
Chapter 161 Eros Knows Fate Magic?

Allen reassured his classmates that he would provide them with his help as long as it concerned their resistance to the Supreme Academy.

But it doesn’t mean he wouldn’t help his classmates if they needed his help on problems that don’t concern the Supreme Academy. As long as it only slightly inconveniences him, Allen would without a doubt provide his classmates with his help.

But if it’s beyond that, Allen wouldn’t do anything as he would deem such a problem as too troublesome especially when that problem doesn’t concern him.

Allen: Anyways, we have already decided on the funds, information gathering, and espionage. So who will volunteer to be part of the combat group?

After Allen asked that question to his classmates, his classmates that have combat prowess decided to volunteer to be part of the combat group.

Carrion: I have yet to contribute to our group so I will volunteer to be part of the combat group. I know military martial arts and I know how to handle firearms and many more military weapons so I can contribute more if I’m part of the combat group..

Lei: If Carrion is joining, then I might join as well. Although my close-quarters combat skills aren’t as great as Carrion’s since I’m more proficient in taking down and apprehending law offenders rather than beating them up, I can still provide my support as a member of the combat group.

Lei: After all, I can make those who had committed a crime to be powerless in my presence with my <Supreme Law Enforcer> talent.

Lei was indeed capable of doing that and from his record, there had yet to be a criminal who could cancel out the effects of his <Supreme Law Enforcer> talent.

Allen: Who else will volunteer to be part of our combat group?

Jade: I will. With the blessing that Lord Zenchi had bestowed upon me, I can defeat any heretics and exact punishment to those blasphemous believers of Lord Zenchi. And since Zenchianism is the leading religion in the entire world, it will be easy for me to deal with them.

Jade: I doubt none of the Supreme Academy staff aren’t believers of Lord Zenchi. And if they are atheists, I can label them as heretics and use Lord Zenchi’s blessings to punish those heretics.

Jade Green, the <Supreme Apostle>, was very confident in punishing heretics and blasphemous believers of Lord Zenchi. Her contribution in not only being part of the funds group but also the combat group will drastically help their resistance towards the Supreme Academy.

Buza: I also want to be part of the combat group but my <Supreme Ninja> talent is more suited for espionage than combat. So I sadly won’t be part of that.

Hildegard: I can be part of the combat group but when I am in combat, Sophie must be protected in my stead.

Allen: @Hildegard, don’t worry about that since Sophie can stay at my house with Iris. I have fortified my house using my arsenal of <Supreme> talents and we can even use my house as our base.

Hildegard: Since Iris is also with you, then I will allow it.

Normally, Hildegard wouldn’t allow her princess to be in a male’s house but since her princess friend which was Iris was with Allen, she would allow it.

Not only that, Hildegard knew how to judge a person’s character and she knew that Allen wasn’t someone who would lust after her princess since from what she had observed, Allen was loyal to only Iris and she knew that Allen wouldn’t cheat to his lover.

Aimee: I will also volunteer to be part of the combat group. After all, my <Supreme Mage> is suited for combat especially when it comes to mass destruction.

Eros: Since Aimee will be part of the combat group, then I will join as well.

When Eros volunteered to be part of the combat group, they couldn’t help but thought how a matchmaker could even be able to help in combat.

Selena: @Eros, are you sure you aren’t overestimating yourself? You are only the <Supreme Matchmaker> and you don’t have any combat-related <Supreme> talent. Even if you have the <<Minor Fate Manipulation>> skill, at most, you can only use it to dodge the attacks of your enemy.

Selena wasn’t the <Supreme Journalist> for nothing. After all, she knew lots of information about the <Supremes> and she still clearly remembered Eros’s display of his <<Minor Fate Manipulation>> skill and from what she had observed, he could only use it to dodge attacks from his opponents.

As for Eros after hearing Selena’s comment, he didn’t like how she had underestimated his capabilities.

Eros: I will have you all know that I’m not only the <Supreme Matchmaker> but also the fiancé of the <Supreme Mage>. Because of that, I have studied fate magic with the help of Aimee so I can prove to be a formidable opponent for I can manipulate fate itself.

Eros knew that his classmates had underestimated his capabilities but even he knew that he couldn’t blame them for that since it was unusual for a matchmaker to have combat capabilities.

If it wasn’t for the fact that he studied fate magic with Aimee, he wouldn’t be confident in instantly defeating his opponents with his <<Minor Fate Manipulation>> skill since even that skill has its limits which were pointed out by Selena.

As Selena has said before, he could only use it to avoid the attacks of his opponent, and even if he can use it to alter the fate of his opponent so they could have a bad end, it still wouldn’t be instantaneous which was the flaw of that skill as a combat skill.

Eros: If you guys still doubt my combat ability, I can challenge one of you to a one-on-one fight, and even if I lose, I am still confident that I wouldn’t go down without a fight. If not for that confidence, I wouldn’t have volunteered to be part of the combat group.

Allen: Don’t worry, I trust your capabilities.

Eros: Thanks, Allen.

Allen: You’re welcome. Anyways, aside from Carrion, Lei, Hildegard, Jade, Aimee, and Eros, who else will join the combat group?

Allen asked his classmates yet again as he waited for their response but it didn’t take long for one of them to respond.

Arthur: I will.

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