
Chapter 257 Unexpected

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Jovani didn\'t bother waiting for Alonso to be done when he left. He wanted to find out for himself what exactly was going on. Waiting too long could mean that the whole issue would be sorted out before he got there.

Since he believed that everything was under control, he didn\'t bother worrying about texting Lena or his cousin. They could directly hear from the others that there was nothing to worry about.

Jovani had decided against taking a driver as well. He used a different car from the normal one he took but saw it pointless to take a driver with him when there were far more important things for the others to do. Not only that, he didn\'t want to put Charles at risk should something unexpected occur.

He knew that it wouldn\'t take him that long to get to the airport from the estate. An hour at most which wasn\'t too long to request that certain things be put on hold so he could be there to oversee them himself.

Traffic was heavier than what he had anticipated but hoped that it would die off the closer that he got to the airport. He glanced away from the front of the car when he heard his phone start ringing.

"Franco, I hope you bring me some good news for this call." Jovani told the other as he picked up the call.

"I am in the middle of heading somewhere to deal with something rather important right now." He informed the other before they even had a chance to speak.

"Glad to hear from you as well." The other man greeted with a warm chuckle causing a twitch of a smile to form on the corner of Jovani\'s lips as he swapped into a faster lane on the interstate. Taking a smaller car meant that he had to be more careful of the larger ones that dominated traffic. He was at higher risk of injury should get into a crash.

"As much as I would love to use this time to catch up and have a great conversation with you, I actually called up due to something important that I thought would be of interest to you." Franco\'s voice floated through the phone. The Mafia boss turned up his phone louder to make sure that he could hear the other clearly.

"Do go on." Jovani urged as he kept his eyes focused on the cars around him.

"I just got a report recently that there seems to have been some sort of accident on the way to the Newark Liberty airport. Coming from the south from what I have heard. That is the one you\'re heading to, right?"

"Indeed, an in-law was getting ready to send their son off. Why?" Jovani got a bad feeling the moment that he was asked this question. It increased when Franco was silent on the other end of the phone for a moment too long. He was about to say something when the other finally spoke again.

"I don\'t have any of my men on-site so there is no way for me to verify anything for a fact but from what I am hearing it sounds possible that the people you\'re talking about might have been involved in that crash." He paused after saying this to allow the other a chance.

"How did you hear about this?" Jovani asked as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel and gritted his teeth. This wasn\'t the kind of news that he needed to be hearing right now. He was heading in the exact opposite direction of where that was!

"You know me, I am well connected in a number of different areas. Getting a hold of that kind of information isn\'t that hard for me. I hear almost everything that comes through the grapevine." Franco remarked. Based upon how often he paused when speaking and the noises he heard in the background, it sounded like the other wasn\'t alone.

"How long ago did it happen?" Jovani asked as he glanced to his right so that he could swap lanes. He needed to get off as soon as possible so that he could swap lanes and start heading in the opposite direction.

"Sounds like maybe only ten or fifteen minutes ago. Some shots were fired and a vehicle lost control. It could all just be misinformation of course. Because I am not there to directly see it for myself, I cannot promise that a mistake has been made."

"Better to be safe than sorry." Jovani told the other. If there weren\'t so many other people on the road, he would have just cut around into the other line and driven back that way until he came across the right exit. Trying to do that right now though would just be asking for a crash to happen.

"Are you actually thinking about heading that way yourself? I don\'t think that it would be wisest of moves for you." Franco cautioned.

"If something is going on, whoever is responsible might still be there and you may find yourself stuck in the middle of something that you aren\'t prepared to deal with." Jovani couldn\'t stop the laugh that escaped in response to what his friend had said.

"Franco, when have I ever been ready for anything that I have gotten myself into? This is just one more interesting turn of events for me to deal with among many others that have been happening recently." He told the other.

"You know that I at least don\'t go anywhere without making sure that I have my gun my. If anything does happen, I am at least capable of protecting myself if nothing else. Plus if you\'re that worried and know the exact location of where the event took place, you can send a few men to help me out and have my back."

"Don\'t you have anyone with you right now? You couldn\'t have seriously been heading off somewhere on your own? I thought that we had this talk before about you doing reckless. I am sure Alonso would be about ready to rip his hair out at this moment if he heard what was going on." Franco sighed though there was a hint of amusement to the edge of his voice.

"Don\'t worry, he doesn\'t need to hear about any of this if you don\'t tell him because I certainly won\'t. Besides, he likely won\'t be ripping out any of his hair. I think he likes it too much to do that." Jovani joked.

"I won\'t tell him if you don\'t want me to, but don\'t blame me if he founds out at some other point in time and you end up in hot water." Franco laughed.

"I will just make sure that if that happens I go on an extended vacation so that I don\'t have to deal with him for a worry." this remark caused the other to tsk at him. He could imagine Franco shaking his head at his ridiculous remarks.

"As much as I would love to keep talking, I do need to end the call for the time being so that I can focus on driving." Jovani told the other. They exchanged parting words before he cut the call.

As much as he enjoyed the unexpected call, he really did need to focus on his driving. If he wanted to get to the location that the other was talking about sooner rather than later, then he was going to have to rely on a bit of speed.

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