
Chapter 800 The Final Straw.

The screech radiated pain that all Men, despite understanding, could not truly relate to, at least the vast majority that had not yet had the displeasure of losing their balls.

Melinda did not stop at just piercing her cousin\'s family jewels but also, through her sword, caused a mini explosion that ruptured the organ as well as the nuts in a sack completely.

"Let\'s get rid of it in the entirety. The last thing we want is for it to be healed again" Melinda said and she was mostly the one supporting Cirk\'s flight.

Melinda\'s words were referring to the incident that sparked the start of her hatred for Cirk when she first cut off his family jewels but they were promptly restored once she had been exiled from her family. With this explosive rupture, made permanent by her ordinant might, no way could that be the case again.

Cirk\'s screech was restarted after that explosive rupture and the pitch increased to the point where he sounded like a tortured swine.

Melinda went on to break his arms and legs and then had him stabbed with spikes that she formed with her flame ordinance while chuckling at how foolish he was to think he could make her ordinance use sluggish or even defeat her in the first place.

It could be excused with the fact that Cirk had no idea of what he was getting into and who he was facing which caused him to feel cocky but that of course should and did not stop Melinda from finding amusement in it all.

Melinda grabbed Cirk and fed him back the life essence that she had taken from him to replenish those he was losing by the second through his open wounds as well as the painful flaming spikes that were in his chest and showing out of his back.

Every bit of resistance or strength that Kirk could ever have boasted of or been confident in was useless... The external source he was receiving power from was still supplying him but power did him no good.

He had been suppressed beneath the dominant foot of Melinda Dane and he had no escape... In fact, the longer he was in that suppression, the more it made sense to be there, and the more that place felt like where he should be...

... The power of oppression.

With her supplying him with life essence which basically meant that she had placed Cirk on life support, Melinda went to town on delivering intense torture to him...

... Whenever Cirk seemed about to slip into the cold hands of death, Melinda would feed him with life essence to bring him back just to continue with the torture.

Hal found the sight to be beautiful... Say what you will about Melinda or Hal\'s tastes but it was for this reason and this mentality of Melinda\'s, which was very much in the range of sadism, that truly attracted Melinda to Hal in the first place.

Melinda had incredible beauty that only got better but their relationship went past the physical... In their own sick way.

Cirk\'s screams kept coming forth and kept being boosted with Cosmic energy which broadcasted it all over the Duchy capital... It was clear what was going on.

Whether you liked Cirk (or any Dane for that matter) or you did not, the feeling that his screams wrought was the same for all... Except for Hal and Melinda is course.

They pitied the Dane Heir and many began to realize just how much of a mistake it would be to get on the bad side of the torturer who was taking personal pleasure in the meting of her justice.

But how were they to know that Melinda was not doing this only for the joy of torturing Kirk but rather to give certain individuals time to interfere? Individuals besides her father and uncle who she knew Hal had silenced already.

And sure enough, they showed their faces... The Powerful members of the Dane family... The Elders who had been complicit in Kirk\'s return and Kirk\'s reclaim of the title of heir finally showed their supposedly wise faces.

Melinda wondered why it took so long.

Was it out of fear for Hal or were they all just unanimously too deep in cultivation seclusion?

The most likely answer was that they had not thought it too important an event to interfere with which made sense as there was still Devon and Damien to attempt to mediate the tense situation but that still said a lot about their negligence.

"Melinda, that is enough! You have done too much damage already" said one of the old fogeys and for an answer, Melinda caused Cirk to let out another squealing scream.

"If you don\'t stop, we will have to intervene. You don\'t want that. We old bones still have some tricks yet" yelled another with them all looking irate at the fact that Melinda ignored their words.

Even as the second Elder spoke, they all looked ready to intervene and it was then that Space warped before them, and out of that warp stepped Isabella with a wagging finger,

"Don\'t interfere!"

Backing those words was the full might of her Ninth Star Cosmic Saint cultivation which eclipsed that of any singular one of them.

There was a wonder as to how she managed to achieve this strength in the space of a year but even then, they had it at the back of their minds that pooling together their attacks could contend with Isabella\'s strength.

There was merit in this plan of theirs as they were large in number and all possessed significant strength as none of them was lower than the seventh star of Sainthood though none of them had made it to the ninth star so far.

However, their calculations had left out Hal, who by releasing his pressure alone and magnifying it with his infinity was able to make their foreheads form beaded sweats.

The gap between Demi-god and Saint is massively wide and that fact remained true despite the ease Hal had used to advance. His ease was because he possessed Infinity which would always surpass Cultivational progression and he was also a Cosmic Sovereign.

The Demi-god realm was meant to farm and build up divinity, all the while improving one\'s body and constitution in preparation for godhood.

Hal was aware that he was surely not the only Demi-god in the Nexus world but the others were simply following a path, toeing a line to divinity while Hal actively commanded that path... It was his to travel.

Anyway, Hal, with his hands behind his back and the release of the smallest bit of his Demi-god pressure magnified by Infinity was able to caution the Dane Elders and silence descended upon the scene.

The silence was destined to be interrupted and it was interrupted...

"You bitch!"

... By a mother\'s screech.

Cirk\'s mother, Damien\'s wife trudged into the arena and with her indignant yell, she was also showing off her hardly impressive cultivation.

"Leave him alone. Haven\'t you done enough? I always knew exile was not enough for you! I told them the death penalty was what you deserved but did they listen? No!" as she spoke, she looked over at the silent Devon and Damien, and then she looked over at Isabella as she said,

"Even exile almost didn\'t happen. Because you (points to Isabella) were advocating that she go free and now you even stand in the way of the Elders who wish to intervene.

How partial can you be?

Cirk\'s your grandson too!!!" the woman spoke with tears running down her face but remained stable all through her words.

A young man with brown hair and Dane golden eyes ran after the woman and called to her,

"Mother, stop!"

"Leave me, Hugh, they need to know just how unjust this is." the woman said with defiance.

Hal found the scene familiar to when he killed his brother Rad.

Melinda came down from the sky and with her was Cirk floating beside her and wheezing in pain as he had taken a break with his screams.

"I was waiting for you," Melinda said and she truly had been.

One final torture...

She stabbed the woman with her sword and that jolted Cirk whose eyes widened as he yelled,


Damien watched with wide eyes as his wife was killed and yet, he was unable to disobey Hal\'s order to express his pain vocally.

Hugh fell to his knees with eyes wide with disbelief. He was not banned from speaking... He was just in too much of a shock to say anything.

He was fine with whatever punishment Melinda deemed fit for Cirk but this punishment, killing their mother, would not hurt Cirk alone. The callousness of the act was terrifying.

Cirk watched as life was drained from his mother and there was something about the sight that hurt him more than the tortures he had endured did.

Something snapped in his mind... The death of his mother was the final straw to his sanity and when Melinda set him free, completely devoid of strength and with broken arms and legs, he just flopped and dragged himself over to his mother\'s body while hitting his head on the ground multiple times.

Always yelling out his disbelief for her death and proclaiming hatred for Melinda and right when he was close enough to touch his mother for the last time, his face bloody and tears streaming, the life essence he was being fed was used up and he breathed his last.

Cirk breathed his last right as life was returned to his mother and she sat up with a gasp...

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