
Chapter 62 Super Vison & Super Perception Skills

Bawang consumed hundreds of pounds of large fish in just a few bites. However, more was needed, as Bawang needed to consume several tons of food.

Observing big fish in the sea is common, and Bawang\'s pace is exceedingly quick. In under ten minutes, Bawang ate several more sizable fish.

"Wow, what a massive shark! I love it!" exclaimed Overlord.

Having a superior vision is truly remarkable. Bawang could see those objects hundreds of meters away in the sea without any problems. For instance, even from a distance of seven or eight hundred meters, Overlord could discern that the creature before him was a colossal shark measuring at least five or six meters long.

The largest predator in this area, the massive shark, held a dominant position in the food chain. However, it got reduced to mere sustenance for Overlord.

The colossal shark scarcely reacted to the impending threat. By the time it sensed danger, it was already too late. A blur rushed towards it at breakneck speed, and the shark was severed almost in half with a single bite.

The swift and dark silhouette that dealt the deadly blow was indeed Overlord.

It didn\'t take Bawang long to devour the massive shark, and the entire feeding process was ruthless and gruesome.

Several carnivorous fish got lured by the scent of blood and approached, likely hoping to share in the feast. However, upon catching sight of the colossal Overlord, they fled as far as they could.

Terrified, the predatory fish fled at the mere sight of Overlord.

Overlord cast a contemptuous glance at the fleeing creatures.

Once he had sated his hunger, Bawang swam at a breakneck speed of 100 knots towards the sea area where Liu Yong was waiting. It took him less than half an hour to arrive.

"Master, I have arrived. What task do you wish to assign to me?" Bawang inquired.

Liu Yong explained, "Someone accidentally dropped a necklace in the sea, and I want you to find it for me."

He described the general location where the necklace dropped, tentatively narrowing it down to approximately 200,000 to 300,000 square meters, roughly 400 to 500 mu.

Ideally, the necklace should be within this area. However, the search area may get expanded if not found.

In addition to determining the search area, Liu Yong assigned tasks to each team member. He planned to search one-fifth of the site himself and delegated the remaining four-fifths of the search area to Overlord.

Bawang got to search such a vast area due to its exceptional abilities in vision and perception.

Despite the dim lighting in the depths of more than 300 meters, Bawang\'s super vision allowed it to perceive the seabed as if it were daylight.

After dividing the task between them, Bawang immediately acted and meticulously combed the ocean floor for the lost necklace.

While no one was looking, Liu Yong slipped into the water and began scouring the seabed for the necklace.

However, Bawang\'s search speed was significantly faster, more than ten times that of Liu Yong.

While Liu Yong put in considerable effort searching an area of several hundred square meters, Bawang covered nearly ten thousand square meters in a relatively short time.

Having Bawang as an excellent helper significantly increased the search speed and relaxed Liu Yong.

After combing through thousands of square meters of the seabed, Liu Yong returned to the yacht after spending almost an hour searching for the lost necklace.

At first, Liu Yong planned to take on one-fifth of the search area, but eventually, he decided to delegate all of the search tasks to Overlord, as he didn\'t want to work so hard.

"Overlord, I\'m back on the boat. You continue to search the seabed," Liu Yong said.

"No problem, master. I will do my best to help you find the necklace. Just wait for my good news," replied Overlord.

Following Liu Yong\'s orders, Chen Hu started the yacht and sailed away. Liu Yong cited exhaustion as the reason for the early return and said he would resume the search tomorrow.

Chen Shufei thought to himself, "Global Ocean Services? It seems that they have some relationship with Liu Yong. Maybe they are working together."

He decided to watch Global Ocean Services and gather more information about their business activities and connections.

He had hoped to seize an opportunity to retaliate against Global Ocean Services, but such an occasion did not present itself. Observing Liu Yong\'s yacht departing and his wasted day, he smirked, experiencing an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Bawang searched the sea floor tirelessly. His keen perception allowed him to sense even the slightest movements and anomalies in the water, making him an effective tool for finding the lost necklace.

As time passed, Bawang covered more and more ground, and his search area expanded beyond the initial boundaries of Liu Yong. However, despite his efforts, the necklace remained elusive.

Liu Yong\'s yacht sailed further away and eventually vanished from sight. The other salvage vessels remained nearby, drawn in by the tempting $20 million reward.

As the sun began to set, the sky gradually grew darker, yet the ships in the area showed no signs of departing.

While some underwater probes and submersible robots continued to scour the seabed, their effectiveness paled in comparison to that of Overlord.

Dianshi Company has imported a salvage robot worth several million, which can detect and search. Some seen situations would be transmitted to the terminal equipment on the ship through the data line.

Chen Shufei stood aboard the boat, addressing his subordinates:

"Global Marine Services has returned empty-handed. We will search throughout the night and recover that necklace."

One of his subordinates remarked,

"It was rather impulsive of Universal to sail their yacht here."

"They were able to salvage the necklace just like that. I\'ll broadcast it live on Chixiang," Chen Shufei responded.

The boat erupted in boisterous laughter. Everyone, including Chen Shufei, was joyful, as if the necklace was well within their grasp.

Overlord continued its arduous seabed search, diving over 300 meters deep. After a few hours, it had meticulously scoured an area exceeding 100,000 square meters.

"Why haven\'t I found anything? Not even a single trace escaped my careful search," Bawang lamented in frustration.

Since there was no progress, Bawang took a temporary break and headed to the far sea to find something to eat.

Bawang effortlessly swam tens of nautical miles within 20 to 30 minutes and caught a few sizable fish.

However, Bawang knew it needed more food. With other marine creatures\' unmatched speed and superior vision, even in the faintest of light in the sea, they could easily spot and locate prey hundreds of meters away.

Bawang noticed a large creature and exclaimed, "Huh, that\'s a massive one!"

Quickly swimming over to it, Bawang discovered it was a slow-moving jellyfish several meters in diameter.

Overlord had no interest in the jellyfish as it had tried it before and found the taste mediocre compared to larger fish.

Bawang immediately spotted a more appealing target and swiftly approached it, quickly closing in on a sunfish several meters long and weighing several hundred kilograms.

Bawang\'s eyes gleamed with excitement as it realized that the sunfish was its ultimate delicacy, and there was no escaping from its grasp.

Within minutes, Bawang had devoured all the sunfish, weighing hundreds of kilograms, satisfying its hunger.

After less than an hour, Bawang had eaten its fill and returned to the sea area to continue searching.

Suddenly, Bawang noticed a beam of light shining in the distance, about two or three hundred meters away. Intrigued, it swam closer and quickly recognized what the light was.

"This is my territory. Who permitted you to search here?"

Overlord felt annoyed, feeling as if his territory got infringed upon.

As the object drew closer, Overlord grew even more irritated. Without hesitation, he charged forward and used his front paw to swat at the intruder.

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