
Chapter 203 A Village For The Soul Hunters

The Soul Hunters knelt with reverent heads bowed in unison as Sato, positioned atop a large rock, delivered his address. Yuri, positioned at his side, stood tall and attentive, surveying the group with a watchful gaze.

Standing tall above the kneeling Soul Hunters, Sato spoke with a commanding voice that echoed throughout the cavern. 

"I understand that you may be confused about your current state, which is quite reasonable, but I assure you, there is no cause for concern," he began. "This is a natural part of your evolution, and in a matter of days, you will adapt to these changes."

As he surveyed the cavern, his eyes fell upon the magic stones adorning the walls. "However," he continued, "it is important to note that you can no longer subsist solely on magic. Food and other resources will be necessary for your survival in this new habitat."

Turning to his trusted companion, Sato called out to Yuri, who stood poised at his side. "Yuri!" he exclaimed.

"Hai!" she responded with unwavering loyalty and attentiveness.

Sato\'s attention remained fixed on the kneeling Soul Hunters as he spoke to Yuri. "Would you be able to lead them out of this cave and into the surrounding forest?" He inquired.

"Of course, master," replied Yuri, her unwavering loyalty to Sato evident in her voice. "May I ask what your plan is?".

A confident smile crept across Sato\'s face as he replied, "We are going to establish a village for them".

With this announcement, the Soul Hunters looked up in surprise, their faces awash with confusion and wonder. 

Sato continued, his voice ringing with conviction, "It is time for us to build a new community, one that will enable them to thrive and grow in this new world… funny, I\'m actually excited".

Yuri deftly opened the large rock that sealed the entrance to the cave, and the Soul Hunters emerged, one by one, into the bright sunlight. 

Each of them wore an expression of eager anticipation, their faces lit up with excitement as they stepped out onto the rough, unfamiliar terrain.

For many of them, this was the first time they had ever experienced the sensation of sun on their skin and the roughness of the ground beneath their feet. 

As Grim Reapers, they had been confined to the shadows, never venturing out into the light. But now, as they took in the sights and sounds of the forest around them, their excitement was palpable.

Their journey had just begun, and as they set off into the unknown, the Soul Hunters knew that they were about to embark on an adventure unlike any they had ever known.

Yuri stood at the forefront of the group of Soul Hunters, while Sato soared overhead, taking in the landscape from a bird\'s eye view. As he surveyed the area, Sato muttered to himself, "This should be a good spot. Okay, Aril, this is where you come in."

<<As you wish>>

At his command, Sato\'s eyes flickered with a bright green light, and his Angel, Aril, took over control of his body. 

The Angel\'s powerful presence was palpable, and the Soul Hunters could feel a surge of energy emanating from Sato\'s body.

"I shall now begin," Aril intoned in a commanding voice, as Sato\'s body moved with an otherworldly grace. The Angel\'s auto mode had been activated, and its powers were being channeled into the task at hand. 


Back at the village, where most of the elves had woken up from their sudden unconsciousness, Erza stirred from her unconsciousness, slowly lifting herself from the ground. 

"What happened?" She murmured, rubbing her temples as she tried to regain her bearings. Suddenly, her eyes widened with alarm. "Did I fall asleep?!".

Divanchi, who was sitting nearby on a rock with a solemn expression, turned to face her. "No, you were unconscious for a few hours," She replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

Erza nodded, coming to terms with what had happened. "Ah, I see. So that\'s what Darling was warning us about," She said, her attention suddenly turning to the look on Divanchi\'s face. "Divanchi, are you alright?" She asked, concern etched on her features.

After a moment of silence, Divanchi finally spoke, her voice low and hesitant. "I...just remembered something I shouldn\'t have," she admitted. "But it\'s nothing, really. Just one of those things..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Erza had already wrapped her arms around her in a warm embrace. Divanchi was taken aback by the sudden gesture, unsure of how to respond.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her voice tinged with surprise.

Erza\'s smile was gentle and reassuring as she held her friend close. "Shh," she said softly. "It\'s okay. My mom always does this to my dad when he\'s feeling down. It\'s a way to help calm someone down. So...is it working?"

Slowly, Divanchi\'s tense posture began to relax as she leaned into Erza\'s embrace. Despite the weight of her troubling thoughts, she felt comforted by the simple act of human connection. 

For a moment, the world around them seemed to fade away, replaced by the warmth of their shared embrace.

Erza suddenly broke the silence, "Oh, by the way, where is Darling?" She raised a question.

"Why do you keep calling master that?" Divanchi asked.

"Uhn?" Erza tilted her head to the side to get a good view of Divanchi\'s face, "Cause he\'s my darling".

"Right." Divanchi sighed, "Well I heard from one of the beastmen that master went to speak with the witches of the forest". 

"Those ladies that helped in the war?" Erza asked.

"Yes those." Divanchi, "For now, I\'d just wait and see what happens next…it\'d be stupid of me to think Jira isn\'t going to have a comeback". 

Erza nodded in agreement, "Yeah, you\'re right. I, on the other hand, happen to dislike him very much." She looked around the village, " But since I can\'t really help in fights, I guess I can help with rebuilding everything that was destroyed during the war."

Divanchi sighed, "Yeah…. I doubt it\'s going to be easy though".

Erza smiled, "Of course it\'s easy. We\'re the vampires, after all. We\'ve faced tougher challenges than this".

As they talked, they started walking towards the center of the village where some of the other elves were gathered, discussing their plans for rebuilding. Erza and Divanchi joined in the conversation, sharing their ideas and offering their help.

Meanwhile, Aril soared through the sky, marveling at the vast expanse of lush greenery beneath her. As she gazed upon the sprawling forest, her thoughts turned to her mission - to create a village that would provide a safe haven for the Soul hunters.

With a graceful motion, Aril extended her hand, and a beam of searing hot energy shot forth from her fingertips. The laser beam sliced through the earth like a knife through butter, carving out a massive hole in the ground.

Aril continued to manipulate the laser with expert precision, carefully shaping the hole into the perfect foundation for her new village.

As she worked, Aril\'s mind was focused and determined. She knew that building a village from scratch would be a daunting task, but she was confident in her abilities.

With each passing moment, the hole in the ground grew larger and more elaborate, taking shape before her very eyes.

Finally, after what felt like hours of intense concentration, Aril stepped back to survey her work. The hole was now a massive clearing in the forest, perfect for building the foundations of a new home. With a sense of satisfaction, Aril began to prepare for the next phase of her mission.

She landed on the floor, her eyes scanning the faces of the naked Soul hunters and Yuri who were all surprised, wondering what was going on.

Without skipping a beat, Aril addressed one of the Ghost Hunters directly. "You, come please," she said, her voice commanding and confident. The Ghost Hunter quickly obliged, making his way to Aril\'s side as the rest of his comrades looked on in awe.

With a sense of purpose, Aril placed her hand on the Ghost Hunter\'s head. A faint light emanated from her palm, and the Ghost Hunter\'s eyes widened in amazement. "I\'ll give you the knowledge needed to construct the buildings," Aril said, her voice steady and measured. "With this, you should be able to lead and teach the rest."

As Aril removed her hand, the Ghost Hunter stood there for a moment, his mind processing the new knowledge that had just been bestowed upon him. He looked up at Aril, his expression one of gratitude and admiration.

With the first Ghost Hunter now equipped with the knowledge needed to begin construction on the village, Aril turned her attention to the others. One by one, she moved through the group, placing her hand on each hunter\'s head and transferring a different set of knowledge.

Some received knowledge on agriculture and sustainable farming practices, while others were given information on how to build sturdy and functional structures. Aril also shared information on how to manage resources, maintain hygiene, and promote community involvement.

With each transfer, the hunters\' faces lit up with newfound understanding and determination. They began to discuss and plan together, eager to put their newly acquired knowledge into practice.

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