
Chapter 285 Shifts

Read A/N at bottom


Lena ended up wandering around the hospital until the coffee shop could be located. The fuzzy-headed feeling from the sleeping medication was not going away and coffee seemed like the best option.

The barista managing the front desk was nice enough and quickly got the coffee ready. There wasn\'t even a question about how many espresso shots Lena requested.

"I hope your family gets to feeling better soon, dear." The princess thanked the woman before turning and leaving. Sentiments were nice but they never actually did anything to make such situations any better. Lena was genuinely thankful for the coffee though. The aroma alone was enough to begin lifting the tired haze. The chance of eating anything soon was low which meant the coffee would have to do as sustenance for the time being.

Most of the coffee was gone by the time Lena made it back to Zane\'s hospital room. She took an extra moment to finish the drink before tossing the Styrofoam cup.

Samuel and Romeo were the only ones there to great her. Richard being gone took some of the pressure off. No point in him being there considering the current state of things.

"Are you doing alright?" Samuel watched as she went back over to Zane\'s bed.

"Everything is the same as before. You should think about getting sleep. I\'ll take the first shift." Lena would have been perfectly fine taking the whole night shift after sleeping for so long.

"It\'s fine, I don\'t mind staying up for now. Romeo?" The bodyguard remained positioned by the door in same place since entering.

"I\'m fine. There\'s nothing for me to do." Romeo glanced over at Lena.

"Unless there\'s anything that the princess needs, I don\'t intend to move from this position." Long nights were something the body grew used to. Being in the Mafia meant expecting nine out of ten nights to be late or without sleep.

"Both of you should be thinking about getting sleeping instead. I don\'t mind staying up late to keep watch.

"That\'s unacceptable. Considering I have been sleeping most of the day, I will be staying up to keep watch. Both of you will sleep first shift." Lena knew that she wouldn\'t be able to sleep after everything. Likely it would be days before she could rest properly again.

"I don\'t mind staying up with you. I\'m not tired yet. Plus, Jovani mentioned that there might be some things he needs from me." Samuel went over to give the princess a hug but Lena evaded before it could happen.

"Jovani can say whatever he wants. Both of you need sleep."

"Come now, I think what you really could do with is a hug. It\'s good to let people take care of you during these times." Samuel wouldn\'t be dissuaded that easily as he tried to hug the other again. The princess used firm force in keeping distance between them. Pushing the other back by his chest.

"I\'m not in the mood for such things right now. Stop fussing about me and get some sleep before the night ends up passing by." Samuel grabbed Lena\'s hand before it left his chest.

"I know right now isn\'t you\'re not in the mood for this and that there is a lot going. That\'s exactly why you should let me do this for you. You can\'t keep pushing people away, sometimes it\'s better to just let them be next to you and give you strength." Instead of pulling the other in for a hug, Samuel opted for kissing her hand instead. His lips were soft against her hand like the feeling of a butterfly\'s wings brushing against her fingers.

Samuel felt as the action made Lena\'s hand twitch slightly. Did it create one of those odd reactions within her she tried so much to avoid?

"If you don\'t want me to hug you, that\'s fine. When it comes to other things, don\'t keep pushing me away. I want to stay up with you so that\'s what I intended to." Lena\'s eyes flashed with confliction for a moment before her face settled into a typical scowl.

"Very well. Not for the whole night through. That isn\'t something I will allow since you haven\'t gotten any sleep."

"What if I do stay up all night? It isn\'t like there will be anything else going on except for staying here. I will be fine either way." Samuel released the other\'s hand after placing another teasing kiss on it.

"Romeo, I know that you aren\'t very keen on leaving the door but would it would be too much to request that you or someone else bring dinner for us?" It would be another fight but Samuel would do what needed to be done to make sure the princess ate something before the night ended.

"I can see if Hester is available to do so. If not, would you prefer something be ordered and brought here?" Samuel quickly shot the idea down.

"Right now, I don\'t think that would be a good idea. Since we still don\'t know everything going on. I would prefer if it was you or someone from the estate."

"I think he\'s right. There will be fewer people at the hospital tonight. If someone is going to try anything again, nighttime would be the best shot they\'d have." Jovani didn\'t mention this but Samuel\'s instincts told him that such an event could take place.

"Very well. I will call Hester then and see what the options are." Lena checked her own phone as the guard went into the hall to make the call. Still nothing from Julius. He could handle himself without a doubt. Any kind of radio silence struck a nerve with everything else going on. The Princess preferred to have all her family in the same place. Less to worry about.

"Try not to worry too much. Everything is going to be okay now that they are here. Even the doctor said it was unlikely the worst-case scenario would occur. You\'ll need to try to eat something."

"I had coffee earlier, that\'s enough for tonight." Samuel tsked.

"That\'s hardly enough to get you through after not eating any all day. Coffee won\'t cut it. If want, I can even feed you so you don\'t have to struggle with it yourself" Lena shot the other a cold look.  Not the kind of thing she needed right now.

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