
Chapter 158 Challenge?

No one is likely to come here at a time when the school is becoming less crowded.

But if Annica\'s plan went well, Amelia should be here soon.

I sat down on a bench and played with my magic spells to pass the time.

The basic magic spell has a set chant and magic circle, as shown in textbooks, but I sometimes modify it as a habit when I was still a wizard in the court. This results in me creating an entirely new form of magic spell from time to time.

But even though it was only a hobby, the difficulty of what I am doing is no different from an intermediate mage doing some serious research.

Also, since I\'m the only one who knows the original magic spell\'s structure, it\'s difficult to take countermeasures against it.

There is no danger of imitation as well, as I don\'t even have a set magic formation or chant required to do my spells.

I\'ve been creating a lot of erotic magic spells lately, so I have to keep it low, or else I\'ll get discovered.

This kind of magic can be traded for money in the underground, but I\'m not really short of it right now.

So, in the end, it\'s really just for my own enjoyment.

"I could increase the amount of mana consumed to make it more powerful and connect it here for faster activation..."

Even if it was for erotic purposes, I wouldn\'t stop until I\'m compromised or have achieved my goal.

As I concentrated, about an hour had already passed.

Just then, I felt a presence approaching me in front.

I looked up, I saw that it was my new target, the scholarship student Amelia.

Her long silver hair was as exactly the same as in her profile, and contrary to her humble upbringing, she had a proud look on her face.

As if she\'s telling everyone her full confidence that she is the best.

"Hey, are you the one they call Sir Fay?"

Amelia asked as if she was just checking a peasant.

There\'s no respect in her tone at all.

It looks like you need a little bit of a...rigorous education.

"Yes, but what\'s with the attitude? If you just show a little more respect for your elders, then yes."

Amelia then replied with a snicker.

"You want me to respect you simply because you\'re older than me? That\'s ridiculous."

"I\'m just giving you some advice as a teacher. If you underestimate your opponent, you will lose your footing."

"Oh, that? I already know how to cast Levitate when I was still young. You don\'t have to worry about me falling."

"Oh, you can use the levitation spell?"

Magic that defies nature\'s laws is quite challenging.

It\'s not magic that a first-year student of the school can handle at the very least.

"That\'s excellent of you, miss. But with that uniform, won\'t you lose points for all those good grades?"

Amelia\'s uniform was a little different from the other girls.

She didn\'t have the ribbon she was usually required to wear, and her blouse looked like a size smaller than her.

Her skirt was shorter than the others, and if you look at it closer, you can see that it was pretty worn out.

But what\'s the most interesting about her the open cleavage of her blouse. Is the standard size too big for her chest that she has to open her blouse a bit?

"This uniform? I don\'t really mind. And I won\'t lose points as I was granted a scholarship grant."

In this academy, scholarship students are not only given free tuition by the school. As pawns for their fame and glory, they are also given special treatment and some exclusive rights for them.

One of them is freedom of dress.

As its name says, they are free to dress anything they like, as long as it won\'t tarnish the school\'s reputation—no dress code or anything as such.

Of course, I also knew that, but considering this is our first meeting, I couldn\'t help but be surprised.

Her skirt is almost showing her pearly-white thighs. And the open cleavage on her chest as well.

It\'s that unnatural, even if I don\'t point it out

"Oh? So you\'re one of those scholarship students? But shouldn\'t you be more respectful if that\'s the case?"

"I don\'t have a good upbringing like the other students, so don\'t expect me to be formal like them. Also, most of the teachers here have talent that is beneath me. Why would I respect them f I can surpass them sooner or later? Anyway, I don\'t like it, so that\'s that."

"So, what does this special student want from me?"

"I heard that you are unknown..."

"That\'s right. I am unknown."

"Hmmm...it doesn\'t look like you\'re lying."

I surrendered everything that could be used to prove I\'m not from this world when I came here.

However, Amelia seemed to have judged from my attitude that I was not lying even without any further evidence.

"So, do you have any questions about anything? Or do you dream of becoming something big?"

"No, not at all. For I\'m going to be something way above than that of a court wizard in the not-too-distant future."

The expression on Amelia\'s face when she said that did not have any hint that she was joking.

It seems that she is serious about this. Perfect frog-in-a-well scenario.

"It is a good idea to have high aspirations. But aren\'t they a bit too high for you to grasp?"

As if she didn\'t like the way I said it, Amelia\'s expression frowned.

"You, are you thinking I\'m being ridiculous?"

"No, rather, it\'s the opposite."

"I recommend that you find something that interests you other than magic and enjoy life in moderation."

In fact, I\'ve found something I enjoy: women.

And I can do whatever I want at this school.

"Well, that\'s enough talk for now. What\'s your real purpose?"

"...Oh well. I\'m here to defeat you, Mister Fay."

When she said that, Amelia points her hand at me. She then conjures a magic circle in her palm.

Attack spells are not something you can thoughtlessly aim at people, so does she think I have a certain amount of skills to receive it?

Oh well, I\'ll just give her a good spanking later.

"I just want to see how far my talent goes. And you\'re going to be my first stepping stone!"

"I see. Then I\'ll take it as a teacher if that\'s what it takes to help my students grow."

I stood up and faced Amelia.

"But don\'t go too hard on your steps, okay? Or else you might slip. Kukuku."

"Rejoice while you can, for it\'s only now that you can use those words. Don\'t think a retired court wizard like you can beat me!"

Amelia\'s magic circle shone, and she begins the \'fight\' by firing a fireball as big as a human head directly towards my face.

"Let\'s start with a preliminary exercise!"

I ignored her words and measured my distance to the incoming fireball, then unleashed a waterball of the same size without chanting.

The two spells collided and cancelled each other out. It was the same as with the demo I had with Liesl, but I added one more move.

"Oh, you\'re quite goo...-!!!!"

Amelia was about to have an arrogant speech, but she hurriedly defended herself. It was because a hammer made of compressed air was approaching in the shadow of the waterball.

"Such petty tricks won\'t work on me!"

Amelia looked angry and activated a lightning spell by accumulating magic power in both hands.

Then, posing her arms as if a barrel of a cannon sliced in cross-section, she aimed both arms at me, launching two horizontal lightning bolts at my wake.

It instantly disintegrated the hidden projectile and was about to approach my body.

"You\'re good, but you\'re still too naïve."

I responded by thrusting out my hands, catching the incoming lightning bolts in the flesh.

"Haha! It\'s a direct hit. There\'s no way you can defend yourself from that!..... What!?"

Amelia laughed out loud but immediately went into a surprise when she saw see me standing unharmed.

"I was sure I hit you back there!"

Lightning speed attacks are a threat, but lightning spells also mimic a real lightning bolt\'s characteristics.

All I did was to put up a film of mana all over my body, then rooted myself more firmly to the ground. And the lighting passed through me, just like that.

It\'s the same principle as when lightning strikes a building, but the people inside don\'t get electrocuted—also an essential countermeasure against horrid weathers and weather-related spells.

"Well, now it\'s my turn. Let me show you an example of how to do it."

I activated the same lightning bolt spell as Amelia\'s, but this time, it\'s much faster and more powerful than the one used by Amelia.

"Kuh, as if I\'d let you!"

Amelia retaliated by making a spherical magic shield in a hurry and tried to parry it to the ground.



Her magic shield was pierced through casually, and the spell which made it through electrocutes her body.

Amelia knelt in place due to the shock, her body convulsing from time to time.

I approached her and looked down at her from above.

"How...did you...prevented it...?"

"You\'ll have to figure that out for yourself. Think of it as homework for the day."

After hearing that, Amelia, who was staring at me, fainted.

I then picked her up.

"Well, now that we\'ve gotten our prey, all that\'s left to do is to eat her up later...but first."

The clash of magic spells earlier made a reasonably loud noise.

It is a bad idea to stay here and get caught, and that goes for both of us.

That said, I don\'t want to get caught carrying Amelia, who God knows when she will wake up and blame me for what I have done.

"Hmmm, shall I use the backyard?"

Not far from here, there is a backyard that no one has entered yet.

I have repeatedly surveyed the area, and since the area beyond it was surrounded by traps and alarming systems, and that there is no use for the current lot anyway, the gardeners, being women as well, didn\'t find the need to clear it.

They put emphasis on the \'outer moats\' of their \'castle\' so much that they didn\'t notice that the intruder had already walked through their door.

But with this, there would be no shortage of places for me to hide.

"She\'s the type of student that assaults a teacher into a dangerous match on a whim. She needs to be educated well."

Saying that to myself, I laughed and walked away, carrying the unconscious Amelia in my arms.

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