
Chapter 208 Revisiting The Goddess Allicance

To their astonishment, Crustave stood before them, trembling with fear, hastily taking several steps back as soon as he recognized their faces. "I-I apologize, Lady Divanchi, Lady Yuri! I had no idea it was you!" he stammered, his voice quivering with remorse.

Divanchi\'s gaze fixated on the man before her, her eyes searching his face for any trace of familiarity. "Why do I have this unsettling feeling that our paths have crossed before?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

The Beastman, known as Crustave, met her gaze with a calm demeanor. "Allow me to introduce myself properly," he began, his voice resonating with authority. "I am Crustave, entrusted by Lord Sato himself to oversee the operations of this vital water bank."

"In charge?" Yuri echoed, her brows furrowed in confusion. "In charge of what precisely?"

Crustave sighed, a hint of weariness in his voice. "My responsibility primarily revolves around safeguarding these crucial water resources. I have been instructed to permit no one access to the water bank, apart from those authorized by Lord Sato. Beyond that, my knowledge is limited."

Yuri let out a resigned sigh, shifting her attention to Sato, who stood poised at the edge of the water bank, his hand resting upon the colossal rock concealing the precious liquid beneath.

Sato\'s eyes snapped open, a surge of power emanating from him as the colossal rock guarding the water bank shattered into fragments, cascading into the depths below.

"Excellent," Sato murmured, his attention swiftly shifting to the two girls. "Divanchi, come with me!" he commanded, his voice resonating with urgency.

Divanchi cleared her throat, politely excusing herself as she maneuvered past a bewildered Yuri, who couldn\'t fathom why Sato had singled out Divanchi instead of her.

As Divanchi approached him, Sato turned to address Yuri with a serious gaze. "You and I possess the ability to communicate telepathically. If anything arises, contact me immediately," he instructed.

Yuri nodded, her expression tinged with disappointment. "Understood," she replied, her enthusiasm dampened.

With a purposeful stride, Divanchi joined Sato\'s side, and without hesitation, they both plunged into the water, leaving behind Yuri amidst the distant murmur of guards conversing as they patrolled the area.

With graceful movements, Divanchi swiftly submerged herself in the water, positioning herself just behind Sato as he took the lead. They navigated through the depths, their bodies propelled by the powerful strokes of their limbs. 

After a considerable period of underwater travel, they reached a cavernous enclave, bathed in an ethereal glow. A colossal statue of a majestic frog stood poised at the entrance, its grandeur awe-inspiring.

The water whispered softly as Divanchi and Sato hovered before the ancient amphibian sculpture, a symbol of mystical significance. It emanated an aura of wisdom and power that seemed to permeate the surroundings.

Divanchi\'s voice reverberated with a hushed tone. "Master, what is this place? It feels... sacred".

Sato\'s eyes gleamed with a mixture of reverence and determination. "This, Divanchi, is the heart of the water bank, at least I call it —the sanctum of the Water Guardians. The giant frog statue before us is a testament to their ancient lineage and Perhaps just a lonely bodyguard".

A sudden reverberation echoed through the cavern, interrupting their conversation. The giant frog statue came to life, its stony visage animated with a touch of annoyance.

[Hey! I can hear you, you know?!]" boomed the voice of the statue, resonating within the sacred space.

Sato, positioned before the formidable frog, raised an eyebrow. "Great, thought you were dead," he retorted, an air of nonchalance coloring his response. Meanwhile, the interior of the cave ignited with a radiant display of three vibrant colors, illuminating their surroundings.

The frog statue\'s voice dripped with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "[Tch! Always the Successor! Wait, hold on... What\'s this? You seem different than before.]"

A surge of anger tinged the frog\'s words as it continued, "[You sick bastard! You became a demon lord!]"

Unperturbed by the statue\'s accusations, Sato brushed it off with a dismissive wave. "Yeah, yeah, I\'m going inside. I have important work this time," he declared, resolute in his purpose, and began swimming towards the entrance of the cave.

The frog statue\'s voice grew increasingly indignant. "[Hey! Wait, hold up! You promised to answer my riddles anytime you come here!]"

Sato pressed forward, unswayed by the statue\'s protests. "I can\'t do it this time, but she\'ll answer them in my stead," he responded, motioning towards Divanchi, who stood by, her eyes shining with curiosity.

The frog statue emitted a frustrated croak, its words laden with exasperation. "[Damn you, Successor!]"

Eager to unravel the mystery, Divanchi\'s voice cut through the tension. "What riddles?" she inquired, her anticipation growing with each passing moment.

Sato propelled himself into the depths of the cave with remarkable speed, his surroundings blurring as he traversed the threshold. In an instant, he emerged in a realm entirely distinct from the one he had left behind.

Before him stood two solitary walls, towering on either side. The ground beneath his feet stretched out infinitely, adorned with lush, vibrant green grass that swayed gently in an unseen breeze. Massive, awe-inspiring statue legs rose from the earth, reaching skyward until they disappeared into the vast expanse of the clouds.

Sato\'s eyes widened in astonishment as he took in the surreal scenery that unfolded before him. It was a sight both grand and enigmatic, the presence of the colossal legs hinting at an unknown narrative intricately woven within this mystical realm.

Undeterred by the awe-inspiring surroundings, Sato steeled himself, focusing on his purpose. He treaded carefully amidst the sea of grass, the blades whispering softly with each step. A sense of anticipation coursed through him as he moved forward, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As Sato reached the heart of the expansive field, he tilted his head back, his gaze fixed upon the billowing clouds above. 

A sense of uncertainty gripped him, and he voiced his ponderings aloud. "I wonder... Is breaking the seal truly the right course of action in this situation?"

<<It is highly unlikely that they will attack you once you break the seals. After all, you were the one who created them.>>

"True," Sato conceded, his voice tinged with a touch of melancholy. "Many people have told me that, but I have no recollection of it."

<<If it is your wish, the Skill record can indeed help you regain those memories,>> 

Sato\'s gaze remained fixed on the heavens above, contemplation etched upon his features. "I should rephrase that... I don\'t want to remember."

<<Understood. However, although they may not attack you, the world as a whole may not be so fortunate. The ancient beings harbor deep-seated animosity towards the world, according to historical accounts. They may seek to resume their agenda>>

Sato\'s resolve strengthened, a glint of determination flashing in his eyes. "\'I will only break the seals that hold them in suspended animation, not the seal of this pocket dimension... At least not until I ascertain whether they are allies or enemies."

With a clear objective in mind, Sato prepared himself to face the uncertain future, mindful of the delicate balance between his own quest for knowledge and the potential risks it posed to the world at large.

With an unexpected burst of energy, Sato propelled himself skyward, soaring at a breathtaking speed. He ascended higher and higher, leaving the expanse of the field behind and penetrating the barrier of clouds.

His ascent carried him to a realm where the vastness of the heavens stretched out before him, an awe-inspiring sight that stirred a sense of insignificance within him.

Far above the clouds, where mortal eyes seldom tread, Sato found himself in the presence of the colossal heads of the three statues. These ancient visages, weathered by time and imbued with an air of mystery, gazed down upon the world below with an unwavering solemnity.

Sato\'s eyes widened as he beheld the enormity of the statues, their features etched with intricate details that spoke of a profound history. 

"The Goddess Alliance..." Sato muttered, his voice carrying a mixture of determination and anticipation. 

Suspended in mid-air amidst the towering grandeur of the three statues, he contemplated his next course of action. "Aril, a concentrated magical disturbance should weaken the seal, correct?"

<<Affirmative. Generating the same frequency will yield the most significant effect. However, the seal must first be weakened.>>

"Very well," Sato responded, his voice resonating with resolve. He gradually raised both arms in front of him, the ambient magic swirling around his body, causing his hair to lift and float with an otherworldly energy.

With a sudden, fierce gaze, Sato unleashed his power. "Predator!" he declared, his voice echoing through the expanse. A burst of dark mist erupted from his hands, surging forth in three distinct streams, each veering toward one of the colossal statues.

The ethereal mist enveloped the statues, weaving its way around their stony forms, seeking to undermine the strength of the seal that bound the ancient beings within. The atmosphere crackled with raw energy, anticipation hanging heavy in the air.

Sato\'s eyes remained fixed upon the statues, unwavering in his commitment to unlocking the mysteries held captive within them. In this pivotal moment, the balance between his desire for knowledge and the potential consequences of his actions hung delicately, poised on the precipice of revelation and uncertainty.

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