
Chapter 814 Consummation. Part 1

The Dragon Clan Palace...

There was a hut in the backyard of a massive residence in the palace, one of the largest overall which was to be expected as the residence housed a dragon prince.

All over the buildings that made up the residence, there was grandeur and that grandeur was especially present now that the union of the Dragon clan with their fundamental bloodline enemies, the Pheonix clan rested on the Prince\'s shoulder.

Anyway, in the hut in the backyard of the massive residence sat the Dragon Prince Dakon. He was alone. Just him and his thoughts.

The Prince had no shortage of friends and comrades and he had spent the bulk of his time with them over the past few months. Since he got married, he had spent more time with them than he had spent with his wife.

Ah yes, the topic that was on his mind and occupied his thoughts;

The plans of his family plans that had been underway for over fifty years now hinged on him being able to consummate his marriage with his wife and that would require him fighting against the fundamental hatred his bloodline had against hers.

Of course, Dakon had had a lot of time to get with the program and get to terms with things and he was making good progress.

There was no denying that the Pheonix princess was beautiful with her bloodline emphasizing her grace. Being the fairly lustful person that he was, Dakon could appreciate and be attached to her looks and he was.

It was that attraction that had now become sexual that he focused on and helped him prepare for what he would have to do that night.

Dakon filled a goblet with a cultivational drink made to make him inebriated and while he took the sips that helped calm him and clear his mind, he knew the preparations that were ongoing in the Palace at the moment.

The Pheonix princess had arrived at the Dragon clan and would stay for the consummation to occur after which she would return to her clan.

The two were not being forced to cohabitate. It was known how difficult it would be and despite improving relations between the two clans, the Pheonix queen did not wish to have her daughter in the Dragon clan longer than was actually necessary.

Anyway, a large marriage hall was being prepared for a feast that would serve as the traditional marriage night celebrations that would precede the actual consummation of the marriage later that same night.

When it was time, maids would come to the residence to assist him in getting ready for the feast.

"*Sigh* I\'m ready," Dakon said and downed a particularly full goblet of cultivational brew.

That night...

The marriage hall was decked with all sorts of beautiful decorations that boldly proclaimed the status of the duo the celebrations were for.

Dakon was clad in large glorious robes and he had his princely headgear fitted into his hair and by his side was a lady dressed in equally voluminous robes with even flashier designs.

Despite the volume of the lady\'s robes though, the upper part of it was made to be molded to her chest so that it showed its impressive curvature, especially how proudly it stood out on her chest.

Her chest was the area that would grab attention first and this was mostly the case due to her face being covered by a thick red veil designed to allow her to see out of it but not let anyone get a look at what can be assumed to be a beautiful face.

The lady, even while sitting as still as she possibly could (to the point where she could be mistaken for a statue), exuded the pride of her clan, and while she did not appear tense in any way, she did seem prepared to strike at any annoying individual at a moment\'s notice.

Dakon sneaked a few glances at her and he always came off his glances with a smile. He was inebriated with enough cultivational brew for him to no longer consider what was to happen as a chore but rather as something he had been waiting for for so long.

All of his preparations as well as his readiness to drink himself to a stupor had finally culminated in the readiness to bed a Pheonix and it was right on time.

"Beautiful aren\'t they?"

Reyna had her eyes on Dakon and his bride with a goblet of cultivational brew in hand when she heard someone speak beside her.

She looked to her side at the one who had spoken to her.

He was a fairly tall man with pale skin and a skinny appearance. He had the coal-black hair and eyes of a member of the Dragon Clan.

"Are you talking to me?" Reyna asked the man and he nodded with a smile before giving her a small courteous bow.

"Lady Reyna, my name is Havi Gord," he said.

"Havi? Gord is the last name reserved for the Royal bloodline even when branched. I\'ve never heard that name and I believe I know every living Gord" Reyna said.

"Well, you clearly missed one. I am before you and I am a Gord. You can have me tested to prove myself but that will be unnecessary, will it not?" Havi said.

Reyna furrowed her brows and then relaxed them as she said,

"There are tests to be sure but I guess it will be a tad unnecessary. This is not my party after all, so I feel no obligation to police it" she said and returned her attention to the married duo.

"You don\'t like this marriage?" Havi asked and Reyna shook her head with a sigh,

"It\'s not that I don\'t like it, it\'s that I am not very invested in the whole idea of becoming one with the Phoenix clan."

"There\'s a manifesto that says it will be good for the clan" Havi said.

Reyna scoffed,

"That manifesto says a lot of things. (sips drink) I don\'t know, maybe it\'s just me but I feel it\'s a disaster waiting to happen." she said.

Havi furrowed his brows,

"What makes you say that?" he asked and Reyna shrugged,

"We are too different... There are forces beyond us that want to keep our bloodlines apart and we all know that.

The manifesto even says in bold prints; \'We must unite and battle against the forces that seek to keep us apart. If we are forced apart then there must be something great to gain from uniting\'. " she said.

"So you want the clans to keep trying to take over the continent on their own?" Havi asked.

"Who knows? *Sigh* I\'m still young and I am only barely allowed to take part in the big talks. Maybe I\'m being naive.

That said, even if coming together is indeed the ticket to power, forcing the union is not the way to go about it. Those are just my thoughts.

Like I said, maybe I am being naive. If am, blame it on me being young" Reyna said and chuckled.

Havi shook his head,

"Nah, you\'re not being naive. You have some sound reasoning and yes, forcing it is not the way to go. I know the way to go, would you like to know as well?" he asked and there was a gleam in his coal-black eyes that Reyna thought she recognized.

The more she stared into Havi\'s eyes, the more Reyna felt she knew him, and then she shook her head and said,

"I can\'t believe I\'m having a conversation with a stranger at a party filled with friends and family"

Reyna punctuated her words with a chuckle and Havi grinned, showing off a perfect set of teeth,

"Maybe I\'m not a stranger," he said.

"Strangely, I am indeed feeling familiarity with you," Reyna said and then laughed at how silly that might have sounded, and then she wondered why she was even bothered about sounding silly to this skinny pale skinned man who, despite the familiarity, she believed she had never seen before.

She shook all that off though to ask,

"So what\'s the way to go? I\'d like to know"

"It\'s simple. You let go of previous connections that have forced the separation and unite under a different banner.

One that is accepting of all as long as its Sovereignty is accepted" Havi said.

Somehow Reyna understood what he was talking about. She understood he was likely hinting at the Dragon and Phoenix clans dumping their gods and Progenitors to unite under a different being or force.

"Is there such a uniting being?" she asked and Havi nodded,

"Yes there is, and surrender is all he asks," he said.

He stopped talking when a regal woman with a large blossom made a beeline for Reyna.

"Reyna, you seem to be enjoying yourself" the woman, Addilyn, said and she smile so much it would be a bit hard to see her as an always frowning and ruthless general of the Dragon clan Army.

"I\'m trying my best," Reyna said.

"Who is this?" Addilyn asked with her eyes looking Havi over.

Reyna looked from her sister to Havi and then back. The fact that her sister, the most knowledgeable person she knew in terms of anything including knowing every member of the Gord clan, did not know Havi meant she(Reyna) was not mistaken about him possibly not being a Gord as he had claimed.

She opened her mouth to speak but Havi beat her to it,

"Havi Gord," he said and eagerly put his hand forward for a handshake from the busty Dystopian dragon general.

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