other nipple and when Hal took his mouth off her chest, Isabella stepped one foot away from him and took off the rest of her clothes... Revealing her mature body to Hal\'s hungry gaze.

She smiled at the look on his face and it had her feeling filled with validation and a desire to please which she did well to hide behind a confident exterior.

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